Symmetra is the worst DPS in the game

So, you originally changed her entire kit because you felt that you needed to get rid of niche heroes. What is niche?

Niche: a place, employment, status, or activity for which a person or thing is best fitted

Syms original TP ultimate was too niche’, which is why you gave her shield generator. Then you reworked her and Torb’s kit to try to rid them of their small niche spaces. {You devs make no sense whatsoever. In what world is Bastion not niche’ in this game since it’s inception?}

So, how is Symmetra not WORSE than niche’ now? Her niche now is to serve as a teleporting taxi bot for the entire team. This niche in itself is terrible to begin with because your team is essentially 5 on 6 despite her service because her accessibility to her dps potential is slower than a turtle on lean.

Literally, the only people who think Symmetra is good in today’s world are people who do not play in competitive games in masters and above. She is perennial trash in every game. Merely existing as any other dps in the game provides three times as much value than a symmetra playing near perfect at every turn of the game.

Every other dps in the game is more viable than Sym in any scenario.
Need spam damage to pressure chokes? Why go Sym? Go JunkRat, Torb, Hanzo? They are all better at that.

Need a flanker to eliminate enemy healing resources during team fights?
Why go Sym? Tracer and Genji are far more superior in this role.

Need a frontline shortrange powerhouse dps to pressure the tanks in team clashes?
Why go Sym? Reaper is superior. The Rat is superior.

Need an ult to defend against offensive ults?
Why go Sym? Zenyatta can provide healing, more reliable damage, and a superior ultimate in this category.

She is bad. Look at her pickrate . . . Look at her non existence in overwatch league since it’s inception . . . Look at how the reader of this thread does not want her on their team in a serious game that they want to win . . . Look at the numbers.

She was ->Ok<- for two weeks, and you instantly nerfed her into oblivion. I don’t get it.

She can be the ultimate swiss army knife if you actually tried to get her out of the dumpster.

A dps capable of putting out great damage, with an ultimate that can create good space, with turrets that provide good zoning potential.

You nerfed >every single part of her kit<
She is now bad at all of them.

What is their reasoning for keeping this hero in the dumpster? I don’t get it.


Because then she’ll be in the spotlight. They don’t want her there hence the rework and little to zero tweaks. Her buff were hardly noticeable that even stale breadcrumb buffs looks better.


I honestly don’t understand.

They put the hero in the game, so that let’s me know that they would like the character to succeed . . .

However, she is severely underwhelming and not even close to balanced - and I firmly believe that some of the worst players in the game when it comes to game sense can see it.

The spot she is currently in is no where close to acceptable and I refuse to believe the devs believe this. If a dev tells me she is balanced, than they are lying in our face . . . .

but why? I don’t get it. Balance the character. How hard is it. She is beyond dumpster. There is not one situation in the game where someone says . . . “Hey Widow, can you go Sym instead?”

Has anyone ever heard such a thing? Ever?


They didnt nerf everything about Sym.

They buffed her taxi bot capacities, because that is all Blizz sees her doing in their all seeing, divine design philosophy.

Sym NOT being a taxi bot could mean that her being one is a wrong idea, and as we all know, Blizzard devs are NEVER wrong.


Thing is unfortunately they treat this game as an actual mmorpg fps than a fps or moba fps at that. Symmetra had a wonderful simple design at start, but I believe they’re just incapable in shield support. Overall Blizzard is not good with balances and it would take guts if they actually admit it while reverting the tweaks and giving better buffs. Not in this timeline.


no i think that is soldier.

“They didnt nerf everything about Sym.”

Yes they did.

Ultimate went from 15 seconds to 10 seconds.
Went from 5000 health to 4000 health.

Turrents went from 50 dps to 40 dps.

Beam got nerfed.

TP going infinite was a nerf because they increased the cooldown by like 600 percent.

They nerfed every aspect of her kit with the exception to her secondary fire . . .

