Symmetra and Sombra: Are they really any better?

In my opinion, in case of Symm she is set up to be a decent hero, but she needs her primary fixed. Thats holding her back currently.

The range increase isnt gonna cut it. They need to me the primary less niche and more up to par to her secondary fire.

Sombra is slightly worse overall, but easier and more accessable for beginners.

The Sombra changes are nerfs and the Symmetra rework is…meh it has some good elements to it just not enough of them.
Either way they’re in bad spots, Sombra moreso.

People are just haters and don’t care to learn or re-learn heroes that they aren’t interested in learning. Symmetra is a great hero, and as a Symmetra main I was SO mad about the changes. Now I have over 90 hours on her this competitive season with a 56% win-rate.

It’s going to take a long time for Symmetra to lose her bad reputation in the eyes of players. Unfortunately nothing can really be done for this aside from Sym players proving they can be valuable on a team.

Sombra is currently being played a lot in Contenders, so clearly the pros have her figured out and she’s viable in high ranks. Eventually people will understand her value and this will trickle down into lower ranks.

This stuff takes time. It’s unfortunate, but that’s reality. They’re looking much better than they did previously, so yes, it is an improvement.

I can’t really speak for Symm, but Sombra feels so much worse. New changer force a more passive playstyle, giving her even less presence than before the changes.

I find it ironic that both VAs of the characters are very passionate yet their very own heroes are… not preferred, to say the least.
Just imagine if they ask how are their characters are currently doing in the game.

I keep saying make the Orb the primary Fire, (old Orb, one that went threw people)

And bring back the Summonable Shield

The real issue is the naysayers dont want to change their game. New Sym is actually very useful to a knowledgeable team willing to employ tactics utilizing the teleporter.

The primary weapon gave the whiners about autolock what they wanted a beam … don’t knock it now, you guys got exactly what you wanted, so she relies on it in close quarters against shield users, otherwise she uses her alt fire… and what is wrong with this? No one yets seems to explain this issue… other characters like Mei sometimes favor their alt over primary depending on the player and circumstance… same for Sym.

For the argument of losing the turrets, the role changes… yes, quick aim mechanical players negate turrets quickly… thus you must use them more wisely… but this is where her primary/alt fire comes in again and the teleporter is key.

All in all she works better in a team now than before, the problem are the entitled people who think they get to tell everyone what to play in comp to fit their game style, instead of adapting. One thing that is often overlooked is the ability to place those turrets UP to counter Pharah and Mercy… a hugely impacting ability the game lacked before for Sym…

Sombra is overall more flexible than before at a small tradeoff in speed (down 13% top speed) and now requires a little more thought to place the TL. Again, the problem is changing your game… before it was just run in hack, shoot, relocate, rinse repeat over ad nauseam which limited her role… Now, in the hands of thoughtful players she can affect more precision actions… this is the real source of the complaints, that she no longer feels as fast… yet her speed has hardly changed, a destructible TL (seems more than fair), and no longer able to cheesily contest invisibly… as for many many of her mains disliking her that is not entirely true, you of course only hear from the complainers here.

Often “throw” characters are defined as such by the typical one-tricks who really do not understand the other characters and how they really play because they refuse to switch out.

I keep hearing this… you only lost 13% off top speed, and you can’t wildly throw your TL around any more… hardly things which destroy the characters play and more than fair for the tradeoff on unlimited stealth and teleport allowing for more options… it’s only passive if you play her that way.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion… because that’s all they are… I would say Sombra’s in a much better place overall if you stop with the run & gun playstyle the few mains she had before had to adopt and of course felt extra special for it. Now she’s changed to fit a new role and to them its predictably a “nerf”… but in reality she fills a role better she was intended to from the beginning and even if she is “more accessible” for beginners, so what? She really is just as effective on the top end but you have to be more careful… you know, more skilled about her than before…

The reality is people are stupid and stubborn even at high tiers of play, being “good” at OW doesn’t in any way equal intellectual understanding, a lot of pro golfers for instance are dumb as rocks. Eve in Seagull’s case it just goes to show despite how effective and powerful Syms kit can be now people don’t want to change and it’s easy to just hound or ignore characters that don’t fit nicely with their chosen characters playstyle…

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Sym rework is success in terms of design, but absolute disaster in terms of balance.
The whole idea and direction of rework is nice, but every good part of it is ruined by unnecessary and not needed limitations and drawbacks.
When hero is a troll pick you should straightforwardly buff it rather than give something only to take away even more.

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Sym is good but different. She is the only DPS hero I can get decent stats with. The secret is to switch positions constantly by using her teleporter. I don’t kno about the higher tiers but in bronze, silver and gold matches she is quite powerful as long as she works around the team and places herself in positions where she can see both her team and the enemy. Her weakness is when she gets focused by flankers particularly Tracer. Then you teleport to high ground and hope the enemy hasn’t got a decent sniper. I can understand why people don’t like her but that is in part because they don’t appreciate her utility or that she operates as both a defence and attack hero, switching between the two constantly. She is no longer predictable due to her movement and fast turret placement. People can’t just run Winston and Moira and shut her down because the teleporter movement allows her to reposition much faster.

I don’t get what everyone is saying about Sombra? Half the forums are complaining she’s OP and the other half saying she sucks. She’s doing well in Contenders isn’t she?

