Symmetra and Sombra: Are they really any better?

And what new role do you think she fulfills?

How exactly does increasing the room for error make her more skilled? Whether the changes are good or not aside, how is new Sombra more skilled?

Whiners about autolock were bad players that died to sym, like genjis which dashed in and then had no escape. Sym players complained that they broke the lock when they released junkertown and never fixed it. Now, let me explain the issue with the new primary…it is useless. You get better and more reliable DPS with her alt fire even at close ranges. The only scenario it works in is where you can melt shields without being exposed to the enemy. Guess how many times a game that happens.

The point of her rework was to make her less team reliant and more viable as a DPS. Also, placing turrets higher does almost nothing against a decent pharah. As soon as pharah knows there is a sym she just stay away from walls, any place you can put a turret to hit her is easy for her to shoot outside the turrets range. Besides, she could place turrets high before just with more limits as to where.

She isn’t good. Seriously, pharahs rockets move almost twice as fast as her alt fire, do almost exactly the same dps, and have better splash. You could run around on the ground as pharah and do as well as a sym as far as dps goes. Also, pharah’s ult actually kills people, which is better than syms turrets. The tele takes time to deploy, so while you wait for it to deploy any competent player that is shooting at you will kill you. Winston is not as good as he used to be because his relatively low dps, but picks that she countered before like genji now destroy her. Also, teles are really predictable because you get a 2 second audio and visual warning before they are usable.

You do know that her photon barrier from before could also block ults, and be used as a mobile reinhardt shield right? If anything her new barrier takes longer to deploy so in cases where fast deployment is needed like against reaper or pharah ults it is worse. Particularly pharah because before you could throw the shield into her and she would kill herself with her ult, now it takes so long to deploy and you have to look at the ground when deploying it, so trying to kill her with it risks placing it immediately behind her where it provides a nice backdrop while she kills your team. you of course would already be dead because the ult animation is so long pharah would kill you before it was deployed.

You didn’t play sym 2.0 much did you? New sym is worse at “taking the initiative” because even though her tele gives her more mobility, she has nothing to back it up with. one flashbang from mccree and she is done. No photon barrier to save her.

M2 was her secondary fire, not her primary, and it was usable for clearing chokes, and killing bastions and turrets through shields. Sure it was less than ideal, but losing the piercing for a faster rate of fire, and faster movement, is actually a pretty even trade off but gives her less over all capabilities.

The new ult does not require “more thought” it takes less. You have two options, deploy it defensively, or deploy it offensively. It takes almost no timing, positioning, or skill, unless you are trying to deploy at spawn to help with a push on point. That takes some skill. The old ults required knowing the map well enough to know the best spot to place the ult, knowing the other team well enough to know when they would know those spots are so using a different spot or precisely timing the ult , or even using it as bait or a decoy. You had to know a whole lot about the team you were playing, your teams relative strength and tactical situation, and a small timing mistake could waste your ult. Now it is just point and click when your team is pushing, or defending.

It is obvious you didn’t play sym before if you thought her turrets were best used to punish misplay. They were used to provide extra dps on chokes, cover approaches from enemy spawn, and provide a momentary distraction to the enemy. “Punishing misplay” implies you would only put them in areas the other team wouldn’t be unless they messed up. Now they are better individually, but still die instantly to most picks, and there are only 3 on a 10 second cd, making them much less usable the higher the opponents skill.

Sym 2.0 was “stagnant” because she was under powered, all she needed was a buff. Had they just buffed her she would have been more than viable. instead they did a rework where every new ability has a major downside, and she lost old abilities that made her usable. If anything she has less potential, as a single pick, she went from being semi team dependent to completely team dependent.

I do agree winston was the best at clearing sym turrets, but a good sym would spread her turrets out enough that winston could not sweep them all at once and would have to move around, out of his bubble in order to get them all. Which is not good for a winston if your turrets are where they should be, which is near your team. Now though, with half the turrets, everyone can clear them quickly.

Mate, you can do better than “you obviously didn’t play Sym”. I totaled 21 hours of 2.0 over seasons.

If you can use turrets at chokes for increased DPS, you are only punishing misplay. This only works against an opponent who doesn’t play around them and hence misplay. The turrets don’t take initiative, because they require the enemy to walk into them and are hence not proactive. Also, the new turrets can be used exactly like the old ones could, only they can be also used in ways the old ones couldn’t. There is no argument here, only more options for play making. This is strictly a x < x+1 type of inequation.

When it comes to her ult, “deploy it defensively, or deploy it offensively” is still more than the old “just deploy it”. Again x < x+1.

The teleporter alone gives the new Symmetra more options than the entire kit of 2.0.

There are so many crazy buffs they would give to it that would not affect its usefulness - and that’s when you know that an ability is really bad xD

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21 hours? Across all seasons? Yeah, you didn’t play her much, and I strongly suspect almost no play on attack. I, on the other hand mained her for several seasons with over 250 hours on her.

