Should a character be balanced for the people that play them or for the people that don’t?
I think devs should work around the actual people who play the character. That said they shouldn’t just make them stronger because of bias within mains. But they also shouldn’t just make them weaker because of bias of the people playing against them.
You will just lose out on unique ways to play the game if characters are balanced around the people that don’t enjoy them.
That was the problem I had with the second rework they clearly focused all their changes on people that didn’t initially play sym. So a playstyle is destroyed.
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I think you meant according to who heroes should be changed in general, not just balanced, but needless to say that’s a very important question and I certainly respect your stance.
It’s really all up to the personal crisis of each and every one of us. For example, even though I personally think that the mains of a hero should always be listened to when said hero is receiving major changes, that’s all up to an extent.
Because plainly and simply, I consider it extremely unhealthy for the game if a specific aspect of it is changed or is left unchanged just in order to appease a small minority of the player base and displease everyone else. That’s how I view it an even though this is kind of a case by case philosophy, the devs should always strive to minimize the collateral damage caused by each change, which unfortunately will always occur.
But if course at the end of the day nothing that we say matters. Only the philosophy of the devs plays a role, but I think we both know how it looks like based on changes such as the 3.0 rework, etc.