Symmetra Rework: Defense or Support?

Excluding hybrid heroes from the common mind is one of the reasons I really hate the 2-2-2 crowd. Because people get too fixated into fitting “2-2-2” and less on actual team synergy.

For instance, a team with Mei and Brigitte have two close range CC specialists, two off-tanks that don’t eat a tank slot, an aggressive off-healer, and the almighty wall that can deny a lot of enemy positioning and teamwork if placed right. Add a main tank and a main healer, and you can still have two “DPS” in conjunction with Mei and Brigitte. But if you go by “2-2-2 motto”, that is a triple DPS formation, and thus, its terrible.

There are other off-meta synergy that gets ignored by a lot of people because they don’t really fit in 2-2-2, but are extremely powerful if the team goes with them: Sym/Torb make everyone a tank, Doomfist/Zarya is really strong because Doomfist have the escape capability of Genji and the hitbox of Reinhardt, Ana/Lúcio can combine grenade and amp-up to heal conspicuous amounts of damage without resorting to an ultimate (yes, Ana is off-meta now), Sombra EMP shenaningans combo with pretty much any other ult…

Understanding how each hero synergize with each other is miles more important than parroting “2-2-2” as if its the holy grail of team comps.

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I’ve done some magic with a brigitte/mei combo thats for sure, isolate a tank and make their life a world of hurt.

I’m not sure if I’m understanding this right… but the shield doesn’t have a point where it stops in size. If it’s pretty big wouldn’t that make your frames drop instantly spawning in a giant shield. Also… does it kinda scare you that Symmetra can now do 195 damage per second. She seems fun but could you talk more about her ultimate please? Did you just talk about the TORBJORN REWORK? You said that you could put his turret in the teleporter… but that turret would be useless if you set it up on the tp because it would be level 1 and you would have no time to build it before. If you don’t understand what I’m saying, Torbjorn can now build his turret and move it? (move it into the teleporter).

A few of those changes are at least a little bit unneeded :confused:

Sym is currently, hands down, the worst character in the game. Not to say she cannot be effective (you yourself are proof of that [super impressed by the way, grats!]), but she has to work much harder to reach those heights, and if she isn’t completely protected by her team, she cannot be effective.

I understand you would rather have seen direct buffs to her current kit, but I think her current kit is what was the problem in the first place. This new one allows her to make some serious plays.

I don’t know, I see your point and you are not wrong, but I feel like a rework should be a welcome change to most/all Sym mains. Most are obviously not as effective with her as you are.

Here Geoff, I created a rework for you. Please. Take it.

The irony of that statement is that you are actually calling Symmetra a high skill hero. Because the definition of high skill is that very few people are actually good enough to pull them off.

Do not mix it up with “high reward”, which is an independent argument that is often put together.

I like how she gains ammo from damaging barriers, but it will be difficult to stay in range of an enemy barrier without getting killed for long enough to be effective. Perhaps if she also restored some of her own shields as well while damaging barriers?

If her teleported is becoming an ability does it have any charges. Can only one person go through it? Does it have infinite changes for the duration it lasts?

Well they’ve killed Junkrat as a regularly used character in higher tier games, so i guess Defense needed a new one.

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They’ll likely be giving her beam a longer range so that she doesn’t need to be in melee range to kill enemy heroes, maybe a range similar to Zarya’s beam or something like that

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Nah, high reward isn’t my point. My point is that players have to work with a kit that has been made increasingly obsolete, and a change is needed. It is impressive for players to excel with a self-handicap. Similar to trash characters in fighting games. Pichu from Smash melee comes to mind.

I agree that current Sym has to be a high skill hero, because there isn’t a single matchup that she has an advantage on. However that isn’t healthy for her or the game. Something had to change.

Hybrids are not excluded if they can do at least one of three: damage/tanking/healing. Roadhog is tank/dps hybrid, zen is healer/dps hybrid, brigitte is healer/tank hybrid. All of them are pretty fine and can compete with other heroes for slot in the team.

While heroes like Mei or Symmetra are not hybrids. They just don’t fit into holy trinity. Yes, they can provide something else. Mei provides tons of utility.

The problem is that damaging/tanking/healing is always better because all of this works directly towards the main goal - to kill the enemy and prevent the enemy to kill ally. All utility heroes are not so straightforward.

If a team size would be 7 instead of 6 there would be a place such niche heroes more. But with size of 6 comps like 2/2/2 will be the most balanced forever.

That’s a lot of thinking you put into the rework(I was really crazy thinking none comes up with ideas… sorry for that). Its cool that you kept her ‘builder’ fantasy and blessing the team with utility intact and made it even better but does it make more reliant on her teammates. Now that she is being moved to defence class it seems like she relies on her teammates more than ever before when she was in support with her kit. On second thought it seems like she will be in the class similar to sombra in offence were heavy teamwork is needed to use her to the maximum.

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Not a prediction…

More like, taking notes from fans.

I really hope they tweak the numbers because it seems pretty damn crazy.

Her new weapon is a shield buster. More damage and regens ammo when targeting shields.

On her alternate fire: The current idea makes it sound like it’s just a charge up version of Pharah’s Rockets.

My idea: Keep piercing effect and remove explosion. Have its damage increase for each barrier it strikes. Perhaps lower the speed from 30 to 20 to compensate the higher damage potential along with its quicker charge.

The main draw of it in its current form is to put pressure on enemies grouped up behind barriers. As the shield and barrier manipulator, she should maintain that aspect.

I adore the changes, but its a bit sad that she’ll be even more reliant on her team. Removing the projected barrier will make her even more vulnerable, as a sole defence character without mobility (junkrat mine, hanzo’s wallclimb, widow’s hook) or self preservatory (mei’s iceblock) option. Say good bye to blocking bombs and rein shatters.


Well remember her teleport is now her E, she’ll be able to make quick escapes for both her and her team along with all the other support potential that provides.

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