The real fix for orbs is to remove the entire charge mechanic. I am sick of having to charge up to do the same damage as every other dps.
I agree that it would be an improvement since the charge mechanic does absolutely nothing. No one is using anything but full charge orbs.
But that would not solve almost any issue Sym has other than having an orb on demand right away.
Maybe you’re right. I still wanna smack tracer with an orb instead of asking her to wait while I wind my gun up.
I want 135 dmg orbs so I can orb slap her back to her spawn room again like nature intended.
Was 2.0 the version where she had 2 ultimates (shield generator/teleport) and the barrier that went in a straight line ?
I feel that was my favourite version of symmetra because you had a lot options.
Yes, all of that, and the 1.0 gun with a buffed range and even higher range to break it.
They’re never gonna bring that back.
Shield Generator caused a lot of side issues on its own. 1) It created a secondary objective, which people didn’t like, and was incompatible with esports spectatorship. 2) It messed with breakpoints, and made Tracer too strong.
Photon Barrier was a beta test for Sigma, and I don’t think they want overlapping abilities like that.
- There is no longer a need to balance everything around esports/viewers because it is no longer the main focus. There is no OWL we can start focusing on making the game fun to play again.
- And even without the shield generator I feel that would be a more enjoyable version of symmetra.
There already so many overlapping abilties in the game. And it would give symmetra a option to get close to the enemies.
This part was never true because not only picking Tracer and Sym and Torb (yes, Torb was a must) meant running a very wonky 3 dps comp, but Shield Gen’s stationary nature means that it runs opposite to where Tracer will most often be.
The e-sports spectatorship is more like likely, yes.
That would be like saying that BOB and Torbrret are the same ability and one should be deleted. Sigma and Sym cant overlap their shields due to the later’s nature.
I agree, but sadly the focus shifted into making streamers happy and keeping ‘‘marketable’’ heroes OP and easy.
Shield Gen was the backbone of Sym 2.0. Without it, she would need massive buffs, at least +75 hp for herself and a whole new ultimate.
OWCS just finishing this next weekend. OWL is dead, but they’re still pushing the competitive scene regardless.
A fully charged beam during her ult would be amazing.
Or at least during the Ultimate she’s in a powered up state where her beam is always maxed charge, Orbs have virtually no charge time, no cooldowns on Teleporter and Turrets have no cooldown but still have the 3 Turret limit.
Could be huge if she use her wall to have full charged and refreshed turrets ngl. But probably too strong
She needs a whole rework, her kit makes no sense like why is she a close (medium is a stretch) range brawler with her beam but she has no sustain at all or any movement ability to engange or disengage (no, the TP sucks, by the time its deploy your already walking back from the spawn)
Evben if you consider her a poke hero with the orbs she at best doing chip dmg since she cant secure any kills, so shes a bad spam hero (worst than Junkrat or Pharah)
Her turrets used to have the CC slow effect to keep enemies at bay and fry them with the beam, but then again it was another way to keep her as a niche defense hero since she needs to be confined into an area and expect the enemies to walk into her.
Just a mess, nothing in her kit synergizes, even the TP bomb strategy sucked because it required her to burn all her CDs.