Symmetra 3.0: A Summary From a 200 Hour Sym Main

Someone suggested the other day that on a headshot, she blinds the target (maybe partially) for 1s. Since it is a light based weapon after all.

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30 less dps overall.

Would gladly trade this option for the primary beam adding shields

Moot, as this ability wouldn’t give other players shields, only Symmetra.

I envision it being at about the rate that Brigitte heals with her inspire aura currently. Slow shield generation over time.

Why does the ult have anything to do with it? Her ult isn’t offensive in nature at all.

I’m just saying, with her current kit, that feels like it might be a really big buff. Maybe too big.

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Excellent review of the state of Symm. I appreciate it :slight_smile:


I’m glad you liked it as a fellow Sym main :slight_smile:

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As Symmetra player i agree with you and think this post brings up good points

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Thanks! :slight_smile:
If you had to buff one part of her kit, though, what would it be?

The issue I have with powering up her primary fire is that when aim isn’t an issue (i.e. against tanks) it’s actually quite good. Increasing the damage or decreasing the ramp up time would make her just that much better at tankbusting, which she really doesn’t need. While the beam is definitely lacking against squishies, it’s not correct to over-amplify its strengths to shore up its weaknesses.

It needs something else, I think, but I’m not sure what. Reducing the decay isn’t a bad idea, and a hitbox increase might be warranted as well.

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I will start things that should help with tp.

-way of asking sym to place tp ( like you can ask armor. You could have key bind that will when pressed. It will send signal to sym place tp there)

  • Primary fire is ok i think but not the best damage source. I think your ideas were very good. One thing they could do is move damage around. So at moment its 60/120/180 if i am not wrong. Wich is less than zarya wich sc ( harder to aim tho but its between 95-190 depending on charge ofc and bigger hitbox etc) but my point is we could move damgw from high end to start to make using it worth while. 75/115/170 or 80/100/180 or any other compination.

Other than that bring back turret voice lines .

Symmetra could be provided with an extra 75 hp

Fixed that for you.

Also, whilst I could be happy w the Tp and PB if they werent changed again, the turrets and orbs most definitely do need changes.

1.) The orbs are the worst weapon of their kind. Every other splash projectile is better, orbs are:

  • lowest min splash damage AND radius in game
  • medicore dps
  • low speed
  • do not bounce or arc

The orbs are effectively bad pharah rockets.

When the devs first told us about the orb changes, they said they would be 130 damage, 30 m/s speed, and a “large percentage” of the damage would be splash (which i will assume means more than 50%, so for example 70 splash).

I would like to see a PTR w these orbs, because I really believe they would help Sym contest the other spam damage heroes.

2.) Turrets have been nerfed. They do 17% less max damage, cover 50% less area, and neither of those nerfs have been compensated for in any way like the others.

I would like to see a PTR where Sum can have 6 turret charges/in reserve (but still only 3 on the field).

the above changes to her orbs, hp and turrets would actually make her a viable dps.

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Low speed and mediocre dps is just false imo
As for the splash dmg/radius, if you aim them and get direct hits it’s negligible.

As for turrets, someone already mentioned above that making her too turret-focused again would be boring, and I agree with that.

I think the best change they could make to Symmetra for QoL is her primary weapon.

I may have stated that earlier on in the thread, but I got the feeling people thought I was asking for overpowered stuff.

At this point, the single, biggest, most glaring issue is her primary weapon, and a simple tweak would fix all the issues it has.

Make the beam a cone, just like Moira has. Would still require aim, but would be a little more forgiving. So long as a portion of the circle reticle is touching the target, it would deal damage. As soon as that target leaves the circle, no more damage.

You could even have the beam effect visually ‘latch’ like Moira’s does now for effect.

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I never loved the old Sym but she was effective at what she did.

The new Sym is almost never effective at anything. Yeah she can spam a choke now like Junkrat. Her ultimate is weird – either useless or marginally useful.

Her left click feels terrible – the range is so short you generally cannot ever use it, and unless people are stupid and ignore you, everyone can pretty much kill you before you get it charged up.

The teleporter might be useful at higher ELOs, but where I play, people generally put them in places where you’ll instantly die if you are foolish enough to try and use it.

1.) pharahs rockets go at 35 m/s, and since that is essentially what they are, yeah, i would call 20 m/s low sped

2.) the dps is low. junk can do 199.2, Syms orbs are only ~125, and hers dont even bounce or have CC

3.) But why should Sym have to work so hard on top of having so many other drawbacks to her weapon when Pharah, Zarya and Junk all dont.

Or in other words, why pick Sym over junk or pharah. You wouldnt.

4.) pls dont try to use “unfun” as an argument, we saw how that turned out w the mercy rework

My response is simple:

Oh yeah, and change the way that her primary fire handles damage - have it ramp from 100/140/180, so that way you’re doing deadly damage anyway, and the charging isn’t necessary to make the primary fire good.

I feel like the damage wouldn’t be such a problem if the ramp up took half as long.
The weapon simply spends too much time at level one imo

Thanks for already saying everything I was going to say. :slight_smile:

An increase to 30m/s for the projectile speed of her secondary fire and reducing the turret cooldown to 8 seconds are especially important, I think. (Aside from the primary fire, which obviously needs a rework.)

Two things to add:

  • I think lowering the charge cost of her ult is a better improvement than increasing the duration or adding a tax for walking through it. It’s easy to see how this would help if you play her in Total Mayhem. She’s actually viable in this mode now, which is great, and her ult can be pretty oppressive if it’s available frequently.
  • I think they need to remove the slow stacking from her turrets or at least greatly reduce the stacking bonus from multiple turrets. Yeah, I know this is a nerf, but I think her turrets are too strong against a small selection of heroes because of the stacking slow debuff. And nerfing the CC this way opens up room to lower their cooldown…

Ah, good idea, getting barrier more frequently would also help total dmg blocked increase on average.

I see what you mean, essentially exchanging the slowing effect for a shorter cooldown. Personally I don’t have a preference, I think both would be fine for me.
The main issue I have with Sym 3.0 is definitely her primary fire.

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Hey, you know what would be nice? If bug abuse wasn’t necessary for Symm to be viable.

Patch the turrets in the walls. Buff Symm.


On a side note, I just did my competitive placements. We had a Sym on the enemy team 3-4 times. We lost two of those games, and in one I’d say the Sym was a solid asset. In the other? The Sym player almost carried. This was around plat rank.

I’m starting to wonder if Sym is really fine, or at least close to fine, and people just don’t think so for historic reasons, and also because her playstyle was so totally different it took people a while to get used to it.