Symmetra 3.0: A Summary From a 200 Hour Sym Main

The original got buried under all the crybaby Mercy and “I’m quitting Overwatch please everyone listen to me” threads with only 6 views, so I wanna make sure people actually see it as I spent about 20 minutes compiling it.


I agree with everything you’ve written about and i enjoy playing this new Symmetra,
I have found that tracking with the primary fire while the enemy is clustered keeps the charge on it and keeps it increasing beautifully however, you need a team to help you and protect you; no matter how close to death Rein is there’s no saving you from that hammer without a few teammates help.

sorry that it got buried underneath all the mercy main’s tears this was a good read.

That’s true, clustered enemies are good for building charge, but getting close is very risky.

Thanks haha

I thought turrets could use some CD buff. But you might know better. But what if she gets all 3 refresh when she use her ult? Sounds good?

I haven’t really had problems with her turrets.
I’ve always seen Sym’s turrets as disposable, something that is supposed to be destroyed fast and that’s why I was happy to see them make it so it’s less focused on keeping them up all at once.

I’d have no problem with this, it’s a nice QoL change.

TP is one of my new fave on her kit as i used it pre-emptive not reactive but there are times where it felt too slow.

Some QOL changes to her TP would be cool

  • Decrease deployment and animation from 2 to 1 second
  • Increased interaction range to 3 meters from TP

You’re getting the taste of how the community is and from what I see some users probably given up since nothing will be done about. 2 years and little tweaking compared to other games like WoW, Hots, LoL and those who keep a competitive scene respectively.

Would not be against this either, TP deployment is kinda slow.
It worked as an ult but now it could be faster.