Symmetra is Okay imo

The problem with Symmetra is that some of the people who play her, thinks she’s bad. When in reality she’s at an OK spot in my opinion.

She provides a unique utility and because of that she has a niche role, and is pretty effective on some maps.

Now is she fun to play? That’s a whole different topic and is subjective.

But in my opinion, she’s OK atm. Could she use some minor buffs? Maybe. But don’t act like she’s totally ineffective because she isn’t.


except when you actually rank her kit numbers and parameters (sustain, burst, effective range, mobility, etc.) to the rest of the cast, she’s pretty much on the low side in all of them and would immediately show that her tools for uptime are simply insufficient.

instead of me re-typing an essay, here’s a link to a write-up I did a while ago on a sort-of mid-high level on how her tools are insufficient for uptime.


I mean have you seen those hips? Symmetra is indeed fine, she’s damn fine! :face_with_monocle:


I mean Sym in general is very pretty to look at.

Symmetra isn’t fine. Not only is she in a worse state of feast or famine, but her niche has become a lot less clear now that she’s just taxi.

Her current state is either horrible or over oppressive/annoying. She has issuse that need to be ironed out to make her better to play with and against

Her utility makes up for that.

She has one of the slowest and inconsistent kits in the game. You can be great with but that’ll only get you so far when you have a Primary Fire that’s too risky to use in most situations and a Secondary Fire which is the slowest moving damage projectile in the game which makes it bad outside of a 15-20 meter range.


it really doesn’t. “utility” isn’t some catch-all cheque to write-off uptime tool insufficiency problems. heck even the other “utility dps” heroes and even supports don’t have the same uptime tool insufficiency problems.

  • mei has 0 mobility but compensates for that via having decent range on icicle (staple weapon fire) + wall placement (core utility tool), not to mention her sustain compensates the fact that her damage is sustained (i.e. can live reasonably long enough to get the value she wants)
  • similar can be said about ana, zen and bap regarding long range (for heal, damage or utility abilities) vs their low mobility for them to achieve frequent and decent uptime
  • sombra has low effective range on both weapon + hack but she’s got the mobility from stealth + translocator to frequently get herself in and out of that to do her job
  • similar can be said about mercy and lucio about their low range vs their higher mobility

none of that can be said for sym tho and that’s the problem.

I like how symmetra’s problems are chalked up to “the people who play and understand the character are wrong”

I like when Stevoo came on the forums the other week and said that sym is actually pretty good. And told the sym mains why they were wrong.

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Of course she is… those hips don’t lie.