Tank role makes me angry

Playing tank makes me really angry when I play this game. I think it’s due to having to rely on my team and hope my supports can keep up. As a Reinhardt main, I don’t play many other tanks, but when I do play the tank role, I get much angrier and frustrated compared to the support role.

Especially when you’re losing games, it feels out of your control and you feel like you get beat up and controlled the most and have the least amount of fun because of it. Anyone else think the tank role makes you angrier?


Winston is just like me. When I play tank I too go into a primal rage.


Not really. You are helpless on any role if your team refuses to play the game. It’s not exclusive to tank.


Tell Blizzard to stop forcing the all role challenge then.

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Yes. Well to be fair, the tank role was also tilting back in OW1 as well. But so were other roles, notably supports. Since you used to have to watch out for DPS doomfist CC’ing you to death which made zenyatta almost unplayable, widowmaker sniping you from afar whenever you got air-locked from doomfist uppercut or wreckingball piledriver was annoying too.

In OW2 though, I don’t get much tilt out of support anymore. Probably because what I mentioned above is gone. Not only that, but 1v1 potential between squishies became more even between DPS and supports. Since with the removal of second tank, supports no longer have to focus on healing as much and can focus on fighting back instead.

Tanks didn’t really get much benefit out of losing the second tank. What people don’t understand is that being a “raidboss” as a tank doesn’t necessarily mean the role is going to be more enjoyable. If that’s true, how come other roles with lower health pools are still fun?

They are not still fun. Playing them is agony and makes me wonder why I still touch this game.

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I miss OW1 ; _ ;

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You can still do all of that in Overwatch Dos. Reinhardt is quite literally one of the only characters that can still do Overwatch Uno things in the “sequel.” You should see how they completely screwed everyone else.

meh, support/DPS still feels fun to me. Although some support heroes like ana feels like a downgrade to how much more fun she was back in OW1. But we also have new supports like kiriko that’s pretty fun. And lucio is probably the most fun he has ever been for the past 2 seasons after the global HP increase.

DPS felt a bit bland when bastion/torb was meta. But ever since dive became meta and DPS like genji and tracer became the top picks, DPS seems enjoyable again. The only thing they need to fix is the nerf they did to hanzo’s one shot.

I guess they ruined mei too in OW2, but that was always the case ever since the release of OW2. Junkrats just bad because he thrived in 6v6 and he just gets focused too easily now in 5v5 not to mention every support and DPS having too many get out of jail free cards and mobilities.

Tank on the other hand, you literally get no benefit from playing off-tanks like D.va or Zarya solo. A lot of off-tanks were designed to be played with main tanks. So it just feels awkward from the gameplay perspective. Counter-swapping became a necessity too in OW2 and even more important otherwise it’s an autoloss as a tank most of the time. So I still think tanks by far go the shortest end of the stick in OW2.

edit: also, why do you think OW2 feels “worse” for you IMO? Because literally the only thing that changed between 5v5 and 6v6 was the removal of second tank. Sure, there were some balance changes but peope were compaining about OW2 not being as fun even as far back as S1. I’ve been saying this all along. If one role sucks to play, that feeling extends to other roles too because it’s a team-game.

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It is not possible now :c

It is not possible now :c

It is not possible now :c

It is not possible now :c

It is not possible now :c

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Maybe I should meditate before and after playing the tank role.

I think OW1 tanking was much better - I found tank players always pay more attention toward their comrade.
The tank synergy was not only about Rein/Zarya or Winston/DVA, its also about watching out the other dude


Stop play Rein and you will be happy

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i find double tanking in open Q or arcade to be pretty fun, especially things like people going full pinball mode when i instalock ball in no limits

i just dont play arcade often because my ball WR is 75% and it makes me feel bad

You got bigger problems as a Rein. The enemy sees you, just sees you, you haven’t even done anything yet, and they immediately swap to Bastion.

No, not the role itself, but more other players and no, not in a “you’re so bad” way (which also happens). Enemy opens with Symm, Orisa and Pharah, well, my Rein is unplayable now. If I go Orisa, I’m gonna see Zarya on enemy team, so that’s out. Hog? There’s Ana and Reaper. So, the enemy will swap to counter me (which is the proper way to play, mind you) and what does my team do? Play Soldier/Bastion into D.Va. I ask people to switch to beams and they’re more likely to change to snipers. You’ll get countered and your team won’t help you counter their tank. That’s the actual pain of playing tank. And of course, if you don’t swap into something that’s not countered by their whole team it’s “tank diff”. If only we had the technology to have two tanks on a team to cover each other, like the best duo of Rein/Zarya.

This is my problem. When you lose control as a tank, the rest of the team suffers, and they pull no punches when it comes to reminding you of that. There is zero sympathy, understanding or patience when it comes to the tank.

I’m not saying tanks deserve special treatment, not by a long shot, but reminding them of all the hurdles they have to overcome by trash talking them wont help anyone, and I think we can all agree on that.

I will never stop play Rein. I guess that means I will never be happy…

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I’m conflicted between disagreeing and agreeing.

I main support and in that role, it’s extremely frustrating to see matches decided simply by which team had that 1 tank or dps that severely underperformed and clearly doesn’t belong there. Earlier my tank went 0-5 and enemy tank went 11-2. One time I had a silver tank and enemy team had a GM tank. I am not kidding.

Yet on the other hand, on the occasion I queue dps, it makes me even more upset to see one of my supports is clearly a dps main. They are so easy to spot because they have no ability to manage 4 teammates health bars while also avoiding 5 enemies. They tunnel vision on tank. They can’t heal multiple targets. In a dive against a teammate, they dps instead of healing the teammate getting dived. The other day, I was on a ledge at critical health, and Ana was dpsing someone right under me for a good 5-6 seconds, then I died to a tank chip shot from long range. I could be here all day on this.

So ultimately what I wish is that Blizz would take role experience into account with the matchmaker. For example, me with 1,627 hrs in support and diamond 2 should not be getting a silver player with 20 hrs in tank. I also should not have as a teammate a dps main that I have to carry unless they actually have support experience too.

Try to find the “H” button on your keyboard, Reinhard player, and stop consuming all the resources of your team providing bare minimum in turn.