Symmetra Rework: Defense or Support?

I hope you’ll rethink the change to her primary fire. Obviously the only people who have tested it are on your team, but it sounds like it’s going to be a copy of what Zarya’s primary fire is on live right now. I hope you’ll retain the lock on aspect of her fire as long as your tracking is good.


What direction will the teleporter exit face? Do you just pop out the exit facing the same direction you were when you walked in, or is there a set exit direction like the current tele?

And how does placing the tele work? Is it kind of like aiming reaper’s shadow step?

As someone with 100+ hours on Symm, I gotta say these changes sound really interesting and I can’t wait to try them.

if i had to guess it would be the same direction symm faces when she is placing the tp, but who knows tbh. they might make it 180° off that since you’d be facing the wrong direction with a flank tp but theres no way to tell tbh

The new ulti il very very coll.
I hate the double ulti and the shield generator was very boring. Symmetra actually is the supporter to her ulti. No action, so boring.
‘can I help you?’
‘no, sym. Protect your ultima te, is your job’
‘I already launch it’
‘ok, your job is done’

More action and love for symmetra! Thanks, guys. RIP shield generator (2017-2018) i’ll never miss you :wink:

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to be able to toggle turrets from damage to heal sounds much more useful than a teleporter you can only place 25m away, because you would have to be in direct sight of your destination which means if anyone sees you setting up to project a TP you will be taken out AND your TP wich was immediately behind you would be taken out as well… pretty useless. The toggle heal sounded much better

It sounds like you are maybe confusing “impactful” with “powerful” here? Having fewer turrets that deal more damage isn’t more “impactful” if the metric by which you are measuring impact is “how much information you are gaining about where the enemy team is moving,” or if the metric is “how much are you distracting the opponent by placing turrets in multiple locations.” It’s only more “impactful” if the metric is “how much damage are you dealing.”

I assume this was an innocent mistake and not an attempt to subtly redefine how people should measure the value of their teammates’ contributions in this game, but maybe it’s worth addressing? It seems like this kind of thinking could be behind some of the recent changes you’ve made away from a more strategic, utility-friendly game.


i think no, sym will be able to destroy dva too :slight_smile:

Is torb getting a mobile turret? Or is he gonna be able to carry a built one through?

Does the Teleporter work in Both ways? So can i throw the TP from an objective in the direction of my teams spawn to boost the team to the objective faster?


Does that mean Winston/Reinhardt/Orisa are supports as well since they have shields too? You can use an aggressive Symmetra wall to completely divide the enemy team and your team from left click damage on attack. Do you not understand how OP that is going to be lol?

-I would like Photon Barrier and Turrets to stick on an ally.
-Drain energy in order to be able to build (like moira’s energy)
-No damage on turrets but a very big slow and a % damage added to basic Attack per turret.
E for teleporter is a grate idea. But she needs a vertical move up in order to place it in good spot.

I love playing Symm on defense, pretty decent at it but here are my 2 cents on this ultimate:

a GIANT Target of a wall that one could probably spot from spawn…

Let me do some simple math
Wall = 5000 Hp

If this team comp for example (not accurate #s):
junkrat Frags 300
Mei Icicle 500
Mc Cree 300
Mercy Blaster 400
Orisa 400
Widowmaker 500

Total Team Damage with 1 Clip 2400

Sooooo your team from faaaar away could simply nick at the wall potentially all the way from spawn and in less than 2.5 clips bye bye wall… That’s a lame ultimate compared to placing TP in sneaky areas and SG providing added HP…

I personally feel like you guys are taking a really good unit and adjusting it to the point that it becomes a completely new hero. Changing the autolock on the beam Sounds ok. Reducing Turrets to 3 instead of 6 is ehhh ok… would have preferred an even number 4 with HP of 20-22

Projecting TP out 25 M would be better if you could select the entry point instead of having it spawn where you stand… soooo question about setting up the TP… is the projected location visible to the enemy when you are trying to set it up (like when reaper is trying to reposition)?

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can we charge Turret deploy? It will allow Sym to deploy turrets at much faster rate.

I was trying to figure that out too… I mean unless they mean Torb is building it from the other side

Constructive criticism includes reasoning, not just opinion.

So they essentially confirmed in this thread that Torb is going to have some type of mobile turret that doesn’t require upgrading. Because how/why else could/would you move a Torb turret through a static portal?

The changes seem great but the new ultimate sounds underwhelming and not very powerful

Edit: i’m not sure why my post went to you but here have a cookie🍪

This sounds super cool! I’m very excited about the possibilities for sneaky turret placement, over the heads of enemies. Teleporter sounds interested as well! I like that it no longer has to compete with Mercy Rez, which is a very unique ability. Can’t wait to play her on the PTR!

My issue here is that if she doesn’t place her turrets or tele* any faster then her core issues might still remain, but i guess we’ll have to see… Also, unless they change around the ammo values on her gun with it’s slower charge time and no lock on in mind (and her low health for how long she has to survive for it to build up) she might not actually be that great against flankers (i.e how defense heroes should be in theory, though aren’t due to weak kits). Hmm… They might need to either make her the first 225 hp hero or change those ammo values if they want her to be good at lockdown, otherwise she’ll just be used against tanks and other low mobility large hitbox targets, like Zen and Mccree. Then again this is all speculation so nvm. That or they could change around the damage and make the charge time like 1.5 to 1.75 seconds if need be.

I wonder, do you think it would be too broken if the “exit” of her teleporter could be moved through by team-mates as well? i’d miss being able to help people out of spawn lmfao

Whatever happens i’m sure the devs will sort things out… (I’m so glad she won’t be a healer!)(also rip giving people semi-permenant shields as a mechanic)

These changes are so extreme it doesn’t even feel like the same character anymore. While I know Symmetra isn’t in a great place I absolutely love her kit and I pick her as often as I can and have amounted almost 60 hours on her.

She feels unique and despite the annoyance folks have with her lock on its my favorite part of her kit and I can’t say I would pick Symmetra anymore if it was gone. If I wanted to play Zarya I would but… please don’t do this to Symmetra.

Being new to the shooter genre it was always welcoming to have options for someone like me whose weapon accuracy sits at around 20% on most characters and Symmetra has always been my de-stressing character when i’m frustrated with my aim.

I feel like most of these ideas should be forwarded onto a new character entirely instead of completely scrapping her current kit.