T500 Missing Open Queue

Hello, my psn is Element.
I have played 56 games in open queue NA and I believe I should be in top 500 now. My sr is currently at 3352.

Is there anything I need to do to ensure I receive the icon and rank? Thank you for your time!

I think the only way to guarantee you have it is by actually seeing the icon. If it still shows you as a diamond, it’s probably a safe bet you don’t have it, especially if you aren’t on the leaderboard.

I don’t know if console still doesn’t require it, but on PC you have to have SMS enabled in order to get it, and I believe that has to be *25 games played while SMS is enabled.

Though, last I heard you didn’t need SMS on console……


To get T500, you need two factor authentication activated.

Nice job making it to T500 in Open Queue. Time to grind role queue.



3300 top500… and he really claims about the icon.

I don’t know much about Console, but the playerbase there is pretty small in Comp. So it would make sense that Top 500 start around 3300

Just like here on PC, Top 500 starts at around 4050.

He is talking about openQ, and I am pretty sure about PC, but the point is : how thirsty you are for the icon which means nothing since there is no actual competition to consider yourself top of ANYTHING. Even in roleQ pc having top500 icon since it is in masters for start of the season is kinda “meeh” For me top500 is 4300+ player, as it was when this game was alive. At that point, having GM icon is more worthy.

Just clicked on his profile, looks like he is PC indeed. I just assumed he was console because he said PSN xD

Completely agreed. Top 500 feels completely wrong when it is rewarded at only Diamond/Masters level. I didn’t notice he was talking about Open Queue, so it makes sense as that gamemode is pretty much dead, queue times are quite long

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I remember when openQ was implemented I made it to 3700-4100 on multiple accounts, now I can’t even play on them, cause game can not find a match for more than 60 minutes. I wish this mode would be instead of roleQ.

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That sounds like torture! I haven’t played Open Queue since Role Queue was introduced, so if I recall correctly, I was around Mid Diamond in Open Queue, it was torture with team comps, but queue times was even worse.

Honestly I disagree with this, RoleQ works better imo when you are randomly matchmaking players together, since if you remember how OpenQ worked before, it was a lot of terrible quality matches with barely anybody willing to play Healer or Tank, so whoever team had the 2/2/2 comp, would have a way higher chance of winning

If we are talking about premade teams, then OpenQ can work better

Unfortunately this is the only one pro against all cons roleQ brings with implementation.
Q time (unable to grind with dps/support role at higher ranks esp.)
Tank diff (role diff in general, unable to fix it with flexing by your self)
Role jail (you are doing bad, no way to change a role)
Poor quality of matchmaker in order to fix q time, so we have diamond tanks in high masters game, pretty much gg, since it is the most impactfull role in a game.
And now new feature, priority pass, you know what it does? I bet you dont. In two words, now it is 2 separete q, for throwers on tanks + dps with priority passes, and normal q where you wait 15 mins as dps, but still a chance to get farmers on tanks.

Does it worth it? Don’t think so. I believe 5v5 will fix that at least for half-measure, but we have to stick to 6v6 about a year still.


Agreed. I would have preffered to go with OpenQ myself, especially since I prefer to play specific characters on specific maps, like Lucio on Ilios, Ball on Eicenwalde and etc.

My main issue is Queue times and people not willing to switch


When I was grinding ow (s9-s17 before rQ)
I got the same issue, but as higher I go as more I realise there is more ppl willing to flex in order to win matches. It incentivize me to climb as higher as possible to have better match quality, that was good for competitive integrity, like natural selection. I was not even thinking about to smurf in low elo, cause why should I carry those pepegas who can’t even switch or cant even do good play with his onetrick? Now when you get diamond tanks in almost gm, you will think like, okay, I can play in diamond or plat for that, like whatever, if I will get gold tank in diamond game, at least I can carry as dps here due mechanical advantage of my skill… Now imagine why ppl smurf =) Just one case of multiple.