Tank players should come to a gentlemans agreement

the tank experience is miserably boring and predictable, doomfist only from here on out

Between hog not dying, orisa not dying even after nerf, rein shield constant in your face and, for me the worst, matrix up constantly, games are getting very, very boring.

I’m starting to favour 6v6 even though I never played it. This is not fun gameplay any more. The stupidly unkillable tanks with seemingly infinite damage mitigation are making games very tedious to play.


TBH, I literally made a design concept around that idea.
Basically would be an enforced “Gentleman’s Agreement”.

Basically just split tanks into category buckets (note: Tanks can be in multiple buckets), like

  • Dive
  • Brawl
  • Poke

Then have a vote at the start of the match to ban all Tanks besides that bucket.
Possibly with 1 Tank player each voting on a group they don’t want.
And then a straight Yes/No on whether they want the remaining group.

Although I kinda like the idea of instead just banning the top 3 most used Tanks for that ELO, with a straight Yes/No vote by the Tank players.

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No thanks. I play ball and winton. And Dva when I am countered on those.

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i will NEVER play doomfist i will stick to my girl dva like i cant really play the other tanks anyways they dont work with my playstyle

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Nah Im good, Ive been playing DVA and Winston and Rein since like season 6 of OW1, (former launch Lucio one trick)

Playing doom for it NOT to be boring? That doesn’t make sense.

D.Va only and you have a deal

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