Tank is not a real role

Space is made by doing damage or projecting threat. All DPS heroes and most supports can make space by projecting threat over parts of the map. The only claim for tanks being a separate role is being OP by pure numbers and being big. That’s it.

Therefor, there’s no reason to keep it as a separate role. Merge tanks with DPS and balance them so they are optional choices instead of mandatory. Either bring up DPS “tankiness” or lower tanks “tankiness” until they are on equal playing fields. That fixes queue issues and the giga tank 5v5 problem.


dont its already sponge festival, just revert to pre s9 or open pre rq.

“That role is not real!!!”
But yeah merging the role qould be fine, having some dps with more tankiness and less dmg and some with more dmg but more fragile.sounds complitly reasonable and what shouldve been done tonfix goats oh so long ago

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You’re forgetting the part where a tank is more likely to survive being nuked by the entire enemy team, as well as a metric tonne of other reasons tanks exist.

I think the game should have diversity. Brawlers should feel “tanky” but obviously not to the extent of current tanks. They need to find some balance where close range heroes like Mei can be “equal” to long range heroes like Ashe. I envision current tank heroes like Rein/Winston occupying a similar level of tankiness to Mei, maybe slightly higher, as long as they are compensated with having appropriate threat level.

Whats a “nuke”? All heroes should die to full team focus fire. Tanks don’t now because they’re OP. Unless you’re saying surviving full team focus fire is some critical function that has to be done by someone on the team. Well, it doesn’t. Getting focus fired is called making a misplay and should be treated as such.

If you mean just being survivable, there are plenty of heroes like Mei, Reaper, Torb, Genji who feel “tanky” without going to the point of being ridiculous.