T500 Missing Open Queue

Unfortunately this is the only one pro against all cons roleQ brings with implementation.
Q time (unable to grind with dps/support role at higher ranks esp.)
Tank diff (role diff in general, unable to fix it with flexing by your self)
Role jail (you are doing bad, no way to change a role)
Poor quality of matchmaker in order to fix q time, so we have diamond tanks in high masters game, pretty much gg, since it is the most impactfull role in a game.
And now new feature, priority pass, you know what it does? I bet you dont. In two words, now it is 2 separete q, for throwers on tanks + dps with priority passes, and normal q where you wait 15 mins as dps, but still a chance to get farmers on tanks.

Does it worth it? Don’t think so. I believe 5v5 will fix that at least for half-measure, but we have to stick to 6v6 about a year still.