Symmetra 900 Hr main here

Needless to say, I believe Blizzard’s upcoming changes on Sym are out of line because I can tell that they didn’t consult any of the people who played Symmetra at a high level {Good enough to get in Top 500 and etc}. With that said, there are giant problems with her new Kit.

For 1 - - -
What’s wrong with this picture with the heroes from defense category . . .

Widowmaker - Sniping from a distance. Gets under attack and needs to run for cover? If she practiced good cooldown management, she can just grapple away to safety.

Hanzo - Under attack? Tought spot? Wall climb out. New ability? Leap horizontally to provide some relief and maneuverability.

Mei - Under attack? Ice wall to block or jump in your freeze block for some relief.

Torb - Health low? Not going to make it? Armor yourself. Can’t tell you how many times Torb saves himself with his armor packs.

Bastion - Self healing

Symmettra - In trouble? Too bad.

She now has no ability to recover and “get out of there” from attacks.
Some might say “Well stay with your tanks”. I would agree with that, if ALL THE OTHER DEFENSE heroes didn’t have abilities that could help them in times of need . . . but being that they do have these abilities - - -than it’s not fair to give one of the defense heroes {Sym} NOTHING to avoid some damage.

This is how I know Blizzard did not consult avid Sym players who were actually good. Photon Barrier was useful for Sym in attacking and defending . . . pushing on isolated targets and etc. Now - She is just another IMMOBILE target that has to be babysat by her team which is actually kind of ridiculous. Why not allow her to have all of these abilities + the photon barrier?

Secondly - Symmetra {If you would have consulted Sym players} had one thing going for her that no other player in the game had. It was her ORBS. Symmettra counters Pirate ships and Bastion nests. The mere fact that these ships are immobile, in one location, and stationary behind a shield meant that Sym could just launch 125 Damage dealing orbs that would output the damage on the Arisa+Bastion+healer behind {{because the orb goes through shields AND opponents like bowling pins}}. Removing the ability for the orb to go through player targets is another huge mistake that actually takes away from the uniqueness of Symmetra.

And her Primary?
Well she might as well be Zarya. You mean to tell me that you guys couldn’t figure out a way to be more creative.

I have to have perfect flawless aim to track on a hero for TWO STRAIGHT SECONDS just to get to second level…and if at any point in this 2 second frame { like at 1.9}, if the enemy McCree just wiggles out of the damge…my damage output resets?

Tell me…in what world will a Sym EVER ramp up her gun outside of hugging enemy shields.

I’m so sick of you guys ignoring the mass of the community and catering to Overwatch league players. Seems to only be about the money.

And I don’t even want to get started on her ultimate


Because her pick rate is so high.


after all these hours, you still spell her name wrong… :stuck_out_tongue:


Type fast - Multiple things to do -
Your sarcasm does not take away from the post. Stop being childish.


I don’t really even play Symmetra, and I agree with OP. I think these changes are misguided and actually a massive nerf.


I couldn’t care if a hero’s pickrate was zero percent. If you try to upgrade the character with bad updates - the updates aren’t all of sudden “useful” because no one picked him before.



If you don’t want to play the new Sym then I totally will, she sounds ridiculous with those stats.

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Sym is trash. she should be nerfed and shut down lel

I agree with you, but the most we can do now is raise awareness of the problems and pray that this first iteration gets some drastic changes before coming out on the PTR.

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(((Teleporter on E)))

Teleports you from danger. That’s your escape. And you allies’ too.


But how long does that take to setup?


Your point about defense heroes having get out of jail free abilities is valid. I would note however this is a very early insight into potential details , something may be added. Also Hanzo didn’t really have such a thing till now and Bastion’s kinda sucks.

Everything else you say is wrong though. If you ask someone to name a troll pick hero the 2 answers you get are Sym and Torb. A no skill hero, Sym and Mercy, a cancer/cheese comp hero, Sym and Bastion. Not all those statements are accurate but there is a common denominator there. Why, her primary fire that Sym mains love is trash for game play, it is as close to no skill as possible , easy for cheap kills and close to OP at 5 meters, and useless everywhere else. That is bad design and I’m glad it’s gone.

