Symmetra Survey Results!

Enjoy your wait, it’s been what, two years? I got sick of it.

For a company that’s posting record breaking profits they sure don’t seem interested in hiring enough help to get the work done in a timely or even somewhat reasonable fashion. By the time they iron out all the kinks their player base will be 80.

you say that as if flanking nor cunning aggressive zoning was never meant to be a part of sym gameplay yet even in lore content you see that’s what sym is doing, not to mention that is how people climbed with old sym.

explain to me how you’re going to make a hero with focal gameplay around a shorter ranged sustain damage weapon with no mobility reasonably work without the niche and team dependence issues present in both current live sym and old sym whilst also

  • not bearing too much resemblance to zarya and
  • somehow not having sym being oppressive as a dps like that (which is what zarya level sustain, the amount of sustain such a weapon demands, will do).