Imagine nerfing 70 percent of a character’s kit when she was considered DUMPSTER in the 1st place. Go blizzard!



that’s actually debatable tbqh. because right now you have a single purpose taxibot vs before you actually have it when AND where you need it because of the higher cast frequency letting sym move it to adapt to the situation e.g. if enemy popped an ult than changed the locations of where a tp would be valuable or vice versa of your team claimed new space and would play somewhere else away from where tp currently is.

esp when it comes to “taxibotting” where more often than not, they’re basically one way trips where they would move away from tp to play elsewhere i.e. tp would need to move if you want to grab more value through tp.

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He is so bad that even Symmetra mains forget he exists.


Sombra and Soldier are still worse than Sym. A good Sym can be very beneficial to a team and do well. Sombra however is a guaranteed lose and Soldier has been powercreeped hard.

Also I don’t see how Symmetra can somehow be worse than Sombra. Which is needed to earn the title of worst DPS in the game.


I think the worst dps award goes to Bastion or Sombra.

Sym doesn’t need much change for her to be good, a buff/revert to her TP and her survivability would be enough for me.


I agree with you on most things but her Ult lasts 12 seconds.

Dude you’re wrong. Doomfist is. He got nerfed so hard you guys don’t even understand what it’s like to be a Doom main right now. Like they increased his uppercut recovery time by not 0.1s, not 0.2s, but…

0.3S!!! Uninstalling right now.

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Soldier is better than Sym.

More reliable damage . . .
Better ultimate . . .
Has self sustain

Just because Soldier is bad, it doesn’t mean that he’s worse than Sym.

If soldier is BAD…
then Sym is worse . .

She’s the worst.


symmetra is such a clown fiesta always has been always will be, don’t waste your time or energy on her shes not worth it

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People forget how good Soldier can be sometimes
at least Soldier has his moments
Symmetra has to struggle to get even small amounts of value in most ranks
hopefully if her teleporter keeps its instant cast time she may see some more use with her increased mobility

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It really depends on what you use them for. Soldier is a hitscan and Sym is a shield buster with utility. However Soldier is considered the worst hitscan in the game. However Sym is actually one of the best shield busters.

Sym will always be better than Soldier in my book.

Nope, Sym can out DPS Soldier and has better shield busting.

Not really, a giant shield that covers the map is always more useful than a Aimbot. Soldier’s ult is actually the worst ult in the game since it brings little value. It also cannot save you from a Dva bomb.

Though its pretty pointless with the massive amounts of healing supports can do.

Na its still Sombra.

Sombra says hi. Symmetra mains are just whiny.


Because she was designed to be an overly situational hero. Jeff has said this himself, because he wasn’t expecting people to main and one-trick heroes, so some heroes were designed to be good in very few scenarios. Symmetra was one of them, and got the worst hand dealt.

The current form of Symmetra, her weakest state and by far the worse, was designed to be better on attack. That’s it. It wasn’t to make her better, it wasn’t to inflate her pick rate, it was so she didn’t have a hard time on attack and to stop people complaining about an attack Symmetra. Neither of these things happened: She’s still a pain to run on attack, unless you know what you’re doing, and people will still report you before you even get off the hero select screen for picking Symmetra.

The devs nerfed her when she was good because Symmetra is not supposed to be good. It’s why she’s ignored, and left in underpowered and detrimental states, because that is what the devs want. Jeff, please correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like noone at Blizzard even plays Symmetra. So if you want what’s best for the hero, you’ll revert her to her Support iteration with the Shield Generator, Teleporter and Photon Barrier on E, where she was actually fun to play and did something engaging. Symmetra was perfect before, she had 0 buffs or nerfs with the Shield Generator iteration. And this is an ‘overly situational pick?’

Blizzard, stop being delusional. Symmetra never should’ve been a dps hero. Symmetra should be balanced as fairly as the other heroes. And Symmetra has every right to be viable like the rest of the heroes. You’re little fantasy that Symmetra is’ doing fine’ is just that: A fantasy.

And while you’re at it, rework Bastion. For the same reasons as Symmetra, he’s bad. Because you made him bad.