Role queue needs to be adjusted or removed

Role lock is unhealthy for this game, only benefits bad players who suffer from onetricks and want everything to be stable, but cons are way to harsh on top of that.


So what you’re saying is we should get rid of the Priority Pass system then, not RQ, which is confirmed to rightfully stay in OW2 and beyond.

Because match quality itself hasn’t changed between pre - RQ and after the system’s implementation. One could argue quality dropped a bit after OQ’s implementation, when the player base was inevitably (very unevenly) split in two.

But you wouldn’t want OQ to be removed either, would you? It gives everyone a choice and shuts down 90% of personal gripes people have with RQ lol.

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Do we want to go back to goats?
Do we want to go back to 5 dps?
Role queue is fine. If dps players go flex for priority passes and play poorly on tank, they will go to the rank they belong on tank. There’s also open queue so I don’t see the problem here.


Blizzard and about 60% of the playerbase disagree.


One tricking is hardly issue at all. Pure one tricks are extremely rare. What i often see is stubborn people playing wrong pick while also sucking at their hero. If i get otp player in my game i usualy know i can expect solid performance on that hero.

People who suddenly decide to try D. Va or other heroes are the worst.

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Do you know what was player base before roleQ and after?
You can bring percentages wherever you take it (I suppose from own head)
But q time and leaderboard says different. What to say when top500 in roleQ was starting in masters (3750) when back in days solid 4300 was unable to be even reach top500 icon. Read what was listed in my post about roleQ cons and pros

If there was like 300 000 online back in days now it is barely 50k I believe. So where is your 60% gone?

I would add to my linked post, that roleQ incentivize smurfing by a good measure.
You play in high masters you get diamond tanks, cause you know, roleQ was a great idea!
Then you think, why would I play in masters with diamonds in my team? I can go diamond instead, and if I will have golden tanks there, I can outmechanic all of them at least by having 1000+ SR advantage on my board.


The percentages come from at least two polls on different places (here, Reddit) and also by Blizz which shows a common preference across all regions. Blizz published their own findings on this not too long ago.

No they don’t. Queue times mean nada, of course they exist with RQ and are longer because too few players (ironically one tricks) refuse to flex.

I understand some folks dislike for RQ; its the same thought process that people who favor RQ over OQ have just in reverse.


Face facts, no need of doing polls when you have this

Game is dying.

Duude season 17 (pre roleQ) post roleQ current season, and when season starts it is 3750 SR is top500!

s3-s17 top500 starts at 4350-4400 avg stable
Once s18 went life with roleQ - instant playerbase decrease, top500 starts from 4100-4200 and now went down to freaking pepega 4k SR! I checked all regions!


Pretty much everything here….


Goats is actually pretty fun…

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Role Queue got rid of a lot of these thank cristmas

On the contrary, I think match quality definitely improved and a lot of other high ranked players definitely concur.

Generally I agree with a lot of the things I’ve seen from you but this is incorrect based on the most recent data provided by Blizz before Daddy Jeff pulled chalks.

Literally just a rotting corpse now.


Which data would that be?

The most recent poll from Blizzard actually had overwhelming support for Open Queue. Although such polls are unreliable.

NA = Whole World? Huh.

Incorrect…. The most played game modes were Quick Play, Role Queue Competitive and like Mystery heroes.


The only part that I care about, yes


Oh so it’s just about you. Then there’s no point discussing this. Overwatch is a global game.

Please stop harassing me, I have no interest in engaging in conversation with you


Then there is no need for you to respond. Nobody is forcing you to respond.

But if you state things that are not true you should expect such statements to be challenged.

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Whatever you say babe

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Whatever you say hun