Symmetra mains were scammed

Sym also needs a golden glove :eyes:


The real change she needs.


I’m not one of the people who say that. I think Moira is fine. I think Winston is fine. I think Mercy takes skill, etc. But playing against Sym 2.0 just felt insanely unfair in my elo.

And playing AS her was just the same. I 1v3’d people quite frequently. It was pretty bad. Yes, if a team had proper awareness she was hard to get value out of, but the level of advantage she had against other 200 HP heroes who had to aim, especially when having to get within her range (taking a point, etc.) was just insane.

Or it felt that way to me. I don’t claim things are OP’d unless I struggle against it AND have success with it. So it has to feel strong both ways, and that beam definitely did.

Data may show differently, and obviously people’s experiences may vary. I’m just saying that, in my opinion, that felt like the most BS thing to ever hit this game save for Brig 1.0. :laughing:

Edit: Just found the screenshot of one of the first games playing her after someone said I should play her if I thought she was that overpowered… lol


Pretending that Sym 3.0 is somehow the apex of overwatch hero design is downright insanity, the only point where Sym was even near usable beyond team tp cheese was when she had an entire meta feeding her easy primary charge, and she was still only 4th most used hero.

Sym 3.0 lacks self survivability, doesnt have enough of anything, is spread massively on different dps sub-roles to the point some people play her as a mediocre Tracer, design-wise too much of her power goes into team TP and not enough into making her a workable dps hero without massive pocketing.


Yeah but we cant base balance decisions on anectodal data - flanker/hitscan player feelies is exactly how and why Sym got nerfworked into a taxibot unable to fulfill her basic dps role.

Thats the thing… she doesnt. Not only other close range heroes hit her pretty hard, her range always made it very easy to limit her with range. An inmobile hero having a very small power zone is no issue at all - and probably what the game needs right now is people who slow the game so burst isnt so prevalent.

I really think you have colored your experience to only remember your successes with and defeats against Sym, and dont remember the other way around.


For insight for anyone wondering, here are several polls/surveys where a majority of respondants agree


Eh, it’s possible. I only played her for 6 hours in QP, so /shrug. Did have a 60% win rate with a 2.91 KDR though, so that’s pretty decent. Only other hero with that high of a win percentage that I played more than 5 hours was Brig at 70% WR, 3.12 KDR.

It’s also possible I could’ve just been good with Sym and Brig relative to some other heroes, I guess. But considering I had pretty good success and felt they were unfair to fight against … yeah, it’s anecdotal, but still, I’m sticking to it. XD

I really do wish they hadn’t trashed the hero, though. Don’t really blame the Sym mains who quit because of it.

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I’m more concerned with the fact that Symmetra was viable for ONE WEEK before she was nerfed into the ground where Blizzard apparently thinks she belongs, while Genji, every 12-year-old’s and weeb’s favorite hero, gets so many buffs at once that he catapults into absolute insanity, but he gets to remain untouched for, what, two months?


It would have been better if the skills sym 2.0 used were on other hero’s. But so many things I had been optimizing just became obsolete with the rework.

This caused me to fall from gm to masters. And later to diamond with the infinite tp. Which really sucked because my favorite part of this game was the really nice community at the gm level


Symmetra mains are very decent people
never met Sym main that not unique
there is many Gengi and Tracer and Widows most of them are terrible.
but Sym players are something else. this hero need more than buff



i prefer new sym anyways


Would love to see actual evidence that supports all these claims.

Wrong. The fact that a hero has had a high win rate throughout their life has absolutely zero connection with whether said hero is actually liked amongst people of a specific community and especially not amongst the entire player base.

High win rates are actually inversely proportional most of the times to even a hero’s pick rates due to heroes who are situational by design, such as Symmetra 2.0, naturally having a low pick rate and high win rate.

And even if this flawed logic of yours is true, it still makes no sense because you’re comparing one of, if not the most balanced situational heroes in this Ham’s history (2.0) to a blatantly numerically underpowered hero such as 3.0…

And 3.0 still defeated 2.0’s stats when she was the closest to numerically balanced during the Double Shield META.

Yeah, if we exclude the terrible “low skill = high reward” nature of 2.0, how utterly frustrating she was to play against and her blatantly situational nature, along with all other fundamental design problems that led to her rightful rework years ago, I guess the 2.0 rework did ““work””… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

It wasn’t even close to ““unwarranted””, but anyways…

Just the same old misinformation thrown around once again… I won’t even bother…

No one was scammed. It is written in the official Terms and Conditions that you automatically agree to when you buy the game that it may receive changes without prior notice.

You have no one but yourself to blame for not reading the Terms and not finally getting over 2.0… 2 entire years after she was reworked…

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Then don’t? No one asked.



All of the surveys/polls provided are not even close to being classified as evidence in the first place, due to the extremely low number of responses and the fact that they have been created in platforms which in no way represent the actual player base, as they’re either filled with Support mains or outright with former Symmetra 2.0 mains.

I don’t like where this is going.

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It literally came from the Symmetra reddit… Actual Symmetra players voted. Yes the number will be small???

And that just isn’t true. A lot of them still prefer 3.0 but the majority would like a mix of the two. I can get on board with that.

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That’s the problem. Only Symmetra players voted, tons of which have already been proven from other suveys in the exact same subreddit to be former Symmetra 2.0 mains.

Again, I have still to see any actual evidence which supports such a claim.

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I will never forgive blizzard for taking Symmetra 2.0 from me. She was the reason I played so much overwatch nonstop, I loved her so much, both in character design and gameplay, I found her interesting and fun to play, despite the hatred I got for being a “Symmetra one trick”.

I miss her, sometimes I watch my old POTG’s of Sym2.0 and get genuinely upset it feels like they took my best friend from me and all I have left is a robotic replacement that doesn’t feel the same lmao


I like sym 3.0.1 version better

Sym 2.0 had its problems too. Turrets with 1HP and short deploy range, made it very difficult to rebuild your defense during fights. Relaying on getting her ult as fast as possible to get any form of value for the team. Unreliable ranged attack/poke with alt-fire, and low survivability for being a melee/close range hero.

Sym 3.0 fixed most of these problems. I wished they’ve kept the Shield Gen as the ult tho and only did the other changes they did.

The increase range and damage on her primary-fire was a good change, faster alt-fire for more reliable poke was also good. (I personally have no problem with the removal of the old photon barrier as it had also issues, if it where like Sigma’s current shield then photon barrier would be amazing, but Sigma can have that one, more love for tanks in the end.)

Moving the TP to an normal ability made it more useful and also allowed some creative utility and unlocked some cool team comp synergy. Improved turrets with unlimited deploy ranged was a god sent and also they got 30HP instead of 1HP.

Overall 3.0 is a better version of Sym in most aspects, the only thing I wish is that she was still support, so I could play her mor in this era of 2-2-2, I used to play Sym and later switch to a mercy or moira when needed before 2-2-2. But whatever, I play this game less and less and probbly will move on to other games, OW is not what it used to be, but thats ok I guess, if we stop enjoying OW, we can always just stop playing the game and let it retire like most other games.



Bruh. My survey was responded to by like 90 non symmetra mains. At least go read the data. Yes my demographic was the forums but I think it could be a representative sample of at least forum users. But while its low it was answered by people who find the game fun enough to come to forums which tells me those people will have similar opinions to most.

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