I didn’t notice anyone else post about this. There’s a lot of news today. For anyone who might want a free Sym skin, drops are happening now on participating Twitch channels.
Thanks for the reminder I switched it off for a bit and forgot
When did the requirement for skins became 9 hours?
Starving ppl for free content surely works to make ppl do lifting.
There’s a cool Google Chrome plug-in that you can use called Automatic Twitch that helps claim your drops for you. It makes getting these pretty easy.
Is it a bot? I wouldn’t risk it.
No, it’s a chrome plugin. You still have to have the stream running. It just claims the drops for you as soon as they are available so that you don’t have to go manually claim them.
I hope I havent missed any Kiriko drops. Last time I got the Kiri contenders skins.
the weapon charm looks cool
Rip to anyone who actually paid for that skin
Is there a list of participating streamers somewhere?
Not that I know of. I know Emongg and Flats were both participating.
Thx. Now all I have to do is leave Twitch on for nine hours while I go fishing.
Wow. Never even heard about this. Now imma have to kms.
I did
Stuff like this is why streaming with one monitor sometimes works. I gotta have my own stream pulled up on my phone to read chat and it counts for rewards
They changed the color of the fox, too.
Then they say Sym did not get any buff. This is larger than life buffs.
It’s funny, I now own every symmetra skin now other than the blizzcon one and its recolor because they keep putting them in the battlepasses and giving the few shop ones away for free.
Got my Symm skin
Im a big fan of the OW2 default, looks like a saree.
So I’m happy with this new recolor with a hoodie