Tank mirrors are so boring

It doesn’t matter which tank, this format just makes tank mirrors so mindnumbingly boring

Have you ever played in a Rein v Rein and they think it’s peak comedy to pin into the backline? Or two Mauga “players” shooting each other all game, or your Hog getting hooked and body blocked all game by the enemy Hog

Just so much nuance and gameplay interactions removed by only having 1 tank on the team


As tank I try to avoid them because I don’t want to be distracted and focus on trying to diff them instead of winning. Unless they are Mauga then I’ll just mirror to remind them how braindead their hero is.

If I’m on another role I don’t mind it if the tanks are evenly matched but that is quite rare with this matchmaking.

Reinhardt mirrors are one of the only fun tank match ups in the entire game. Albeit, I suppose you are correct. It is definitely MORE fun to just ignore their Reinhardt and pin into the backline.

I have no idea what Reinhardt match up you prefer, but most of them are worse.

imo stuff like Rein vs Ram, Rein vs Junker Queen feel a lot more dynamic and interesting. His shield generally is a godsend if you have an actually sentient competent Rein player

Rein v Rein it’s 100% dependant on who can pump more resources into their Rein. Rein vs Ram or Queen for example if you’re playing like a Reaper or Cass, Rein just shields them off, Ram or Queen can’t kill a 700hp Rein with shield and supports and have to play a lot more passive

On the contrary Ram and especially Queen enable brawly dps to poop on the Rein and delete his shield

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Why do you think mirrors happen?

It’s simple. There will always be an apex tank that’s better at killing the other tanks because it’s how the game is balanced now and the format itself. If you mirror, you cut of them off having the advantage over you and puts you both in a neutral state at best.

I’m not gonna get into how other roles like support and dps (on either side) subtly dictate your tank pick more because we’d be here all day.

I know why they happen but that doesn’t change that they are still incredibly boring in 5v5

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I know it can be boring. I’m still not gonna fault the tank for sticking to their pick or switching over to mirror.

It’s a real rock and a hard place situation no matter how you look at it.

People can have different opinions, but I’d choose a mirror every time over counterwatch swapping every opportunity

Much better tanking experience imo

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It depends on the mirror. I think some tank . mirrors like Rein v Rein or D.Va v D.Va are actually pretty fun. I hate others like Mauga v Mauga.

Then don’t mirror. Easy.

Yup. The vast majority of the high ELO Tank meta problems just get fixed if Hog, Mauga, and Orisa are just banned from ever being meta.


Rein 1v1s used to be a lot more interesting in OW1. It’s not the tank synergy for me personally, its the lack of consequences from micro-decisions.

In OW1, if you landed just a single extra hammer swing than your opponent, it was a big deal because you dealt more health percentage wise. A pin under good conditions basically won. Now, nothing you do besides a 4 man shatter really matters. By the time a winner is edging out, a DPS got a pick and the fight is about to snowball anyway.

Tanks in OW2 are all wrapped in bubble wrap and can’t hurt each other. You’re insulated from your mistakes and your successes. Nothing matters.

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It’s not just tank. Any mirrors are boring.

Funny thing, most people will swap to counter when mirrored. Can’t handle getting diffed.

It is either that or counters.

Tank variety in 6v6 suddenly starts to look more acceptable, don’t you think?

Become a vampire
Disregard mirrors
You win

Completely disagree. Rein versus rein is literally peak overwatch