Sym Golden Glove Megathread

Do you think she’ll get a highlight intro or victory pose showing off her gun at Archives?

I think they will, the devs like to ignore symm threads on purpose just so that symm mains think she is being ignored but they cant really do that!

Symm is their secret favorite OW child they are just too embarassed to admit it.
Jeff kaplan is secretly a symm main.

He did say one of the Devs has 700 hours on her. That’s inspiring hope to be honest.


yeah. that dev might actually bring this thread up at work or somethin and jeff (or anyone else) would b like “actually yeah that sounds great”

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we can only live and hope.

Hey, lurking Devs. Who do I have to Teleport to get a golden glove?

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Not going to let this die

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I roll my eyes so hard at golden weapons now. Like, why tf is Bob golden?

you are the true MVP

Not going to lie but it’s always bothered me that her hand wasn’t part of the golden weapon thing, it just seems like it should be for the fact of it’s use in making turrets.


Hi Jeff/Geoff/Michael

Can we discuss this, please?
As a Sym main I feel so left out. I have nothing to show for my gold.

Although to be honest the “Bastion isn’t being forgotten he’s being ignored” thread has 18,500 posts and Blizzard never deemed it worthy of a response so what hope do I have about a Symmetra golden glove?

Me: Can Symmetra get a golden glove?
Devs: :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

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Sym main here, pls give her the golden arm <3


Everyone else goes full golden and symm can’t even get a glove.


I will ask for a golden glove until i’m blue in the face, like her Devi skin.

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Reporting for duty in demanding the golden Symmetra glove. It’s about time, let’s get on it, Blizzard! :clap:


I dont even really like sym but I do think the devs should give her more golden stuff. Not just a glove - at very least her turrets and tele should be gold as well.

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Her glove is even more used than her gun in her kit.

Turrets, tp, wall they all get created from it.

Also I want to slap people with a golden glove, give the queen what she deserves.


I’m inspired by all your comments, comrades. Maybe we’ll hear from the Devs… one day.

The thing that really gets me is the sheer number of people who say they don’t even play Symmetra yet they support this. Must be pretty obvious how little gold she has compared to anyone else.