Symmetra's Primary Fire is Great

You just don’t know how to track.

Or, alternatively, you like to run in with a level 1 beam into the enemy team with no back up.

Symmetra’s primary fire is absolutely beastly. I’ve mained Symmetra since s4 when I began playing Overwatch.
The only part of her kit that’s worse off right now is her teleporter, because its got a garbage cast time.

Stop acting like because you don’t know how to track it automatically makes her primary fire “garbage/useless”.
I’ve got an average 35% weapon accuracy with her this season and I still manage to absolutely melt people with her primary. It’s really not that hard.
And she has no survivability with it because you’re not supposed to be running face first into the enemy team without backup. You’re not a hero that has a fast escape mechanism, stop trying to be a Tracer. You’re not a hero with protective abilities, stop trying to be a Zarya.

I will say she needs her lock on beam back because it made her stand out differently to other heroes and made her a good choice for people with disabilities.
But until they do that, if you can’t track with Symmetra, then make use of her other abilities, or just don’t play Symmetra. It’s as simple as that.



part of it also is people tended to have the M1+W mentality with old symm while new Symm is M1+S instead. (technically M2 -> M1+S till dead)

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Yes lets just ignore that her weapon does have issues but because you find those moments of success then everyone else is using her wrong.

So how is a pro like Seagull also using her wrong since he also does not use her primary unless key opportunities are presented to him, which are often rare?

She just needs a minor tweak to the darn thing. Folks out here trying to preach gospel about a damn primary fire when devs could have been done fixing this issue. Foh


yep, such rare moments of success, every single game, for the majority of the game, seems legit.

She’s fine. And I don’t care about how pro’s play her, because they’re not the average player :slight_smile: that’s like saying its acceptable for Overwatch to be balancing their game based off of OWL.

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I dont wanna be that guy, but you play on console and its entirelly diffrent game out there. Most compaints come from pc players tho


No its all good I’m fully aware the environments are different

It should be easier for PC players to play her as tracking with a mouse should be easier than with a controller (I’ve not played Overwatch on PC but many other games that involve tracking and its a lot easier using a mouse than controller)

I typically only use it in certain situations (And in said situations it absolutely destroys) and I realise whilst writing this that I don’t really try to use it that often anyway, so there’s no real way of telling how powerful it could actually be.

Maybe I should try out the beam more, eh

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It is something when for when there are shields around but her secondary is just way better for anything else.

its not great like the old lock-on beam dude
if you think this one is better i think you didnt play the old sym xD

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It’s better because of the damage potential. If you can actually get your tracking on point you absolutely destroy, sorry that you don’t know how to track though

you forgot the aim assist in console
in pc its more difficult

This better be trolling.


I have completely different settings to normal console settings (mostly to assist when I play Widow but I use the same settings for every character) and it really doesn’t matter anyway, your tracking with a mouse should be better than my tracking with a controller

no its not trolling but its impossible

Her secondary is better for range but when the enemy is up close it’s better to charge the beam instead of using your primary, unless you’re up against something like a Genji in a 1v1 and you find it easier to land the projectile shots rather than track

dude i didnt say i cant track but when your beam is lvl 1 charge and not a lock-on it makes it garbage (btw skill is not aim (tracking))

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You’ll benefit more from going in with your team (just like any dps) rather than just going in on your own, dont forget that

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Literally nobody uses primary on close range or anywhere at all, it’s better to spam orbs hopefully hitting anything than trying to keep track for 4 seconds on someone.

So charge your beam up on either a) a tank or b) a barrier, that of which it’s designed to be used on and then whallah, suddenly no longer piddly level 1 beam and can now microwave the entire enemy team

dw bri these people act the same way every topic. regardless if symm is the theme or not. just keep having fun with symm. just because they don’t use primary doesn’t mean we can’t.

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