Tank Counterwatch IS a problem

I’m tired of the devs making tone-deaf statements like this:

Saying, “Oh, yeah, you’ve got to counter in every role” is so stupid when a DPS can just go soldier and stay soldier the entire game with no clear drawbacks. Or when a support can just go Kiriko and stay Kiriko the entire game with no clear drawbacks.

Pretending the game is somehow balanced when a lot of heroes ONLY work in niche situations while other heroes work in every situation (and better than the niche ones do) is silly. Pretending that it’s okay for tanks to have to spin between heroes like a top while other roles don’t is just going to keep landing us where we’re at now, which is with queues being bottlenecked by the role that needs half as many people.

This problem is never going to be fixed if the Devs don’t stop pretending that they know better than us and that it’s all totally fine.