Symmetra Rework: Defense or Support?

You sound quite defensive. Me saying 40 seconds was a wild guess, meant to illustrate against your fears of “gotta keep that tracer meta”

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Well it has a cast time, so it should be.

I mean I’ve never had that issue tho since I’m usually alone when I place it.

I’ve been stunned while placing it and even killed (in death match) and it still continued to place.

I just don’t want another Mercy situation. I mean were already losing our shields, a core part of her kit, so I want to do everything in my power to keep the teleported from being crippled too


I think Symmetra will be much stronger after the rework. The teleporter alone sounds completely game changing. Blizz wouldn’t rework a hero that people hate mostly because they’re bad and make them worse afterwards. Her new alt fire sounds amazing as well, as well as generating ammo from damaging shields.

Honestly I’m quite excited to try her, and I never thought there would be a day I would want to play sym


I know the alternate fire will no longer goes through enemies but what about barriers/shields?

Maybe not. He said they are gone at the moment. Maybe they’re trying to find a good way to put them in her kit.


I hope this is the case. Even if its just a tiny shield aura passive (like 25 hp for everyone in range) or if they just give her an extra 75 shield hp, that would be great.


People seem to have trouble grasping this basic geometric concept…

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Which still means, you have to be more thoughtful about your fewer turrets than before.

Tp entrance appears in front of Symmetra

I really hope they give us the option to put the entrance at spawn if we want.

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Er, I don’t think I explained well what I was trying to say. With the increase in the amount of time it takes to charge up, she’s likely to consume all the ammo in her clip getting up to full charge, which wouldn’t feel useful if you reached full charge and then lost your beam to ammo depletion. Allowing her to regen ammo off of shields allows her to charge up against shield users (looking at you Winston) while preserving her ammo reserves so she can burn through him and whoever else dives with him.

I still think the shield regen would be a cool addition to the ammo regen.

That’s true, guess I’m still too used to live sym and how easy it is to switch from barriers to enemies. 2 seconds will make all the difference, and not having to reload would be crucial considering how fast her ammo empties.
I just hope they do something to up her survivability, as she’ll be one of the few close range dps without 250 health or some kind of self healing/defense. hopefully they keep that in mind

The turrets are now 30hp

That’s actually the most understated thing, and likely her most powerful feature.

It’s lore-correct (hard light barriers feed her hard light weapon) AND we have massive barrier meta right now with rein, winston, orisa, and gittan now too.

Finally we have a defensive hero to counter shields and barrier meta. Anything that regens is melted by a sustained rate of fire but armor is better for chip damage. Burst damage like junkrat and pharah are ok to deal with this but they die easy to a widow, which is why we’re seeing her so much in high level play - they are the only things that do burst and counter barriers, but they themselves are easily countered, with the exception of bastion who has very low mobility.

Sym’s rework is potentially the answer to pirate ship and turtle comps on KOTH that we desperately needed.

It’ll also give a buff to Mei in a way, since she’ll be a great counter to her and I imagine damaging ice wall doesn’t give her ammo. The nifty thing is that this also gives her the same mobility as mei but with different mechanics. Both heros actually had some similarities that weren’t obvious at first, area denial, an ability that slows, a wall of sorts, and the ability to give mobility to heros that don’t normally have it.

Mei’s mobility for the entire team is underutilized because it’s hard to pull off, but you can do some crazy stuff, like get rein on into the side flank of hanamura - you’ll now be able to do this with sym, too.

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As a defensive hero it would be inappropriate to give her an ability that is effectively health regen - but torb’s armor packs are a bit like that too.

Shield regen (zen’s shield, zarya’s shield) is a great mechanic but underappreciated and under-utilized at the moment: It’s effectively a reward for knowing when to engage and disengage correctly.

Zarya’s whole kit is hit and run (same as roadhog) but few people play her like that.

I wish Blizzard gave more attention to shield regen - either allowing it to regen faster in some cases (zarya maybe once popping self bubble begins shield regen?) as it’s effectively free passive health regen.
When Sym had the ability to give everyone shields it was pretty useful, but it wasn’t instant regain of health much like a torb armor pack IS a instant regain of health as well as additional over the top health.

If sym could provide shields in the same way torb gives armor, as a “health pack”, that can be lost, it would be far more in line with a defensive hero. For example, it could give over the top health that regens as it currently does, except that once it’s “broken” and the total shield health boost is gone and the regen is gone and it needs to be regained.

Taking damage inside the pool would allow it to regen as it does now.

Shields SHOULD be the answer to burst damage just like armor is the answer to chip damage.

As for Swapping heroes to counter something with large burst potential like pharah - sym’s shield generator is actually a good answer to burst-but her kit is so weak and disjointed otherwise at the moment that simply countering the pharah/junk with hitscan is a far better solution at the moment.

However, once you can place her turrets on odd angles up high, she is now a VERY effective pharah counter - but she’s losing the other part of her kit that helped there- shields.

Oh, haha. Gittan/Gitta is the most common short form/pet name in German, Dutch, Hungarian and Swedish of Brigitta .
Gattan (like gato, cattus, cat) means cat/kitten. It’s probably not a coincidence at all based on her theme and my brain can’t think of her any other way, I knew a gitta when I was a teen and I can’t break the habit.

It’s like how Stephanie or Caitlyn is almost always shortened to “steph” or “kate” in english even if they don’t introduce themselves that way.

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It’s the other way around. Shields are the best answer to chip damage as the shields regenerate on their own. Armor is the best answer to bust damage because it reduces the damage taken.

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You’ve read the description wrong.
You’re forgetting that armor reduces the damage per shot. What do you think is reduced more? 5 damage from 150 or 5 damage from several shots at 15 each?

Armor is far better at reducing the damage a fullclip from tracer does or bastion, or even soldier’s sustained fire.

High damage, like rockets, and nades are slow. Getting to cover is much easier - and remember you have to STOP taking damage for shields to recover. If you’re getting pliked at a distance even 1 damage will stop shield regen. All they need to do is get a tiny bit of trash damage on you and you won’t regen.

Shields are far, far better against slow but bursty damage, because the ability to escape the damage and regen is far higher.