Symmetra is literally illegal... LOL

This to me just made me realize Blizzard simply don’t care about these heroes. It’s literally one of the only useful things you can do as these two heroes in OW2 and they just banned it.
I remember hearing about it yesterday and thinking it would be some ridiculous out of map exploit they did that was clearly banned and then when I saw it, I had to go get confirmation because I thought it was the wrong clip. But nope, something we’ve been able to do for years is banned. How dare teams come up with creative ways to push past chokes, this type of stuff is why OWL isn’t taken seriously.

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It’s sort of ridiculous things like this aren’t permitted in tournaments lol… They did have to use up 2 cds to make that happen.

Symmetra gets strength from good placements, The mei wall though doesn’t seem like it should be able to be cast that high. Unless Pharah can’t get up there normally I don’t see the issue with this.

Remember when Dafran used Lucio Speed Boost to jump Zarya over the Hollywood Payload Door?



I’d like to point out there’s a difference between “she’s fine EXACTLY the way she is” vs “you don’t have to do a complete redesign of her and just buff her + do key mechanical tweaks to make her fine”.

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I’ll rephrase this one more time and only this once.

You cannot balance her in her current form. She cannot have TP and be a good DPS.

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except there literally exists 1 solution at the very least:

Well Chipsa during his 5 minutes of fame did say that OWL dont allow him to abuse roofs lol

I would kindly suggest to read the definition of “illegal”, or even better, of “literally”.
Especially since they still used Symmetra for their second attack.

Blizzard removes weird map points that allow exploitable positions all the time. That’s almost always what patch notes saying “removed geometry that allowed hero X to get to unintended places” is referring to.

They can’t just halt the OWL broadcast to push an emergency hotfix for the geometry exploit, so they made the team restart the round and told them not to use that exploit again.

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Well Sym is officially a dead character now lul

How is that “exploitable” position in the first place, if it’s within the map? It’s not out of bounds, it’s not in some unreachable spot either.

If you can’t build in any area around it except one pixel of mis-marked “no build” terrain, it’s an exploit. It wasn’t intentionally left in there for someone to scout every nanometer of the map for The Spot that lets them do that, it’s a bug in the overlap of two no-build zones.

The OWL is even stupider than I ever imagined if they actually invalidated a match because of something that can happen in a game. What an absolute joke of a “sport”.

How exactly was whole thing done? Symmetra puts teleport on Mei’s ice wall, wall disappears, and now players can teleport to teleport floating mid-air?

I don’t think that is possible in game. I suspect that the teleporter is placed on the ground and then the icewall lifts it into the air which allows you to get over an obstacle. It would fall back down once icewall is gone. This doesn’t seem like a big deal because you can be standing under the icewall and have yourself lifted anyway.

Once the wall breaks, the teleporter falls, but the window where it’s elevated lets heroes that can’t fly access areas where they normally can’t go. It’s a pretty common map oversight because they’re always fixing maps for this kind of thing.

There’s a similar icewall trick on Gibraltar C behind the death pit, there’s like, two pixels of buildable space on the terrain that’s supposed to funnel you to certain death. You can put an icewall and teleporter there, the flank from the transformer box that’s at the top of the stairs near the corner of point C and get directly onto the rocket pad near defender’s spawn (bypassing the corner of death completely). I saw it happen in an OWL match one time, but it wasn’t penalized at the time, likely because messing it up wastes a push.

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its so transparent how characters like doomfist and genji are allowed to have rollouts and 99% of their animations being completely cancellable, but sym and mei cant do this? brig cant animation cancel for her combo? couldn’t be more biased lmao

They do use it but very rarely and mostly just to reposition on high ground or to rez someone they can’t see/reach without doing so.

That’s because superjump is a very very predictable trajectory straight up and makes you very easy to kill via headshots because all they have to do is aim above you and fire and you’ll float right into it.

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Not really. It is in the rules they signed up to.

Personally, I think it should be legal. If blizzard don’t want people doing it, patch those spots out of the game. Simple.

Stalling on surfaces not intended to be stood on is not allowed in OWL. It has been like that since the beginning as far as I recall. This is why we don’t have Owl widows using any of the broken Kephrii spots where you can stall forever and the enemy can’t really see you.

I feel like this isn’t a symm tp issue though. It’s the fact that Mei wall can be put on top of surfaces that you wouldn’t normally be able to stand on that’s the issue.

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