Symmetra rework brainstorm here

Last time someone made a suggestion and a character got buffed was when Mei was able to freeze through people… If that turns out to be a disaster I highly doubt Blizzard will take any more community suggestions tbh.

  • Remove Projected barrier
  • on it’s place she can place a Shield Generator (grant 50 Shield)
  • If destroyed the shield generator trigger a big Cooldown (like 30sec).
  • Her new ultimate will make the Shield Generator also works as a teleport and increase the effectiveness of the shields to 75
  • The ultimate bonus will linger on the platform until destroyed.

But he photon barrier is literally her only means of defense,

If your remove that, she now has no defense nor escape mechanisms,

Literally every character has atleast 1 of those

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If her right click balls hit allies they give shield based on how long it charged, or just make her right click channel exactly like her left click but give allies shield.

Give her a max pool of 150 shield she can distribute any way she pleases while holding right click on someone. (max Limit 75 shield) So she can either distribute 75 to 2 allies, 50 to 3, or 25 to everyone like before.

Along with her shield Gen, this would be EXTREMELY strong. It’d be balanced by the fact that she has literally no ranged tools at all anymore, with her right click converted to a buffing tool. Just have to think of a way to remove the shield…

Edit: Or remove Orisa and give Symm the immobile shield she hould have had, but was opted out of to give to Orisa instead. :^)

Is it? Personally I think Moira’s primary fire is more fun and a much better take on the same concept. As for her secondary fire, it’s practically useless.

Maybe calling it a complete rework is a bit much. More of a redesign on the core concepts of both weapons. Like her secondary fire should be fast and dangerous but have a cooldown rather than a charge up timer. Maybe even a charge count. A cast time isn’t unjustified but not one so freaking long.

Hell, if I were to try and do it (cause somehow magically I have the ability to program and design games) I’d make the secondary fire have 3 to 5 charges, with a short cooldown (something like 4 or 5 seconds per charge), and a short cast time with a cast bar to indicate when it’s full charge and when it’ll release regardless if you’re trying to hold it or not. And increase the speed so it’s not a glacier of easily dodged.

As for her primary fire. I’d just make it a slightly stronger version of Moira’s primary fire.

“Literally every character has atleast 1 of this”
shoun’t be a good think


oh ok i just thought when u meant “completely rework” you meant remove the weapon and replace it with something else. that makes more sense"


  • Thermoptic camo until an enemy is near. Recloak a few seconds after the fight.
  • Deployment like the shield core. Flying in a straight line and sticking to the nearest wall. Bonus buff if they fire midair.
  • Slowness effects abilities like tracers blink and gengus dash in that it reduces the distance proportional to the slowness effect.


  • If it recieves damage it slows down like moiras orb slows down if it dishes out dmg/healing.
  • Shieldcore is classified as an object symmetra can grab with her primary fire.


  • Base plate is deploiable regardless of ultimate charge and can be relocated on a short cd. If the ulti is charged it can either be activated on existing bases by looking up while placing or a new base can be formed where you stand by looking at the floor while placing.
  • TP can be destroyed and you get refunds based on remaining charges.
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So Symettra, at the end of the day, Symettra’s core character design is a prodigy builder who uses light like it were string, and she was the weaver. Its a core of her characters story both in how she relates to the world and in how her abilities should work.

So, given her design as a Support/Defense hybrid, let’s see if we can’t shake things up. First off, what about letting her build walls out of light?

So similar to how Mei’s ice wall work, Symettra could cause a large wall to sprout out of the ground. The wall could be like a shield, with people able to pass through it, but allies passing through it could get a temporary barrier applied to them, while enemies passing through could get slowed similar to the turrets attack, without taking damage.

This would give her more ability to control the battlefield. We could also make her turrets work more like flying drones, and have them have a similar attack pattern to them as Zen’s orbs. See an enemy, you can send your turret drone after them to constantly harrass them and shoot them with lasers.


Zen would like to have a word.

Sym becomes usable if you do the following.

  1. Leave the gun alone.
  2. Allow the turrets to be ‘thrown’.
  3. Make her E into a mini Sound Barrier.
  4. Make her Passive, into 50 Shields, in a 20 yard radius for her team.
  5. Leave the Ults alone.

At that point, she is a DPS/Support hybrid, as she was meant to be.


Forgot about zen, But he can easily pump out a lot of damage quickly with his right click

And Sym can do damage. Diving her is about the worst thing you can do, no?

Oh come on moderators

Its not like i was insulting them or anything…

Im going to start calling them the unnameable

But I wanna talk about that someone else, becuase hype, and well they struggling with sym and I bet the someone else will beat her changes to release.

go do a post about the someone else guy :stuck_out_tongue:

now i cant edit my thread anymore so yeah…

More Symmetra thoughts: Teleporter is pretty much the centerpiece of her kit, especially now that Mercy doesn’t offer a better, instantaneous version of it. Shield generator actually works against Symmetra’s crazy fast ult charge rate, because it never decays and only ends when someone finds and destroys it.

Move the shield buff to a channeled RMB, like Mercy’s heal beam but for a shield “overheal” as long as Symmetra is pumping the shield into her ally. Now it can be stronger and it doesn’t require you to sail halfway across the world and almost die of scurvy to get rid of the source.

This sounds absolutely awful. Her E already used to kind of do something like that, the passive is really OP, The gun is the worst part of her kit and needs touching.

Like i said in the OP…

I think that would make it better because once i place a shield gen im like…What now… i have nothing to work for anymore, im just gonna take a nap

I mean I wouldn’t call it iconic, what makes Symmetra pop from other characters is her buildables. Also, her weapon is the only thing holding her back from giving her a higher skill ceiling and possibly floor. If we could get that Sym might be able to compete with other supports while also having some outplay potential.