Symmetra rework concept (w/ visuals, workshop mode)

I really like this concept

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Ana is strong in ladder because she is a low floor high ceiling support and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

People whine about Ana so much but she has so much counterplay and its obvious its just whining about losing despite that people are never happy with ANY support being strong.

Moira is bad because she takes no skill! Make strong but skillful supports!

Ana is BAD because she is too strong! Make supports fragile and low healing like Zen!

Zen is BAD because he kills me! Make all supports like Mercy so they cant be strong!

Mercy is SO unskilled and passive and all her players are boosted e-girls or [homophobic slur]! Delete her!

That has to compete with Sym, and above all has to deal with the same enemies.

Photon barrier is a reactive ultimate that you dont have issues getting in time. There is no benefit to getting it in 30s if you have to save it for the team fight.

A healer skill that doesnt give Sym any way to defend herself or work as a close range hero is a dead skill.

There is no such thing as a ‘‘utility hero’’. In what delusional reality do you live that you failed to understand or acknowledge that heroes in OW are all supposed to add damage to the team. Never, ever in the history of this game has this absurd ‘‘LoL utility bot’’ concept worked, and it will work even less in OW2.

Literally every support does damage when they arent healing or WHILE they are healing. Thats why they are supports, not some ambiguous utility.

This Symmetra could explode when trying to exist in the game in any range because she is a complete sitting duck.

Thats the thing. She cant use it on herself. Its one of the 2 biggest issue from 1.0 and why Shield Gen was created and why it felt so much better.

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You have an absurd idea of how much damage supports actually deal.

Current Sym has higher TTK than Mercy unless someome jumps into 3 sentries at once and goes afk.

Your ideas are completely out of touch with the reality of this game, past and future.

Oh you dont get to use this line when all you are doing is cannibalizing 1.0 and 2.0 for a non-functional rework that reintroduces all the issues 1.0 has while keeping all the issues 3.0 had.

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It doesn’t matter how people are very creative with these concepts. Devs won’t listen but to the content creators and OWL.

Just some things that i want to add, unsure if anyone said before.

Actually you may be able to fix this if you use the “add to healthpool” function, all you would really have to do is set her hp to like, idk 50% resulting in her having 62.5 shields and 50 HP

then using “add to healthpool” you add another 50 health, and then 34,8 Shield, i think thats actually possible

You technically can, with the right conditions.
using workshop you can set a event that is like

“when firing primary, set damage dealt to X”

and technically, as long as symmetra is firing her primary, her damage would be boosted

also dont forget to add a event to fix it right after:

“When not firing primary, set damage to Y”

techniaclly possible too, all you would have to do is recreate a custom proyectile with a raycast, then destroy it when it hits the wall.

as for ammo drain, im not sure if its possible to change ammo, it might be possible i dont remember

again, you can add a condition to check if the target is dead or not.

potentially possible to make it destructeable if you use a invisible dummy bot as your “psudo generator”

on another note, i like the building menu idea, it reminds me of a very VERY old rework symmetra concept i once did. i wonder if i could find it

It has never worked in the DPS class.
In the support class it works great. They heal, do some damage, provide utility. This Sym does the same.

You act like I deleted her weapon.
Which is not true. Her primary is probably even better thanks to the range buff and reverts plus SG survivability.


Current Sym outdamages half of the roster. It has to be reduced especially when I buffed her survivability and range.

All I did was putting her abilities from 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 together. There is nothing new in this concept. So stop acting like I killed Sym. How can you kill Symmetra if you just add her old abilities back?
I actually care about her identity and don’t want her entire kit to be removed and replaced for a second time.
You on the other hand want to remove her team tp but also give her a second TP (?) on her ult that can teleport team mates for some reason while also removing her barrier. That’s what I call

and a TP bot.
Please ask for another hero but leave Sym alone.

Oh thank you. I didn’t know this.

This is exactly what I did.
Her damage goes down while pressing primary. While pressing secondary is goes back to normal. And if no buttong is held it goes to turret damage.

Yes. I thought about doing this but…this is not important enough to me to put my time into this. People know what piercing is.

