Symmetra Rework: Defense or Support?

I think just throwing down a huge shield is less creative than the shield generator as an ultimate. It feels more in tune with what a builder character would make, and its purpose as being a stationary makes more sense for defense than the shield which I bet might also get offensive use too. At the very least change it so people who use the teleporter get some temporary shield.

I guess the ability to let her make ramps was just too pedestrian?

Why go so over the top with these changes? Hard light, in theory, should be able to create simple designs. Walls, Ramps, Boxes. Rather than create a new exploitable meta (like always) with DVa bombs teleporting across the map, a simple builder rework where she can quickly and easily make ramps designed to increase team mobility would have fit right into the game and was much needed.

Too much like Fortnite? Well guess what, people like fortnite. I dont. I think its slow and boring. But being able to build a ramp to get position seems right at home in Overwatch and in keeping with Sym’s design and lore. Its almost as if the rework design ethos is “lets see how over the top we can go while avoiding the simplest of solutions”

These changes all sound absolutely amazing, and I’m excited for playing against Symmetra to be fun, instead of “1v6 easter egg hunt with guns”.

One thing though, please don’t let her teleporter teleport Torbjorn turrets (or other stationary objects). I guarantee that this will cause problems with trolling teammates. Also, please give the remote teleporter placement a projectile travel time. It won’t be fun if she can put a teleporter behind you in 2 seconds without you seeing it.

Why build a ramp when mei can build a wall.

Also Sym can teleport people ults and turrets from 25 meters away. That is way better then a ramp imo.

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That’s why they need strong supportive powers besides healing. Symm could replace a healer if she had teleporter, shield gen and a modified Photon Shields. Lots of supportive power, without the healing :slight_smile:

Because the Mei wall isn’t designed to lift players to high ground. Its a blocking tool. And once you miss the lift you dont get any value from it. A ramp creates a static mechanism for players to go up and down for a period of time and is less exploitable than putting a stealth generator behind a well positioned team and screwing them over with a teleported rip tire.

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The teleporter change is pretty awesome imo, that alone is a very welcome change. That I can’t wait to try stuff with my team.

The infinite range turret build is also pretty good, the old turrets were kind of unnecessarily difficult to build for their worth. The move to only 3 is pretty lame.

The new ultimate is honestly kind of awkward, not a fan.

As I posted earlier for left and right click, am not a fan of those.

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Effectively infinite in size mei wall? Wtf

Its also worthy remembering that stage 2 is stronger than current stage 3, so after 2 seconds you still have the same power as today, and before that, the gun is better or the same as today.

I call that a straight buff. But then, she lost the lock-on aspect of her gun, and that is a bigger issue for people that can’t reliably aim, and IMO, will make her harder to be a Genji peeler like she is today.

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She can still place a turret or two at the point, and slow that wallriding frog, making it easier to hit him. But it depends on what the cooldown on turrets will be.

this is the same kind of talk i hear about brigitta…, like you have the time in the game to all focus on one hero, enough of this talk please and let’s call for fixing actual issues

I think I’m OK with this, and the overall concept of the new Symmetra you’ve been describing sounds super interesting to me. I am very excited to try that out if it makes it live in some fashion similar to that.

Having her be such an effective shield buster will be great.

Good points. I guess we’ll have to see what the size of her beam thing is.

If the cooldown on her turrets is short enough she can use them more actively in those situations to help with someone like a Genji or Tracer. Rather than waiting to deploy she can just fire one at a surface near her.

We don’t need more shield busters, Orisa/Reinhardt aren’t in a good spot as it is.

Could we possibly get gameplay or small clips of the new sym especially with the new teleportor and weapon?

With Symmetra moving to defense and requiring more aim on her weapon I could see them changing her health from 200 to 250.

That would be an interesting change.

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Can I ask if reworked Sym is still going to be completely invalidated vs a Pharah?
Not that I want Sym to have no counters but I was hoping that she would at least have a chance to be useful if played right even vs her?

Healing is still better by default. OW ended up with holy trinity of DPS/Tank/Healer. Everything that does not fit that is unpopular.

For example, Mei is a great hero. She has A LOT of utility and she can perform kills.
But she compete for a DPS slot with other DPSs. And all other DPSs are better at dealing raw damage and killing.
Because it is a FPS game where killing the enemy is the goal. Everything should work toward killing an enemy.
Healing is an opposite of damage, it prevent enemies from killing your teammates. It recovers health - it reduces enemy’s DPS. Recovering base health will always be better than any form of shielding or temporary overheal HP/Shied/Armor. Because base HP is crucial for being alive, obviously. All other ways to support are fine if they are added on top of healing, but if they come instead of healing - they are not worthy.

Think of it! Her TP is an all team shadowstep but only faster with no “in your face widow please headshot me while im at it”

She can help granny go to a higher ground for more coverage, she can tp everyone in the backline of the defending enemy team. Ex anubis and eichenwald choke is so hard on attacking team but with this you can sneakily put the exit at their back. Or quickly surprise them with dva nuke.