Tank isn't miserable because it's boring

It’s because a solo tank has too much responsibility. You can’t simultaneously lead your team into a fight, be in charge of rotations, be in charge of holding zones, AND be the guy to soak up all the damage, while also being expected to dish out high damage, zone the enemy team out of the field, deal supplemental damage to help DPS secure kills, etc., all WHILE simultaneously being fully dependent on your supports not being distracted for 0.2 seconds, and expect that to be a positive experience.

In 6v6, with two tanks, the off-tank made the game much more dynamic. Dual barriers can’t be a problem anymore, spam practically owns this game. Please make some balance changes and re-integrate 6v6. You can make a 6v6 LTM and slowly integrate it back in to the main game, say it’s because “The data showed that…” and make it seem like it was your idea. I don’t care. Bring it back.


The problem is you shouldn’t have to do all of that, but there are so many clueless players that yes, that becomes the expectation.

I don’t see it ever getting any better.


All I ask of my tank is to threaten the space in front of us so we can safely move around, and to wait for the team to be present before making a play (No, you will not save the 1v5 with a clutch Terra Surge). I don’t always expect the Tank to peel, they need to focus on what’s in front of them and turning around to help the squishies with a Genji or something generally invites the enemy team to push into the distracted Tank. The Tank doing damage is nice and usually part of them threatening space, but they don’t need to be popping off in the numbers, just be enough of a threat to let the team take their positions, and if that happens to involve softening up squishies for the DPS, great, if it looks different, that’s fine too.

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5 v 5 completely ruined Ball as my have fun hero.


people keep acting like it would be easy to balance for 6v6.

folks, they have been balancing the game for 5v5 for the longest time now,
if they were to just revert to 5v5 they would have to spend a heck of a lot of time to get it how they want. and the game would be in utter shambles and unbalanced as heck right when they revert.

unless they revert after they have a bunch of balance changes tested, then you would be waiting a LOOONG time for any new heroes, new maps, mid season balance tweaks,.

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They have? This is news to me.

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they have been balancing for 5v5 since before October of last year, I’m sure they have done a crap ton of internal testing, and testing on private servers way before then.

I don’t think they are. Or, if they are, they must not remember the balance state of the game in 6v6.

I think what people are arguing is that characters, and the game as a whole were designed from the get-go with 6v6 in mind, and that their designs are still to this day better suited for 6v6 than for 5v5.


But the game is ridiculously unbalanced

and it would be even more so if they did a revert, it would be a crapfest and uplayable.

the only acceptable way to select ball, for fun.

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It’s already an unplayable crapfest :rofl:


Solo tank has too much responsibility because it has too much power.

Being the primary DPS (yes, in OW2 tank is the primary DPS player) on top of having insane defense + health + CC resistance + ultimate counters…is way too much power in the hands of 1 player. Hence all the responsibility.

Literally the only thing keeping tank power in check is the enemy tank. It was the same problem in OW1 where the team with the better tank duo won 99% of the time. The 2 tanks on the enemy team could only be engaged 2 tanks on your own team.

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I much prefer support where I can just do my simple little job rather than have the whole match’s collective eyes on me every second. Tank is a lot.

Would it though?

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Well when I think of 6v6, I think of 2-2-2. I’d say GOATS and the like shouldn’t even come into our conversation.

For Double Barrier, Blizzard never learned why Orisa + Sigma was uncounterable, even though it’s not that complicated. The problem was that on top of being good ranged tanks, Orisa + Sigma also had a strong enough Fortify and Kinetic Grasp to survive being rushed or dove. In the big barrier nerf patch of December 2019, Blizzard nerfed Orisa & Sigma’s barriers a lot, and put more power into their Fortify and Kinetic Grasp, not realizing their error. Orisa + Sigma never got properly addressed.

God, same. I loved using Ball to harass the backline like there was no tomorrow, but in a solo tank environment, trying to pull that playstyle usually results in the entire enemy team pushing into the rest of your team.
I’m sure he’s still fine, but I never liked playing Ball to brawl tanks and hold a frontline. I play him to make every sniper’s life a living hell.

I used to main ball and sigma back in OW1. While sigma is still playable, I agree that ball feels worse to play now in OW2. It’s just not the same.

If I wanna play tank I really need to feel fresh and well rested. Some days I feel like playing tank, but I know my brain is not ready so I just play support and chill.

One mistake and you get run over. That’s all it takes. One tiny misstep and you’re a goner. It’s too much sometimes. I miss having a tank buddy by my side.