Symmetra needs a nerf

HAHAHA :rofl: I like you. I agree. Just kill her with good focus fire. You can kill her alone with double heals? Amazing :astonished:


An ulting Mercy with her pea shooter can kill Sym

It’s like people forgot that they were screaming at their teammate Syms to switch off for years and now they act like she’s the OG Brig where she can W+M1 without any support. All the “braindead easy no aim hero” comments are coming back too.

Sigh. When this meta ends,I hope to god these people won’t start harrassing Sym players again.


Before you go off on Sym, let me ask you a question: do you, or do you not, think JR has more damage output and more mobility in direct combat? Just curious…


For a second I wondered who the heck “JR” was but then I remembered Junkrat :joy:

and yeah you’re right

Yes, even with the buff Zarya and Sym got (which is a bit too much), he’s far worse, but people aren’t offended by JR apparently.

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It’s all about knowing how to burst her down fast with easy head shots or using burst damage heroes by flanking. I do this all the time to prove a point that Jeff and his crew has no idea how weak her kit is. She’s just a taxi service hero with utilities. If players going to rely on barrier tanks then they need to have flankers on their side, a Winston and a Moira.

You have some players saying Sym wrecks Moira and I look at them thinking they must be the pure healer Moira players than Hybrid version. Hybrid Moira players are the best ones and if you’re here I say thank you for representing her well. :love_you_gesture:

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Because he is much harder to use effectively. Sym is so easy to use its unreal.

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What stats?

If you’re using OB:

She’s got a 3-4% pick rate currently from bronze to plat, which house 9 out of every 10 players from the community- and is being seen basically every other game

with one of the highest overall win rates in those ranks.

Rank. Pick rate. Win rate.

Bronze 3.5 56.6%
Silver 3.4 58.1%
Gold 3.5 57.4%
Plat 3.3 58.6 %

I’ll let other make conclusions about those stats.

But which were you using? I’d like to see


Yea thats why she is getting a nerf.

She is strong on ladder but weaker on the pro scene. So i suppose she is more of a noobstomper and bliz tends to nerfs those first.

Doom is good on both. But i dont want sym or doom to recieve any more nerfs just yet.

So if doom does get a nerf i think sym will probably get an additonal nerf of some sort as well.

Why do you think Sym will get another nerf just bc Doom gets one?

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She’s getting a nerf and, when it hits, people are going to complain about double barriers all the more. Unless she gets a passive damage increase against barriers for whatever she is losing overall. They shouldn’t be nerfing her against damage when they are targeting barriers.

She’s already nerfed on PTR. Her only long range attack are turrets that are on a timer, can be destroyed in progress, and can be killed by 1-2 hits… accidentally.

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I’d love to know what stats you’re looking at, as the ones I see show her with a whopping 56% winrate, so…

I mean if we’re using the same source- doom, despite what many in the forums want to believe- is settling to be pretty much fine.

He’s winning 44% in bronze, 50% in gold (which is the largest single bracket, accounting for about 1 in 3 players itself). And in GM he’s at a 53% win rate (where he’s more or less been every day since we started getting feedback from OB). His pick rate has gone up- but his win rate where the majority plays has remained the same, but his winnrate has gone down in Gm.

Maybe get off Tracer, just saying.

If you are playing Sym as “just a taxi” you are objectively playing her wrong.

Stop playing the ONE META that enables her building up those stats.

I kill her easily so I can careless how players going to play her. She’s no threat and that’s how the developers want her to be portrayed.

Judging by their icon they are probably a Tracer main that blinked into a turret and got microwaved cause they have the situational awareness of an autistic goldfish.

Then you obviously haven’t played against a good one. And likely wont because everyone is bandwagoning off meta picks as per usual till they get inexplicably dumpster nerfed. Love when a hero is stated to be meta, but no one knows how to actually play them, but because they come up against people that do they cry OP and blizz actually ends up nerfing.