T500 Rank not adjusting after games

This isn’t just a issue for my account I’ve confirmed with a few other players that on and off for the past few days MMR wont update after games and you will stay the same rank no matter what the outcome of the game is.

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According to some OW olds, they actually didn’t change the system, they just changed how the system looks more or less. You have SR that goes up and down behind the scenes that affects your matches, so 5 wins isn’t always a guaranteed rank up.

It’s super weird, and it may as well be a “bug”, for how many people think it is. The system needs adjustments to clarify how ranking is working.

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Seconding KumquatKoppa, your MMR should update after game, and as per the March 7th patchnotes, the MMR update is visible for Top 500 players after every game instead of following the 5 win-15 loss update system. From your description, it sounds like your MMR does eventually update, but it always happens in batches that are several days apart, which leads me to believe it is an issue with the servers syncing this information, but of course that is just speculation. This is the first I’ve heard of this issue though, so I will be sure to document it in the competitive megathread under: Not Appearing On Leaderboards (Season 6). Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.