Take of indeterminate origin:

The top three voices in Overwatch are:

  1. Ramattra

  2. Zenyatta

  3. Roadhog


If were talking purely about enjoyment from hearing them, ball and jrat are 100% clear winners bc everything jrat says while flying and on fire is hilarious. Also, hearing wrecking ball say things like “dodge that, loser” after smashing genji into a cringe flavored pancake is gold.


I could see it. I was thinking more on the lines of “which voice is the best done?”

Which of course… Is open ended. Like the delivery, right?

Will agree Hammond has impeccable timing with his insults. Insulting Hanzo will never get old.

Ramattra has fury, and that’s what makes him great. He doesn’t sit there nursing his grudge like Reaper. He acts on it, and he makes you want to act on it too.


On this topic, I played a game once with someone using reapers voice over the team chat. I thought he was using a soundboard it was so accurate.

Well the enemy tank was talking all kinds of trash, and right at the end he said “lets give [whatever the tanks name was] something to really cry about” then hoped on point, and ulted the entire team.

Bout fell out of my chair.


I wish I was there… I wish I’d heard this. Bravo, bravo

I don’t think I agree with Hog simply because I can’t make out a word he’s saying. Unless I’m not meant to, and it’s a Pyro kind of deal.

I will not disrespect Reinhardts beautiful voice.


I like Moira’s voice best. She’s soft-spoken and not as over-the-top or annoying.

Yet another stretch of cloudless skies and idyllic ocean views. Wonderful.


I think that is the point, but I can pick out what he’s saying.


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I think Mei is my favorite to listen to. She’s just so pleasant.

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Nah. Ram I agree with because his voice actor is the GOAT that did the voice of Aatrox and I have the utmost respect for his ability convey such raw emotions through speech.

Aside from that, I think there are better performances that are less one-note than Roadhog and Zen. For instance:

  • Moira: Although her tone is always the same, there are minor changes in her inflection depending on her emotion (Yes, I believe she does have those, but is exceptionally good at keeping it hidden). Genuinely an underrated voice in Overwatch.

  • Reaper: Yes. I am biased, but his deliveries are very expressive. For someone who always wears a mask, it’s hard to convey what emotion is being portrayed without facial queues, and yet you can always tell whether something annoys/entertains/pains Reaper through subtle changes in his inflection. Not only that, but the difference between Gabriel Reyes and Reaper is honestly insane. Man’s got range.

(Roadhog also wears a mask, but the performance always feels like he just doesn’t care/take anything seriously. Maybe that’s intentional for his character design, but it also might be the excessive amount of bass and filter over his voicelines. It just lacks that sense of emotion.)

  • Sigma: Enough said. You know the lines. Go treat yourself and re-watch his Hero Origin short.

KABOOM! Too right!

Couldn’t agree more.

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Agree with Ram he is top dog voice. Soldiers is great too.

My worsts are Jqueen and Kiriko. Then Winston.



Thats because Genevieve O’Reilly is an outstanding actress, i cant wait to see her in Andor Season 2 :heart_eyes:


agreed #1 Ramon Tikaram the man that you are :weary:

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As much as I like Roadhog, this list isn’t complete without Doomfist. Guy kills it between his silly, hammy lines, and the more sinister ones.


I didn’t even think about Doomfist. I think I had a hallucination where he didn’t exist…

But yeah. DF is totally on the list.

Actually, it’s funny how many of the cast have great voicework. It would be faster to name the ones whose voices I don’t like