Wait, Symm is on the PTR already?
I need to check this out!
Wait, Symm is on the PTR already?
I need to check this out!
No. Not as of yet, she is not.
torb armour doesn’t save him -.- it’s half the reason he’s getting a rework, the other half is set up time.
you are right though, sym without shield gen is dead in the water against anyone paying attention to their surroundings.
In world of warcraft warlocks have portals that work like Sym. They cast it before a fight starts and when the enemy is away. They plan ahead just like Symmetra has to do now with her turrets.
I’m looking forward to her changes! They sound amazing and waaaaay more versatile for most team compositions now.
I get that you’re worried because the only person you are really good is getting a rework, but it’s needed…we got to think of the big portrait, not just about the tiny pixels in the bottom-left of the frame.
I agree completely. Her barrier is ideal for the way she plays, blocking Reinheart shatter, DVA bomb, Roadhogs hook, Mcree flash, deflecting tracer bomb, deflecting pharah’s ulti and kiilling her in the process, deflecting any projectile, protecting her turrets, allowing her to push forward with momentum or simply defend herself in a tight spot…
It needed adjusting not removing. It’s clearly obvious Blizzard do not play Symmetra. Devs are an absolute joke.
Her M2 is arguably one of the best things about her too and it’s getting changed to Zarya 2.0
I hope that they go through all their changes with a few differences
“What is dead may never die”
I would actually look forward to the rework, especially since I was all for dramatic changes, but on paper there is literally nothing remotely similar to the Symmetra I know and love.
And my BIGGEST and only real critical issue is how changing her gun functionality will completely nerf my ability and contributions as her, as a disabled player. Not only is her accessibility being tossed but it’s being tossed in favor of something that sure as heck sounds aim intensive, which I literally can’t play without practically being a burden to my team. It’s why I stay away from Widow, Mccree, Zarya, and other aim heroes unless I’m trying to stretch my hands like a more involved physical therapy and/or I just want to try something new in qp and pretend I’ll be the Pine of PS4 Overwatch lol.
That’s my problem. If we got assurances our lasso of light was kept with a few alterations, I’d say go for anything and everything to stop people from hating me choosing my favorite and best hero.
Day 52,
Still waiting on the For 2 ----
You’re silver. Of course.
I’m around bronze-silver too, so I know where you’re coming from - in these lower ranks, Sym is dynamite. Apparently, she’s easily shut down in Diamond + above. So lol.