Take Hanzo OUT of GAME

I dont know who’s deaf ears this is falling on, No one likes hanzo, no one likes playing hanzo, definitely no one likes getting dinked by hanzo, no one likes 1v1ing hanzo as hanzo. No one likes people who play hanzo in qp. No one like people who play hanzo in Comp. If you play hanzo no one likes you. If you think you can keep up in higher ranks in Hanzo, you can’t i’ve tried, you’ll miss even more than you do now. Hanzo is a horrible character, his storm arrow feels laggy and literally never hits especially hen you slow it down, we all just spam the crap out of it becase thats the only way it does anything, his WALLS are too long and he probably shouldnt even have that ability its insanely lame. He is literally a worse character than junk rat, who i have nothing against but people seem to hate him. Hanzo is bad, remove hanzo, this is a PSA from everyone in the world. If you haven’t figured it out yet he’s bad and i don’t like abusing him or getting abused by him and having to go hanzo to fight him because it takes a hanzo to kill a hanzo and nobody likes hanzo. thank you


Use sojourn, ashe, echo, or soldier and you should be good outside of arrows that are lucky shots.

hanzo counters all of those even echo


Echo isn’t really in danger if she’s in the air or playing cover. I played earily on her against a Hanzo and the only time he killed me was with a hail mary shot

Hanzo exists only to find lucky people amount us. Like program in Ringworld (
Novel by Larry Niven)

You don’t speak for anyone buddy, not that you actually have any idea of what you’re talking about with him. Take this from a guy who has him as one of his top 3 most played since OW1 launch.

Former GM Hanzo main here.

This is intentional. In fact, Hanzo’s projectile has one of the smallest hitboxes in the game – take it from OW developer Geoff Goodman:

The reward for landing an arrow is incredibly high. If Hanzo could easily land arrows, he would be devastatingly broken. A lot of what makes a good Hanzo is not your ability to land arrows on rapidly moving targets. It is your ability to position yourself proactively against unsuspecting targets, thus reducing their effective range of motion and making their movements easier to predict. Your sonic arrow assists with this, but it also gives away your position, so you must time it well and learn when to engage and disengage from fights. The sonic arrow is not just a tool for you, but it is also a tool for your teammates as well, so you need to learn when it is advantageous to use.

You most definitely can keep up in higher ranks with Hanzo. Some of it is mechanical, like learning to flick in mid-range fights, but most of it is positional / game sense.

idk man, I have never been in a game where i have been completely dominated by a hanzo. If this guy is getting dumped on by a hanzo, you may want to use walls to your advantage.

Speak for yourself, he’s my main DPS, and Hanzo duels are awesome, I just assert my dominance.

Feels fine in Master 2/3

“I want to walk into this choke and not instantly die, because I have the awareness of a geriatric earthworm.”

:joy: Someone’s upset that he can’t figure out, that he’s weak to dive.

i barely even see him in GM nowadays. i feel like people over-exaggerate how much you actually die to spam arrows

If he is constantly spamming a choke, why keep walking through that choke? His one shot potential is tied to a relatively difficult weapon to use.

the only changes he needs is a nerf to storm arrow

I wouldn’t miss him.