Symmetra was nerfed within 9 days for being 4th picked DPS

Oh, oh, I know!

It’s because Blizzard literally can’t be bothered to do their main job and keep cutting positions despite record breaking profits, so that they can continue to botch the game with new nerfs and buffs that make no sense for the majority of the player base!

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The thing that bothered me even more was that the time when she was good was when sigma had just been released. So not only was it a meta that favored her but also a ton of new people were playing a character they had never touched before which had a high potential to feed sym. It was the perfect scenario for sym. But obviously a great time to do balance on character.

Seriously though devs wtf

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You mean that one time where they used Sym as a TP bot then immediately switched to Widow? :thinking:


It’s not biased to understand that Genji is, by design, meant to be more generally useful than Sym, who is meant to be a relatively niche pick. I don’t know why so many people feel like every hero should be able to be used interchangeably based on nothing more than player preference. That’s never how this game will work and it isn’t meant to be.

Yeah! And honestly, it would seem okay if other heroes are brought in line but they aren’t. This is the frustrating part, I don’t even think it’s favouritism at this point but just ignorance and stupidity.

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The balance team is what ruined this game for me so many bad decisions one after another.

Agreed. That’s the thing, and none of the Genji proponents of course are willing to admit this part. This is a hero who actually was relegated to “niche trash,” unlike Genji, and the moment she became just viable, she was almost instantly guttered again.

But no, their cyborg ninja boi was middle of the pack and that was a grave injustice, despite literally being fine in terms of stats.


This is why I’m on the edge on investing in OW’s future and OW2. At the end of the day it’s still the same balance team. Maybe the pve will be cool but all the pvp stuff will still have the same problems.

This is such a great game and it’s sad that balance just seems all over the shop.

It’s not niche if she literally can’t function that well against the entire DPS roster and has nothing about her kit that is actually strong.

You’re saying that people don’t understand she’s meant to be niche, when we’re over here telling you that we LIKE her being niche, but she needs to actually have a niche. Please tell me what she’s super niche at right now, PLEASE.

Shield breaking? Nope they nerfed that to hell she can’t break through any shields anymore without needing five years to do it, so that don’t work.

Killing things fast? Don’t make me laugh.

Controlling a space? With only three turrets that no longer even slow enemies together and take five years to set up, meaning that if your enemy just… decides to go the other way they are functionally useless? Oh and don’t forget the long 10 second cooldown on each one meaning that you literally can’t just pop them up somewhere else unless you have them on cooldown already, which isn’t guaranteed.

Her giant boring wall ultimate which does… What? Really? I mean come the frig on, what is her ‘niche’?


I really enjoy the pvp parts of the game with role lock it takes away a ton especially if there is only like 10 tanks or supports. They need to balance out the roster.

I just think they are much more likely to avoid any of the crazy hero ideas anymore because of how sym and torb went. I really enjoyed those hero’s early on in the game. But the game will likely have a support roster that only focuses on heals again

I don’t have much faith in the team

It’s just depressing. I love all these heroes that are constantly trashed. And Genji was still performing okay in a meta that he’s bad in, honestly. I’m not against Genji buffs but all this balancing logic makes my head hurt.

Her niche is flexible area denial most of the time. No other hero does it better. Torb comes close but he can’t break down a turret and re-deploy it nearly as quickly as Sym can. She can also go full-on brawl mode if she has her ult up or proper barrier support from her team.

Sym’s current turrets are way more flexible than her original ones and you can actually use them during fights now since you don’t have to run up to a surface to place them anymore and they won’t be accidentally destroyed by a single stray shotgun pellet. Re-deploying didn’t even used to be an option for Sym. And now you don’t need multiple turrets to do an effective amount of deterrent damage. You don’t have to put all three on the same door all the time, you know.

Arguably top 5 best ults in the game, by the way. Can’t be countered without EMP.

Because there’s no “balancing logic” behind it. What’s going on is blatant favoritism and an attempt to get any sort of legitimacy behind the OWL, which is generally seen as a joke in the video game “esports” community.

Me neither. I mean, I’ve played this game for a while and I can deal with a lot of their decisions but this just takes the cake for me and I can see it happening again. I guess I’ll just enjoy it through streamers.

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Umm… LOL okay. No.

You mean the turrets that slowly waft through the air at a snail’s speed, get destroyed by chip damage easily, and take twice as long as her original turrets to activate? Those turrets?

Are you serious? Did you never figure out how to pop your shield, throw a turret on the ground and use it in a duel? Re-deploying turrets mid fight was VITAL for Sym 2.0 and if you don’t know that it tells me how you played, or didn’t play her.

I’m sorry I just don’t think we’re going to see eye to eye, your assessment of current Symmetra seems… really off to me.

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To be honest id like to see more Teleport combos and smart turret positioning than a Nanoed Genji pressing LMB and LShift.


Honestly, I like OWL. I really do. I think it’s pretty fun to watch. But I think at this point balancing should be separate. The cost of making some heroes viable at the OWL level is detrimental for the main game. As has been pointed out many times over, it’s just a different game that’s played. Which is what makes it fun to watch but for balancing it’s a bad reference.

I understand the business side of making Genji meta for OWL but just keep it away from the main game. It isn’t two sides of the same coin when it comes to OWL and regular OW.

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The teleporter is functionally useless in the game because it takes so long to set up and it has LOS issues. I’ve played a lot of Sym and it’s rare that there’s actually a 25m stretch where you CAN get ‘full’ use out of it, and at best it cuts out what, 2-3 seconds of walk time? That’s not much use at all in the grand scheme of ‘how useful an ability COULD be’. I’d much rather have a personal shield or something that helps Symmetra survive since she dies so easily now.

The teleporter might be more useful for fights if it was actually fast enough to catch anyone offguard, but even in my average games I’d say most people are able to hear/see it popping up even when I try and time it so they’re busy with other engagements and they will usually be able to destroy it, or more often, just reposition so it’s no longer a threat to them. It’s pretty rare that I actually manage to turret bomb anyone - I watch SteveO do it on those high level players and I’m AMAZED at how slow they are to respond to his Symmetra, it’s as if they see it’s Sym, are convinced that she can’t hurt them because it’s just Sym, and so they prioritize everyone else first and he’s able to do massive damage because of their poor prioritization.

In my games people actually destroy the turrets/things I make and try and kill me.

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I mean I was a gm sym 2.0 and the only options to redeploy turrets mid fight was when you and the turret were both completely in cover. Any other time and you would just be feeding. It was not a viable option when in an engagement. Because it slowed you down and took away time where you could deal damage

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Nobody wants to be forced to play Sym