Symmetra’s Tick Rate is... FIXED!

Zarya’s tickrate?
they have a solid answer, they just aren’t dealing with it, nor have they even attempted to tell us about it at all, at least i think, if they’ve mentioned it lemme know
they could literally just do what they did there
it’s not “making it too similar” or something if it’s already… similar
plus having serious problems, or at least keep it that way until they figure something different out

they don’t keep us in the loop, that’s the problem here, nobody cares what they’re doing behind the scenes since stuff like this takes time but at least have some form of communication with us, it’s like they don’t treat us like humans consuming their product and just act like we’re livestock testing their produce

was it? i’ve been parroting 700 because i read that somewhere before, that’s pretty funny if it’s more, i never actually bothered to do the math, myself

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A couple of comments bringing up Zarya brought a thought to mind.

What if: (wavy lines form and an alternate reality forms in your vision)

When a turret was destroyed, it automatically charged up your beam to the next level? This would only work if the turret was targeted, not intentionally throwing it into spam damage, unless that spam damage was melee spam.

Then, the enemy team would need to think twice. Which is the bigger threat? The 50dps turret, or the 120dps-180dps Symmetra they just enabled?

Food for thought any how.

(wavy lines dissipate)

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That’s probably why Zarya goes untouched. I’m pretty certain she has more than 4 ticks on her beam and can’t achieve the level of damage Sym was capable of. 20*45=900. Damage boosted she did 1200. Nano’d she did 1350. For that short while Sym was the highest DPS hero in the game, even doubling Bastions output.

Not mentioning something for five months… must have slipped their mind. :joy:


~Booping thread~


It’s now December, Devs.



I’ll quote you on this next December most likely.

I swear Symmetra must have a SEP (Someone Else’s Problem) field barrier going on.

I will say though that the minor changes she’s had so far did at least make me reconsider maybe using her more often in QP, but I still do not feel comfortable taking her over other heroes in comp personally.

While some Sym mains may love 3.0 for comp, personally I feel like the lower win rates I get with her compared to 2.0 is not worth the hassle and harassment by toxic teammates and false reports.

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They could make a stealth fix for Tuesday. For Winter Wonderland? For Archives. Christ. Just fix it.

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Remember folks:

With Symmetra it’s easier to basically nerf it and sweep it under the rug rather than FIX it.

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Lies. Symmetra was reworked into 3.0 BECAUSE of the community…
Shoulda just left it the hell alone.

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The community. Not Sym mains. The community. She still has a 0 per cent pickrate in OWL. Totally worth it :joy:


Just to clarify just a tiny bit more, but they also added a slight delay on the first tick as well. So they implemented a slight delay and 20 ticks to the beam.

Both of these things were added to work around a bug, but I’m sure that bug is still there and they haven’t truely fixed the issue, only added the work around. I don’t think we will see any changes to the tickrate until they have the time to figure out what this bug is doing, where it applies, and if it is worth fixing.

I’m not holding my breath, but I really think this is why we are not seeing enough tweaks for her. Because this bug wasn’t actually solved, but worked around until further fixing can be applied. Just my thoughts.


That’s fine if that’s the case. I wish they would just clarify this like they did with Reinhardt’s Earthshatter where they said it would take time to strip back and fix from the ground up.


I totally agree, but then again I have seen countless threads talking smack about the devs coding capacity. So I don’t expect them to say anything until they have a fix ready to go or in dev as we speak kinda deal.


They’ve fixed it!

Did they? I see no evidence of that.

Try it out in a custom game against tanks

wait really!!!

I did just chew through a full hp dva faster than usual so maybe

I’m streaming on twitch just now @SandyK1LL