In TTraw’s original workshop mode SG was destructable (that’s what one of the numbers is for but I forgot to remove it for the gifs :skull: )
It’s just another of those things that would’ve taken a lot of time to make but wouldn’t matter at all.

I mean it’s not very complicated to think of. Just make all of her construction one ability and boom. Free space for healing.

Thanks for your advices. I don’t plan to update the workshop (maybe the HP thing) but if other people want to feel free.

Ok, I tried fixing her HP but it really messes up once you place down SG. Her HP go up to 300+ and don’t go back when the area.
So it stays the same ig.

the one i made was very complicated lmao

i found it!

dont comment on it, its a very OLD post, im just sharing for the memories

My favorite part about the whole kit/rework suggestion:

Potential for 6 turrets…

“Welcome to the car wash! (chuckle)”

Bih the way lucio dps IS diving into the enemy via his speed boosts and wall rode speed boosts and zen is actually a viable dps-support because he can viably dps from a decent range.

If you want a freaking dps support design, you obviously need to make them actually capable of dpsing and being capable of independently getting enough dps uptime.

Otherwise how the heck can you justify a dps-support design when you’ve practically left out the dps bit of that notion and left with only a sub-par support part.

you legit can’t hit jack as a precision weapon fire and it’s just trash as a spammed weapon fire from low dps, low firerate and 0 actual lingering mechanics to zone (i.e. you get 0 consistency from spamming nor can you really spam well in the first place).

the point is that with orbs that pierce shields and players, you literally cannotput any good numbers to address the problems I pointed out.
can you justify better projectiles numbers like on zen orbs, mei icicle, orisa primary, hanzo arrows, etc. for a weapon fire that pierces shields and people effectively having inherently really low counterplay outside of straight up hiding? you can not.

except they’re not playing as close as melee range all the time which is basically the range where you the orbs are aimable.

it’s the only way to go for orbs to not be trash if you want orbs at all.

  1. it would be OP if you put it on a shield and people pierce projectile hence the point being made
  2. who said “renumber her orbs around higher projectile speed” = “only buff projectile speed and don’t touch all the other numbers or orb size, firerate, damage, etc.”?

buffs like the below literally do not impact team tp use cases as explained below:

ah yes put a spawn tp in the open effectively allowing allies to be spawn killed /s
ah yes because apparently your charge and cd system on the ability means you can place structures down infinitely with 0 regard to charge count or the cd or even whether you need other structures elsewhere either /s
ah yes because structures being destroyed removing the benefits of the structure is entirely not an issue at all /s

or there’s just blatantly obvious objective problems in your design that you just either don’t want to admit or fail to see because you just want old support sym even if it means trashing the hero’s viability.
problems that are so blatantly obvious that you don’t need to actually simulate a game to see.

and how much walking do you need to reach them? how long does that walking take you out of the fight? or how likely is it feasibly for you to reach them during a fight without suiciding or throwing?

this the issue I’m pointing at there which was 100% present with old sym.

I never said they needed to stay the same. I said they needed to be improved whereas your design is worsening the problems it already has and forcing such problems to be locked in from the shield piercing design.

idk how you misinterpreted my words that way despite being so blatantly clear about how orbs are currently trash.

and mercy’s pistol has double the projectile speed making it a lot harder to dodge in more ranges.

Strafeable_Direct_Range = ((proj_size_radius + target_width/2) / avg_hero_speed + latency) * proj_speed

projectile speed matters a lot more than projectile size esp when the magnitude of projectile size number in this game is a lot smaller than projectile speed numbers.

I’ve even done the math for you:

mercy has like double the effective range compared to sym’s current orbs.

like you think current orbs don’t allow for reaction time with how snail paced they are through the air? or how you have 1.25s between orbs?

or you just don’t realise I’m talking a lot more aspects and specifically about consistency.

either the weapon fire is precision/aimed based, or spam based. and orbs rn are trash at both directions. and your design is making them even worse at both whilst also locking them into that state because there’s just no way can you justify non-trash numbers to take them out of that state if they pierce shields and players.