It is called a choke for a reason, there isn’t a way to play around the turrets because that is the only path of attack. It punishes correct play, not misplay, you can misplay a push, but the turrets are there regardless. The turrets themselves obviously can’t move to attack, but sym could, and still can deploy those turrets onto spawn exits or routes to the point, in a very offensive and proactive manner. Individually, yes, turrets are more flexible and better. But you only get half as many, and the number of effective placement positions has not changed much. Your equation is overly simplified to complete nonsense.

At 21 hours on sym you should know that “just deploy it” was never how you used her old ults. Where you placed it was almost always critical to consider, and for attack teles, and even defense teles, when you placed it was also highly important. As I said before, timing and location where much bigger factors.

Great, new tele lets us tele our dvas ult off a cliff. How does that help? It doesn’t. More total options, does not equate to more valid options. There are very few valid uses for syms new tele. In theory you can do all kinds of things, in reality, not so much. Some people talk about using it to turret bomb the opposing teams backline. It doesn’t work, because you are sending a cluster of turrets through where any halfway decent team will kill them in a split second. with 2 seconds of warning that it is coming as the tele deploys. You have similar problems with every other tele use. I had one the other day where I tele flanked, and their hanzo immediately headshoted me as I came through. Because it only took him a split second to locate the tele with a quick pan, then just aim and wait for me to tele. I even teled into cover. Against a decent team the tele is just a deathtrap for your own team as often as it is a means of bypassing the opposing team, which is still alive and able to fight in the best case scenario. The best use of the tele is to move from one back line position to another, in cover, so you can shoot one charged shot from an unexpected angle before ducking back through it, before anyone kills you. There are not many viable options for it’s use.

Sym could be okay possibly with some buffs to her teleporter. The teleporter takes too long to deploy, disappears too quickly and is also destructible. Two of those three things need to go away to make it a viable tool.

As for Sombra, her hack is just too unreliable right now. I know pros are experimenting with her, but I think they’ll ultimately conclude that she’s still not very good as they have in every other instance with Sombra. She may have a place in the scouting meta, where someone starts as Sombra, scouts the other team comp, translocates back to spawn and switches. But as far as a battlefield character, she’s not worth giving up a tank or healer for and as far as DPS, she’s contending with Hanzo and Widow, both of which are far superior to Sombra. Despite all the pros talk about Sombra, lets remember that there’s never really been a Sombra meta ever.

I think that the real issue here is that it takes too long to deploy. If the animation was twice as fast, I’m sure that no one would have a problem with it. Like, if it took .7 seconds to deploy, it would be one of the best counters to Grav combos in the game.

And it’s not really like the duration is a problem - you NEED to be able to get different locations, and fast, so I think the cooldown and the duration is fine.

From purely an anti-grav tactic, yeah, deployment time is the issue. The other issues are for other uses of the teleporter.

Also another teleporter issue is the bugs with placing it. I personally hate that placement method, since you can be pointing directly at the high ground and it’ll put it on low ground anyway just to screw with you. If they can’t get that placement to work properly, I wish they’d just make it an extremely fast throwable like Sombra’s translocator. Mei would probably be far higher in pickrate if her ice wall wasn’t so brutal to place because it used that awful mechanic that Sym’s teleporter does.

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Sym isnt that bad, I think she was worse before.
But the thing is she has no real meta to be used. Her kit is mostly anti tank or for moving fast a triple tank team to points. But her Ult is good for long range fights like Junkertown.

So she isnt best against dive, best against Snipers(can be used maybe but dive is better), not best against GOAT(Ult is useless unless she have to block earthshatter)

She is still too niche. That is all.

If “meta” means simplify in play for least effort to win it depends on the team… her real value is in how her team leverages her abilities. I think it’s easy to write off almost 2/3 of the roster as “niche”.

She can contest flyers well in most maps, reposition entire teams around maps, literally subdivide a contested point or other space (from spawn mind you), and do funky things like allow a bastion to literally fire back from two positions almost at once… the only real problem is the lack of teams yet to open up to her utility. She’s still better on defense than offense, but improved there a good bit.

I agree that Pharah is great for outputting raw damage but she doesn’t have turrets that can hit enemies from multiple directions distracting them and slowing them down. Enemies will turn round to shoot your turrets then you blast them in the back. It is simply a different style of play. Plus Pharah does not have regenerating health nor can she teleport back and forth across a point. They are completely different characters with different roles. Also the Symmetra ult is very useful. It requires good positioning but allows her to take out stationary bastions and Torbs turret.

They just need to improve her combat.

If I sneak up and hack Soldier 76, It should be pretty easy for me to kill him 1v1. Instead I have about a 50% chance for the next 6 seconds, after which he gets his abilities back and I’m pretty much screwed.

Dumbing down one things to it’s most simple form while over exaggerating the complexity of the other option is not a good arguement.