I personally find her kit not only better, but more fun. There was nothing fun about having 20 seconds to run in and run out. Now, with infinite stealth you can get wherever you wan’t, whenever you want. Make sure you hide your translocator, maybe not exactly next to a healing pack because that’s too obvious.

Symmetra on the other hand, well. I find her less annoying to play against than her previous kit, but more annoying to play as. I think that despite all the hate we throw towards her lock-on beam, she really needs it back. Her weapon just simply isn’t designed to track onto enemies. Her turrets are pretty 50/50, they can be OP if in the right places, and weak if in the wrong places. I think there needs to be some bug fixes towards her turrets to stop them going in places like underground etc.

When I play Symmetra, I barely ever use her teleporter. It was good in her old kit because it could TP you from where you spawn straight into the fight. But I think now you can’t do much with it, and it takes too long and too many resources to get it to really be effective.

On the other hand, I do really like her ultimate. I feel like that’s the best thing about her new kit. It can completely shut down enemy ults, protect your team entirely and just give every member on your team essentially a reinhardt shield.

They just want the feel of old zippy shooty runny gunny Sombra and apparently are addicted to it.

She’s simply 13% slower in stealth, not a huge change in use, has to spend a bit more time placing the TL now, and cannot contest invisibly which really was a niche thing anyhow… She has far more playable situations open now but people are slow to accept change…

People just need to understand that when a character get’s such a big buff like Infinite Stealth, there has to be a nerf to another part of her kit. For example, now she can’t contest points but has infinite stealth. Fair. Her translocator now can be destroyed, but has no time limit. Fair. Her hack is faster, but can be contested now. Fair.

I’d disagree with this. Symmetra 2.0 had no potential at higher ranks. Her kit was centered around punishing misplay by placing sources of automatic fire around, not taking the initiative. Her projected barrier was the only thing she could proactively do. The M2 were so slow it wasn’t really possible to take aim at anyone over even medium ranges. It moved 10m/s, which meant targets outside of 10m range had 1+ seconds to just move out of the way.

The new ultimate requires much more thought than the old one did. Once placed, a SG or TP ultimate just did its things automatically by existing. With the barrier ultimate you at least have to know how to situationally use it instead of memorizing fixed spots.

Also the new turrets are just like the old ones, only can be used at ranges where the old ones couldn’t be and thus generate a lot more options of usage and strictly a higher skill cap. There is no tradeoff here, only more potential than before.

I don’t think Symmetra 3.0 is finished, but she’s certainly taken a new direction that’s better than the stagnant 2.0.

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They will never ever accept change to a playstyle they like. Just look at the ceaseless Mercy posts every damn day… I understand disappointment, but sometimes you have to step back and look at a bigger picture… most people are not really good at that, and the problem exists even among the pros. All a pro has to do is utter something inane, and the drones who play the character repeat it like God himself came down and said it… despite using common sense that they are just wrong and have focus on maintaining the game to their satisfaction which Blizz is slowly waking up to recently.

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The problem with making Sombra more accessible is that in order for her to be a good addition to any team, the team needs to have the awareness to target the characters she hacks. This just doesn’t happen in lower ranks, so you end up with a Sombra that has 30-40 hacks in a game and only 5 get converted into kills.

The Sombra can work their socks off, and still look like they did nothing the whole match. As a result, making her more accessible doesn’t actually do anything to make her viable for lower skilled ELOs.

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He was the single biggest threat to her defensive measures. I’m not saying he bested v 2.0 in a one on one fight. So you’ve mistaken my statement to mean the character herself, instead of the defensive measures she employed.

Brigitte was a challenge, but you could beat her as 2.0 by using right clicks as she was closing distance. If she used the bash/swipe/flail combo on you, she could kill you pretty quick, but you could bait the bash with a photon barrier and still win the fight.

Moira only does 40dps with her right click, Symmetra did significantly more. The issue came from the health being restored to Moira that could offset the initial 2 charge levels of Symmetras beam to a degree. Add in that a quick look around the room where her turrets were and she could take them out pretty quickly. So yes, Moira was a pretty effective counter to Symmetra, especially with being able to shift further away and out of Symmetras range.

it’s only passive if you play her that way

No, the changes force more passive play, at least the Stealth changes do.

Unlimited stealth is a laughably small buff to warrant so many nerfs. It sounds powerful on paper, but in practise it just isn’t, particularly in the context of Sombra. The buff is only even there if you are in stealth for over 6 seconds, but during that time, your team is having to fight a 5v6.

Since stealth is slower, it takes longer to reposition and it forces Sombra to have MUCH more downtime than she did previously, giving her even less presence on the battlefield. Hardly a good thing for a hero as passive as Sombra.

That 13% loss in speed is huge. There are a ton of jumps which you can no longer make, and it’s slowed her rotation down massively.
You have to understand that Sombra mains never had a problem with stealth being limited, so for veteran Sombra players, we get no benefit from the stealth buffs, but have to suffer the nerfs.

Being able to cancel translocator for a shorter cooldown is very welcome in my book, but I hate how a stray bullet can shut it down. It’s her lifeline, and being randomly destroyed by enemies accidentally shooting it is frustrating. Perhaps 15-25hp would be better, so it can still be destroyed, only intentionally.