Slow orbs had their place when bunker comps existed. Now that they no longer exist, you’d have to resort to using them to constrict choke points, where there are very few of in OW2, or save their use for when Zarya uses her ult, or Orisa uses hers.

Sure, there’s some synergy there, but effective uptime for those use case scenarios might net you one, maybe 2 orbs you could toss, and how much damage would be done realistically?

Not to mention, Genji already has fun with his deflect, how much could this potentially backfire in your teams face when you’re sending those orbs down the choke?

Just something to think about. Piercing orbs were always fun, and they DID have their uses back when bunker comp was toxic af with Bastion/Orisa/Rein combo. Now that the combo has gone away, I think the piercing orbs is less viable than having quicker projectiles honestly.

If you’re wanting to hearken back to the days of fully charged orb + slap combo, you could still get away with that in current build, but as always with Symmetra, being in someone’s face is a bad idea.

Remember lads,on these forums a support being focused on DPS means it’s a work of the Evil DPS Lords™ who want to destroy The Pure Fun Fair & Balanced Supports Designs™


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I like your idea. Some abilities like the speed boost or jump pad would probably be very team reliant like current TP so I’m not a fan of it but it’s very cute overall.

Again. The consistency can be improved by sacrificing damage for speed.
Her orbs doesn’t need to deal 120 damage. If it doesn’t work make it work. And if piercing doesn’t work screw it.

You. Basically everywhere. This is from reddit.

Projectile speed buffed to 55~60m/s (current 25m/s)

Charge time to max charge reduced to 0.75s (current is 1s)

Projectile radius reduced by 50~60% (i.e. to 0.4~0.5m width; current is 1m)


  • High speed
  • Big hitbox
  • Full 120 spam burst damage
  • With lower charge time

So the main problem I explained in my post still remains. No thank you.

Don’t put it in the open maybe?

Where do I want old Sym back?


Thx for admitting you’re just here to complain and spam. Like always.

That’s what the extra range is for…Do I have to explain everything to you?

This is not old Sym.

And I didn’t say you said this. I literally posted your ideas.

The way you ignored my second far more important point.
I got it. According to you Mercy is the better damage dealer. But in reality this isn’t the case. What do you think is the reason?



It still amazes me how people (or anti support Sym mains) rage about the idea of nerfing a heroe’s damage when you literally rework them from a DPS into a support.

And the Orbs are probably one of the most irrelevant aspects of this concept but sure waste all of your time arguing about them.

And now farewell.

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Yes, the role they had to buff and are going to buff more because they cant defend themselves.

In no state of the game being a immobile healbot is viable. Never has, and never will.

You nerfed it, and didnt solve ANY of the issues that make it a bad weapon on current Sym. You reduced the already subpar payoff for using it while making her even squishier.

How am I supposed to take seriously all those support Sym topics when y’all ideas are so out of touch with reality and prove that you all have zero understanding of how the support role works.

She already had higher TTK than most of the support role, from less range and with less survivability.

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As someone who would really like to pick her up after the redesign, I appreciate the effort. But why would we pick Symmetra 4.0 over any decent hitscan DPS like Ashe, Soldier or Cassidy? They’ll still easily outperform her damage and range-wise.

i lose so many braincells reading these takes… its clear none of us are gm sym players, maybe we should just say hey nice concept OP and call it a day


This is not a healbot. :thinking: Did you even read the concept?

She has

  • more range
  • more base damage
  • faster charge leading to more damage
  • more ammo
  • more survivability

Oh and I solved many problems here such as

  • TP being overpowered and team reliant
  • Sym being a support without changing her kit too much (healing beam, healing orbs, healing turrets)
  • Symmetra not losing her identity during this

Doesn’t matter when in reality she outdamages half the roster.
You are



except you can’t actually justify the projectile being more consistent when it piercing shields and people because it lacks counterplay.
again, can you justify a more consistent projectiles like mei icicle, zen orbs, ana primaries, orisa primaries, etc. piercing shields and people? no you can’t, because it’d be inherently oppressive.

hence the problem in your design.

that’s for a dps weapon fire AND it lowered projectile size in order to get the higher projectile speed.

plus it needs a net buff. you’re acting like current orbs are fine and not objectively legit 1 of the worst projectiles in the game by a large margin.

it doesn’t because with my changes you can use it more for herself which often is mutually exclusive from team tp uses which has less potential in OW2 anyways because deathballing and shield pocketting sym w+m1 as done in current OW1 OWL is much less viable in OW2.

