Symmetra is terrible as a DPS

I’m honestly surprised Sym 3.0 is still in the game. It’s not rocket science to see that that most heroes in the dps category does damage so much more consistently and is (for the most part) self sufficient.

Her teleporter is such a wonky and clunky part of her kit its insane. It will either be too good or too bad and should not be on a dps character.

Her ultimate is also so bizarre, and while it fits symmetra thematically, it doesn’t belong on a dps hero.

I love the IDEA of a ramping beam, but it has shown to be impossible on heroes like symmetra. It only works on zarya because she has double symmetra’s health, and a self protecting bubble, even a longer ranged weapon.

I honestly think her becoming a healer has potential to make her a REAL pick and character, and not just a shell of all the heroes in her respective category.

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Learn to use it selfishly. I’ve won tons of 1v2 and 1v3s because TP and turret bombs can be so strong.

Nerf all the overcrept DPS and nerf healing and then give small buffs to Symm like a shorter TP CD and a smaller hitbox and she’ll be fine. I’m part of that small group who wants her to stay as DPS

They moved her from the support category yet gave her two more supportive abilities

Good job Blizzard :smiley::+1:

Probably even more than that considering McCree can kill most 200 heroes in less than half a second if they’re exposed.

I’ll hear them out on it but I’m expected to be disappointed considering they trashed Sym 3.0 without question the moment she rose above 1% usage.

Are we playing the same Symmetra? Her pickrate doesn’t lie. But sure, she’s not horrible.

You have no idea what that healer kit could be though. It really frustrates me when people dismiss things before they know very much.

You’re just as bad as those people saying “Overwatch 2 is garbage and just an expansion”

Dude just chile and wait for what’s to come

Which you are actively doing to dps sym 4.0?

Whereas I’m fully against the nature of healing on symm at all. You have hope for symm 4.0 healer but not dps. But I’m saying I don’t care if healer symm is good. Because healer symm isn’t symm imo

If she actually leaves DPS category and goes in either Support or Tank, I won’t mind, and she’ll be my main.

No I’m not.

Because a DPS rework isn’t on the cards? Did you read the AMA? They “consistently bring up Symm as a support”

In fact, one of the reasons they gave for not making her a healer in the first place was to try to keep Symmetra feeling like Symmetra. Well, many Symm mains have already said 3.0 has stripped her of her identity. So there’s nothing to lose with reworking her again.

Healer Symm would feel more like Symm than current Symm. That’s my opinion. Please respect it.

Oh I use TP bomb a lot. It’s very niche. Perhaps it’s an SR/MMR thing, but where I play it very rarely works. The cast time gives the enemy time to react. Ana is in most games, with my turrets being destroyed instantly by nade or even just by meleeing the TP.

TP Bomb is not a valid strategy outside of low ranks and low MMR games.

I can accept that you have it. But I also have mine. And mine is, incredibly polar opposite to yours by nature. You can have your view. It’s clear in your op…I’m saying it’s not for me.

A label isn’t an identity to me. They evolve and change as appropriate. “Support” left behind symm 1.0 imo. Symm didn’t have to leave the game because of that.

All require your opponent to be inferior to be effective

She was fine before the 10 nerfs in a row.


Quoting my own response on this healer thinking:

I like Sym, she was over-nerfed though to the point that there is little reason in most cases not to run Torbjorn instead.

I was disturbed that the idea of making her a Support came around. Some Sym players think this signals a return to form; let me assure it does not .

What you will get is this: Sym losing even more distinctness and become a heal-bot. The trend with Supports has been to weaken their special abilities as much as possible (with the exception of Ana who is granted exempt status and Lucio), the rest are consigned to just healing around an average.

If Sym is truly converted to a Support, here’s what will happen:

  • No change in primary/secondary or secondary turns into a HOT utility mimicking Brig
  • Turrets will likely be converted to heal points, basically mobile health packs, no damage
  • No shield generator. Period.

Y’all are hoping for shield gen, that will never return. OTOH, you stand to lose a lot with the turrets… you might even lose the teleporter entirely . I mean thats the way they treat supports… trust me, you want her as a DPS because DPS gets the cool abilities in OW more than any other.

This person is right on - its other DPS and Tankers who got Sym nerfed… think about that… now they want her moved into Support, where she is even less effective. As usual, some of the less critical thinking people are dumb enough to buy into his line of thinking not realizing they are cutting Sym’s throat in the process…

Oooooh preach. Preach!

Who else didn’t work and sits all sad? Reaper. Junkrat. Bastion. Ain’t none of them fighting to be a support. Because being a healer doesn’t magically grant you worth as that hero.

Bastion as a support might get picked more. But they won’t be bastion.

It’s not that junkrat “hasn’t worked with this kit” it’s that people. Hate. Seeing. Him. Picked

If they wanna dumpter symm, they’ll do it. No label will save her from that. In fact , we already saw this fact with 1 and 2.0

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I mean, she doesn’t have to be, it’s just that she’s not even allowed to be one of the best choices against heroes her kit is supposed to counter. And for some reason the old “no aim” claims still linger even with her very aim-reliant beam.

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We sure are. Sym will never have a pickrate as high as Ashe, Widow, Genji, etc. Because people don’t enjoy her playstyle as much as other characters. Sym doesn’t have the same immediate impact as other characters and thus has a very different playerbase.
Don’t get me wrong. If she would be meta, high level players would play her, but she would need to be extremely powerful for that to happen.

But she is an alright pick at the moment. Alright pick + Unique kit = low pickrate.
Best example for this was Mei. Was never played until she was meta. Then suddenly she was an overpowedered beast and got nerfed several times.

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So in a game where you win by capturing a small zone, you don’t think a hero designed to be strongest fighting in small zones is good?

How good is Hanzo when you hide behind the payload, a giant object, your tanks barrier, or your barrier ultimate?

This is literally all that needs be said.

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This game could use another Zenyatta. Bring it on! Let her deal good damage and heal in decent amounts.

LOL what you will get is a heal-bot, and a mediocre one at that. With some luck she might get a new generator that is easily destroyed with poor range as an AOE healing device, and maybe her alt-fire remade into a HOT. Be very, very careful what you wish for making Sym a Support… very.

Hey N7. I just created my own Symmetra healer rework idea. I know you’re not a big fan of the healer rework idea, so that’s why I’d appreciate your feedback.