Take a look at the damage top 500 leaderboard

Sombra has never been big in T500 or any rank.

I do agree that it will just go back to Widow / Hanzo, though. Those heroes are straight up busted.


Wtf are those stats, they are so wrong and not representing anything, it’s only winrate, and it’s not the actual winrates, it’s winrate from matches they chose. God I hate this image, it’s so wrong in so many ways it looks like a BuzzFeed clickbait level of trash

Every DPS heroes…
and Brig.

have you seen the tank leaderboard? sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa sigma orisa

when will sigma and orisa get nerfed then? or do you only care that doomfist is encroaching on the roles of other dpses in a meta where the tanks hardcounter almost every other dps, snipers included?

doomfist is a problem but there are two glaring issues with the game nobody cares to talk about

Pretty much for the span of the last year or so I’ve seen people say that Doomfist, Sombra, Mei, Genji, Tracer, Reaper, Bastian, Pharah, McCree, Hanzo, Widow as the most unfun heroes to play against. Which is it? Think we might as well remove every dps from the game besides s76 then just maybe forums won’t complain about a dps hero again.

check this out How to Perfectly Balance the Game

what if everytime Doomfist won a game, his total HP pool was reduced by one point :thinking:

Even when that happen, S76 will be moan about.

The most unfun heros to play against for me personally are Orisa 1st and Sigma 2nd, not being able to shoot things because of shields is (A life time of using the word “very”) boring.

I want Sigma nerfed though.

Amount of damage he pulls is ridiculous

At least Widow/Hanzo require a degree of aim and skill to play.

Thats true. She had bigger spikes but its good to see her mains in T500 sometimes.

Stats not lie. Its sad to see a biased conspiracy from someone with a T500 icon.

Doomfist also needs aim and skill to play but requires more tank skills than DPS. To me a melee hero who you can hear across the map is less annoying than two sniper heroes with actual wallhack.

Do not expect intellectual honest on a forum where Moira by some is perfectly acceptable, and mobility heroes who enjoy a clear advantage up through Plat are just called “skilled” and given a pass too often.

I suppose that’s one way to ensure you’ll never be taken seriously again, lol.

I think you never played Doomfist or never ever tried to play against him.

If someone says that Doomfist needs no skill to play at all then they have no place in Overwatch period.

The whole design intent behind Doomfist, like Orisa, is to cater to requiring zero skill or thought.

Well, these stats are not lie, but it’s only what the one who created the image wanted to show, it’s the magic of stats, if you do enough work you can make them say anything you want with notes and *
If you look at overbuff, it tells a different story, for exemple brig has the higgest support winrate in gm and has more that 1.5% pick rate (In support the support category, since zen is included in master even tough he’s global pickrate is below 1.5), why isn’t she even in the top 3?

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I sure do. Sigma less so since I don’t have a good idea of what to touch on his kit. Moira on the other hand can take a Nerf gun dart to her ult charge cost. She can charge her ult too fast for how easy she is to play.

How come doom is a hero that require no skill, but there is still doom players in the lowest ranks, are they throwing?

I agree, Doom is a game ruiner. Takes very little mechanical skill to play, operates mostly on game sense. This allows poor dps mains to climb to unnatural heights.

Back in dive the boards were littered with T500 Tracer players, OWL games were determined by “who has the best tracer” and yet she got a slap on the wrist in terms of nerfs (that was also partially reverted).

Doomfist is pretty easy to counter, just stay with your team our of range of where his slam will land (ie around your supports) and hold altFire with Sombra. He gets hacked, no abilities, free kill. Once he’s dead you can get a hack on the Sigma (since thats more valuable now) and rotate back once Doom responds.

Doom will typically initiate with either punch to get in, using it to just burst forward or to get to a ledge where he’ll slam uppercut and then shoot. Punch (according to my duo who does play a fair amount of doom) is typically reserved for getting out, or finishing off a low hp target.