"not placing them in the open" leads to my point about how you need to walk to a good spot behind cover that’s likely not in your immediate los —> you having more down time because you need to slowly walk to that spot.

like heck, do I have to explain everything to you?
I honestly feel like I’ve given more quality thought into your design than you have.

  • old tp
  • old shield gen
  • old slow piercing orbs
  • turrets back to 1hp and being able to have 6
  • literally 0 tools to let her get in and out of effective range whether to damage, heal or place structures

heck you’re basically only 1 noodle beam away from sym 1.0 kit.

because a short ranged hero with 0 mobility is a great combination to bake into the design of a squishy hero and is totally just an invalid biased complaint /s
not like we experienced this previously for sym at all leading to extremely low uptime /s

meanwhile in your previous reply:

which directly implies that you think I’m saying to keep orbs the same on support…

I didn’t ignore it. because

  1. you seemed to miss the line:

for orbs to kill, you do need to land more than 1 and still need to try “hit multiple projectiles which’d allow for reaction time” not to mention again, it’s so slow that the single shot itself has plenty of time for the target to react

  1. do you not understand that burst damage doesn’t matter if you can’t consistently land it?
    like imagine if widow’s shots weren’t hitscan and instead were 25m/s projectiles. how viable do you think she’d be? I can tell you right off the bat that she’d straight up be unviable and literally the worst hero of the cast because she can’t reasonably hit any OHKOs reliably despite the OHKO potential.

if we’re just comparing sym orbs vs mercy’s pistol, yes mercy’s pistol is objectively straight up the better weapon to dps with in both directions of spam weapon fire and precision weapon fire.


esp in OW2 context where people are more spread out and you’d very likely have to fend for yourself more and go get into your effective range yourself more.

the point about orbs is that it’s the only thing you can possibly extend the range on to extend the range of the hero. and you’ve completely locked them into being in the same effective range as her primary locking her into a short effective range.
bringing us back to the core issue I’ve been pointing at which is “how is she getting uptime?” esp when the rest of her kit are

  1. also demands more mobility to not experience high down time as explained before about good spots vs getting los to them from where you’re playing
  2. how the rest of the kit isn’t going to be so frequent that she isn’t spending the majority of her match time only having damaging/shooting as her available viable action.

I definitely like the idea of Symmetra being a support. Even after all these years, she still doesn’t really fit in with the rest of the DPSes, and I think she could really benefit a lot from getting the Doomfist treatment.

The E seems pretty solid, I really like that. The rest of it does seem kinda messy, like it’s a bunch of puzzle pieces that don’t quite all fit together in their current state. Some of them would, but some of them might just need to be replaced entirely; having not just two but three separate constructs all at once seems a bit much to juggle. Her M1 and M2 also feel kinda weird together for a support; maybe one of those should be replaced with a turret launcher?

I can definitely agree with others that this rework has some flaws, but I’ll definitely applaud the effort cause I agree with the basic notion that this rework is going for, and Overwatch is one of those games where it’s basically impossible to put a change idea out there that someone isn’t gonna disagree with and think is absolutely terrible.

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Its hard to fit into a role when she has been nerfed a dozen times to keep cooldown team TP and the hero got her survivability and reliable damage removed on a bad rework.

Lets not pretend that the 3.0 rework was actually liked or anything. It wasnt by actual Sym mains. And even despite the issues with 3.0, Sym has been factually nerfed out of being a good DPS hero.

Sym right now is way closer to this ‘‘non-healing support’’ fantasy than an actual support. A hero utterly defined by ~utility~ that doesnt fit in any role.