Symmetra has been a tremendous failure

Yeah. Solid. CC heavy stack comps work really well in a lot of games. Assuming the game doesn’t have a good anti-chain CC mechanic (eg, diminishing returns on, or immunity to, multiple CC debuffs within a short window).

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Lol pretty much that.

Unfortunately, that was the problem. It’s passiveness made her too slow and unable to make meaningful plays like other heroes.

Duuuude… Have you never had a girlfriend go the passive/aggressive route with you?

It’s VERY effective haha.

  1. No
  2. This is a game, not a relationship.

Is it not though? Is it not?

You have a relationship with the battlefield. At least Symmetra 2.0 did.


Yeah, Symmetra 2.0’s “relationship” was hope the enemy wasn’t smart enough to not play into your turrets because if not, you’re not doing much because of how passive her kit was.

Sym 3.0 is like she’s had a bad break-up and gone on a long 4 month drunken bender. Go home symmetra (back to 2.0), you’re drunk.

After reading through your post (which I largely agree with) I realized something;

Without Res being really usable in most games, and without the TP, there’s really no reason not to wait up for your entire team to do a full push anymore.

I’m not really sure what the consequences of that will be, I already feel like there’s a really sharp pace shift happening in the game between the addition of Hammond and the changes to Symmetra, that I’m just realizing we’re really missing any possibility for any character to clutch a match using an ability to get their team to the point faster, which is what TP and Mass Res were. I wonder if that’s like an intentional thing or if it will overall hurt the game.

The thing about it is that while everyone can say that they hate it, I think that maybe there were a lot of elements to it that created suspense and excitement that we’re throwing away too quickly without giving full consideration to? Like… I really loved that as Symmetra I could put up a TP in a clever spot and help my team attack the point from a unique angle on a lot of maps that the enemy weren’t expecting. I loved that as Mercy you could balance the fight by ressing two or three people and give your team fresh life, creating a new smaller fight within the fight.

Now it seems like literally all I’m watching when I watch overwatch is one big team brawl, then it’s over. That’s it.

The brawl is either one or lost, there’s absolutely no grey, no… Gameplay, or counterplay to it, there’s just… You lost, wait for your team to respawn and try again.

Edit: And even consider as the enemy; you know that you staggered their last person and they can’t possibly regroup fast enough for a final push, so now the last 30 seconds of the game doesn’t have any suspense or thrill or the feeling of victory, it just has… ‘Yeah, of course we were going to win, it was 4v6.’ There’s literally not even a chance that you could get surprised anymore with taking out these features of the game and I think that’s a bit… Mmm, maybe bad?

Now you just get surprise flanked by literally everything in the game, but being surprise flanked and being surprised that their character is alive and on point are two rather different things.


That’s exactly what they’re doing. They’re making the game e-Sports friendly. Coordinate or die, basically.

Previously, it wasn’t as punishing to run in to save a point from being captured, delaying the capture until support could arrive. When you had Symmetras TP on hand, you knew you could hold out long enough and maybe hold the point.

Now that’s not an option, just as extending the life of your team with armor/shielding.

They are definitely pushing the game towards a coordinated set of fights, rather than a skirmish type mentality. This isn’t as prevalent with QP as it is with comp, but it’s making its way that direction for sure.


I just find watching the game to be so much more chaotic and boring now at the same time, it’s really hard for me to articulate what about it is… Wrong, but it’s like…

Nothing really has any time anymore. Everything is happening so fast and so immediately with constant flanks, pushes, everything happening in these big bursts and then being done that it’s like I’m not really watching a game play out. I’m watching fireworks, tiny explosions that happen and are done. I don’t like that. I really enjoyed watching creative plays from Tracer and Widow where they went and set up in a weird spot and managed to do unique and interesting things, but now it’s all just… Oh yeah Doomfist slammed that Ana into a wall and she died right away, big shocker there.

Frankly I wish that they would stop coordinating the game around OWL - if they want their players to play that way, then it should be a playstyle that is idk rewarded, and it already was, but it shouldn’t be the only playstyle or group style that exists? I already found this season of matches a lot more laborious to watch than old OW games, and I’m really not trying to be one of those ‘Overwatch is dying!’ type people, but… I’m starting to give it some side eye =/ and I don’t want to be, but they’re making it really hard!


Hey, don’t worry about it.

Anthem is just around the corner :smiley:

Overwatch was the first game I really got into since WoW =/ I’m sorta difficult to please when it comes to games, not very many of them fit the bill. I find most FPS shooters to be too dark/grimy/jarring/gross to look at or just depressing experiences overall, and I’m looking for escapism in my games, not… ‘Wow I’m dying in a field of zombies!’ etc. so - I’ll google what Anthem is and check it out, but OW really is kind of unique in what it offers in a way I don’t think hardcore gamers realize.

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Oh crikey it’s an EA game, I’m not sure I’ll be able to afford it XD

Haha, yeah. Take a look at it though, tell me what you think.

To me, it’s kind of like Destiny and Mass Effect had a baby, and out popped Anthem.

I watched a few trailers for it - it looks like a game I’m sure many people will really, really enjoy, and it’s incredibly impressive and comprehensive in what it is, but frankly the whole thing is very overwhelming for someone who’s a more casual gamer. With real life responsibilities and already feeling brain dead most of the time, I really struggle with games that have so many complex layers that require you to do so much. That was why I couldn’t play WoW after college - games that require you to ‘put in time’ in order to achieve things or gain armor/stuff in them are really hard for me to keep up with. Overwatch is, you load it up and play, and you get better at characters, and that’s about it. I like the simplicity of that.

Also, I’m just not one for the hyper realism that Games have gone to, I really like the stylization of Overwatch because nothing falls into uncanny valley. Like Anthem looks like a marvel and an achievement in it’s own right, but… I do not like looking at it xD I’m kind of a… Games should look like games, not movies, person.

Edit: However, thank you for the suggestion, always very much appreciated!

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Understood, to each their own.

I’ve been a fan of Blizzard games for a looooong time. If 8 bit zug zug means anything to you, you should have an idea.

I’ve tried my hand at all types of games, RTS, Shooters, Flight sims, flight sim shooters, space games, tactical warfare, you name it, I’ve played it.

I always tend to go back to the team based games though. I especially like smaller group/team based games. Raids just aren’t for me anymore, as I can’t contribute the hours necessary to achieve success at them. 25-40 man raids that require 6-8 hours to complete. Nahh, no longer my style. I have kids of varying ages, and a wife I can’t say, “I’m in a raid!” to.

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Kek! x3 Blizzard has been the best since Warcraft 2 in my book, I looooved playing Tower Defense on Battle Net. Ah, the good ol’ days. I loved Battlefield 1942, that was a great FPS shooter.

I never did manage to succeed in the upper levels of WoW - organizing a raid beyond about 12 people was just such a task of scheduling and commitment I never managed it. By the time they made it so you could reach level 60 without actually having to put in the hours, I’d kind of already fallen out of the game because I just couldn’t keep up.

Really I feel like we need more games where you can log in and play with like, 2-4 more people than you in an isolated game ‘incident’ and enjoy it and leave. All these other games are so complex and require you to grind so many hours - like that whole Darth Vader fiasco where someone showed you’d have to play the game for something like 800 hours if you wanted to unlock the main characters or whatever. Ain’t no one got time for that!

It’s funny you mention that, the only reason I got the game was for the flight portion of it.

The land battles were too… predictable I guess.

I remember playing X-wing vs Tie Fighter back in the day, on Lan, with a lot of my co-workers… Those were the days.