Sym + Railgun = !?Profit?! (aka think teleporting sniper) đź›°

Could it work?

Maybe not.

But it seems like a “direction” they might go.

Though I bet dps wise, the damage would likely be equal to Ashe.

(Does not mean I would like the change but I see it as a possible future.)


I dont know. Railgun is more sniper-y and i could not imagine Sym as a sniper.

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To be fair, Sym is not really fulfilling a role right now.

If she is to be a harasser, she is harassing her own team more then the other.

If she is to be a disrupter, she is disrupting her own tea… well you get the idea.

I think they are going to make Sym more like Ashe, mostly because how well Ashe works with BoB.

Sym was to be a Summoner remember.

And now we have Summoner of Bob. (Though Ashe is more of a Beast Master role).

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firing projectiles using magnetic fields for propulsion goes against Syms character of using hardlight weapons

i don’t want her to have a gun, beams are more fun. i still want a better beam though.

To be fair: we really know nothing about Hardlight lore.

It’s mind magic for all we know.

If they could work it in such a way as the Shock Rifle in Unreal Tournament, where the primary fire could detonate the secondary fire, I’d be elated.

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Maybe if the explosion wasn’t so pitiful. Honestly comparing Zaryas blast radius to Syms is a world of difference.

I have a feeling another hero in the future will have an edited version of Sym’s Beam and old Proton Barriers in a more acceptable role.

Like on a new dive tank role who works like Winston. (but more anchor like)

Yes, but if the primary fire detonated the secondary projectile in a radius similar to Zarya… Well then… We’d have us a formidable weapon…

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That’s fair, but at the same time, a sniper with deployable slowing turrets and a teleporter for mobility doesn’t sound half bad.


Look I don’t like playing as a sniper more then anyone here.

But if it would make Sym usable… I say do it.

Though again, I don’t see this being hint at till April because Devs are likely very busy with other stuff.

unlikely, because McCree and Ashe are basically railgun characters already.

I already love Symmetra but if they made her gun a railgun I’D DIE OF HAPPINESS.

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No, hit scan is different from a railgun.

It’s like comparing a rocket to an arrow.

They would hit differently.

Hitscan: Pull trigger, shot fires instantly and hits where reticle is pointed

Railgun: Pull trigger, shot charges then fires (IE: Mei’s Icecicle, but without the travel time, it would be hitscan once the charge fired off)

I don’t have the patience to explain to you the difference between a hitscan and a railgun.

So, I’ll just disagree, and move on with my life.

And no that’s not right either, but a good try.

Ok, your dead then…

Long range beam sniper


No charge up time, only a reload charge, which happens after the shot, not before it.

And it’s a high damage impact which often 1 shots people from full health without armor.

It’s been designed, tested, and proven, long before you were probably born.