Tank appreciation thread

Hey guys, hope you’re having a good day. I notice a lot of the conversation threads these days either concern dps, support, or dps vs. support.

In fact, sometimes y’all are looped in with dps players as just “bulky deepz”.

But I recognize that’s not true. Shield tanks are the backbone of the team’s survivability while aggressive tanks push point control in a way that no Genji or Moira really can.

It really is a thankless job, isn’t it?
Stay cool, guys.



Thank you Tanks. Thanks for protecting me when I don’t deserve it😊

It’s a hard job, and the patience required is is massive.

So take this thanks, from jelly, and take this cookie as a show of my gratitude🍪


You just started one of these threads. Lmao.

Thank you tanks! Thank you for holding your shield in front of me and protecting me, thank you for giving me those bubbles, thank you for hooking that one genji that was in my face. Thank you for all that you do!


:sob: y’all this is sweet I’m gonna follow this I play so much Orisa. I work so hard. I get less thanks as a tank than when I play healer. :sob:


Haha yeah, that’s why I think the tanks need some love. It was something of a revelation :heart: :shield: :smile:

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SunDragon, good to see you😂

Character limit!!!

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It’s good to see you too Jelly!

If you want to make a genuine appreciation thread, you don’t have to put down DPS players to do that.

Do you also open an appreciation thread for the meal you ate today? No? Then I don’t understand why open this thread. Tanks are just meatshield for myself if they are on my team. The not-so-poor Tanks who are on the enemy team are just fodder for my vengeful and hateful Hellfire Shotguns. My supremely powerful immortality increases. They are just numbers, pieces on the board. But people with feelings? Absolutely not, that seems evident to me.


No, that wasn’t my intention, silly >.<

But I can see where you cone from. I just mean tanks are their own, independent thing. It’s too often they’re looped in with dps, which are definitely not tanks (Its like telling a race of humans they all look the same. Don’t deprive of individuality!!!). I’ll change my wording though so it can’t be misinterpreted so easily.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Tank you my friends!


Hi there fellow orisa main!

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Thanks for the love!-DVA

I’m trying to convince myself that the nerf D.Va topics are all appreciation for a job well done. It’s less depressing that way.


as someone that mostly plays tanks i disagree. playing tanks is a lot of fun, challenging, and rewarding. the problem is, a lot of players think a tanks job is to stand in front of your team and hold up a shield. i would really encourage you to play more tanks and learn the play styles and roles. also thanks for the positive thread. its nice to know not everyone on this forum is here to complain


I’d like to say thank you to all the tanks who put their lives on the line to save my butt when I get chased by flankers. Even though that’s my job, my aim is lacking…haha…

Anyway, thank you, any and all tank players who have played in, or want to play, in my games in QP. You mean a lot. Tanking is a job not most want to do. I commend you for choosing such a path.

As for all you dps players…


You know, people say that “no one plays healer” but in my experience, it’s shield tanks that people don’t really play. I love tank mains so much.

From all support mains, thanks for keeping us safe!


Aye! Look it’s another wild Orisa main! How are you my friend!

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So i love you thanks

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