Symm changes coming with Hog on PTR?

Yeah and they also have a buttload of mobility, which is why theyre different.

All she needs is fast ult honestly

I lost all my faith on Blizzard with that tragic Sym rework.

Leave Symmetra alone.

I was onboard with the rework and i still am, i still think this incarnation is better overall but they removed to much of Sym there were three things that made me feel like i was playing Sym during a match one was getting a kill purely from my turret nest she still has that the other two she has lost were ambushing the enemy backline and taking out their supports and squishies before destroying their tanks with my primary and pressuring the enemy hiding behind a barrier when they think their safe and the more i play the more i miss those things and its just depressing.


Those are :clap:literally :clap:bug :clap:fixes. Not buffs. They should not have been happening in the first place. And even then, she is still garbage in comparison to the majority of the roster.

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Sym has always been garbage compared to everyone else in the roster and I made peace with that long ago. She’s still better now than she was.

And yes, I suppose you can’t consider bug fixes stealth buffs. But for a hero that has almost never had small tweaks to aid her kit, I’ll take what I can get.

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I honestly dont know why they didn’t copy paste Zarya’s tick rate tbh. They managed to make two other functioning beam heroes with moira and zarya and they managed to screw it up.
Another thing they could is that instead of dealing damage for x seconds make it so you gain level by doing damage in general, be it with orbs or laser. So like you would start the fight with orbs and then switch to beam after enough damage is dealt. They would need to make it clearer that you got anothr level with a sound queue or something tho.

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We’re used to being ignored though.

And what about those Sombra changes to make her less clunky? Any news on those? If so, this could be an awesome trifecta of changes.

If they still waste resources on symm considering there’re at least few other heroes who didn’t get anything in much longer time,then they should trully reevaluate prorities.

It would be better if Sym 2.0 remained alive with her shields and Sym 3.0 was it’s own new character.

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sym changes? was this even talked about? what changes?

A long time ago they said they’d keep an eye on Sym’s beam when they increased the range by 2m. They said it had potential but the range and the charge time was an issue for her.

Well. That was in August. We’re in October. So charge time?

She also has an absurd tickrate which was a bandaid fix because of the exploit. She has 20 ticks per second, compare that to Zarya who has 5.5.

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I would like to see a new passive ability where when she drains shields with her primary, not only will it refill her ammo but it would also grant her temporary shields like Doomfist. Say, 150 shields totaling to a max of 350 health.

Also half the tick rate on her beam and reduce the deployment time of TP and turrets.

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That would be so broken.


Make TP deploy faster and somehow show where the TP exits.

If the Symm isn’t in comms, I’m not trusting that TP.

How? She would need to attack barriers for it, so it keeps her niche. The shields work in the same manner as DF and Lucio, so it would decay over time. Decay rate can be adjusted to make it balanced.

Why does everyone has such a problem with her tick rate? The beam is useless unless you have a Rein/D.Va to charge it and then you hit 20/20.

Symmetra needs a rework. If she cant get one, buff her. If no buff, give her quality of life.

She needs at least:

  • Turrets indistructible while flying
  • Turret CD down to 6 seconds
  • TP always at your feet. Or at least shown entry for the sentry bomb.
  • Instant Phorton Wall

She will NOT have changes. They would have announced it already.