If you saying tracking with Sym requires perfect tracking, you need to change your settings or switch to roblox, this game is not for you. If your caught in a 1v1 with a McCree and he beats you that’s because he is skilled enough to break LOS and skilled enough to hit you. All you have to do is keep LOS and dodge, not as hard as what he’s doing so him beating you means he’s better than you.

As for ramping up her gun you are clearly not playing Sym right as who I wonder needs to be at close range to damage me, doesn’t have much movement to break LOS and is also massive and easy to follow, how about every tank in the game. She isn’t good against them, because she isn’t really good at anything, but if I’m Sym on one of the few spots she works that’s your target.

This is not about OWL, people are allowed to bring it up though as in the top level of play she is literally a joke people tease the fans about which is a really bad advertisement for the hero. The rest of us all pretty much hate Sym too, shes not no skill but I’d only call Torb less skill (and he’s also getting a rework), very little fun to play against and her main asset she brings is done passively. I’ve won game as a hard carry with Sym by getting ult quick and then basically being afk, she needs changing, I’m sorry it has to happen to you but it does.


If you played sym regularly , you would remember about the times where you are under attack, and in a panic, set down your teleporter.

And it is when you recall these moments, that you remember that 99 percent of the time, it got instantly destroyed.

TP doesn’t just magically pop out when you hit your ultimate button . . . she builds it -It takes time. In a fast pace game, the 2 seconds it takes for the ultimate to be built DURING attack…your are fried chicken. That ability is not meant for “running for cover” - it’s for transport. TP is all about preplanning…but not for getting out of trouble.


How about we wait for when the rework hits the PTR ? Then we can judge it.


we dont know the actual amount of charges it might hold, or the cd on it.

Always having one setup would be tricky, considering the range was, (25yrd?) and from what i heard, you cant run and middeploy it, bassicly stand still like reaper be a sitting duck while deploying “Ohh hi Wid—” respawning in 9-8-7-6—

All the defense heroes have their own personal def cd. To count Sym’s TP as one, she needs to be able to run and cast it or else it just makes her a bullseye target out in the open with no cover.

Unless the new teleport ability can act as a functional escape tool, witch it probally will.

She did before? The Sheild was good, but it was not an escape tool.

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It has unlimited charges but a limited duration.

No. Because as we have seen - once things hits the PTR…THAT’S IT for the most part. I don’t want them to get my favorite hero wrong…


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First off the categories in Overwatch are guidelines for new players. A defense character does not have to play on defense only.

Second Just because hero’s share the same category does not mean they have to share similarities in kits. A defense hero is a type that can break down an enemy attack in some way.

The new sym kit will be able to distract more consistently with better turrets, shred shields and power herself up, hold a choke point, and help her team get on to the high ground for an advantage in a fight. This matches the quint essential definition of a defense character.

Balancing a hero around one specific very niche situation is bad balancing. Her new kit may very well work better against the comp. Especially considering that you will have the ability to place your team on high ground around them, the new ult will buy you time and space to close the distance, and her primary will feed off barriers which will not be in short supply.

You do not seem to understand how syms damage ramp up works. You do not need to have flawless aim and tracking. As I understand it her weapon ramps up after a certain number of ticks are met. I believe the number is four but I could be wrong.

Assuming that remains unchanged having 50% accuracy will keep your damage relatively the same as current syms ramp up and any increase in accuracy will be the threshold for higher damage returns.

So considering you are retaining syms ramp up (which is unique to her) and gaining a new use for it in shield shredding and boosting (which also is going to be unique to her) at the expense of only the auto lock I cannot see how you think that it is not unique. I get that it may look some what like Zarya’s beam but its behavior is entirely different and as I understand it will be thicker then Zarya’s.

Uniqueness is not tied solely to how an ability looks but behaves and considering the stark differences in behaviors in the comparison you have a unique trait with syms.


Ohh rlly? i must have missed that info. Last i saw was that you could move constructs like her shoot turrets, or dva nuke through it. Nothing about unlimited charges.

Still, if it is on a limited duration, and it cant be deployed while moving. Just brings it back that she will be a sitting duck.

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