Sym and sombra rights (+ genji changes)

I somewhat agree that she needs consistent damage from her beam but I feel like the charging is kind of signature to Sym’s kit. If I’m not wrong, she’s the only one who has a primary fire who can actually ramp up in damage.

That being said yes, we should definitely focus on a more consistent dmg since she is a DPS.

I am literally all for this change if Blizzard is willing to implement it since it also expands the skill cap for her drastically. The thing is I feel that 2 seconds of cooldown would be a bit too short (?). 3 seconds I think would be perfect.

I’m guessing its due to the beams belonging to different characters in different roles? Honestly I’d be freaked out to see a Sym tickling me out from like 16m especially if she was at a high charge, maybe the higher charge, the less her range gets?

Her turrets also need some fix yeah. Damage is fine but they need something to make them unique to Sym since they literally mini-beam ppl. A reduced cooldown or extra beamboi will literally make me cry with joy.

Hanzo standard highlight is he holding a Scatter Arrow, and it didn’t prevented the devs removing it from the game.

Said that, if they want to retain the charge up as an nod to her older kits, they could also vastly reduce the gap between stages. The difference between 60 DPS and 180 DPS is blatantly huge. They could even make it something like 120-150-180 or even lower the max output if it ends up being too oppressive alongside a higher minimum damage, like, eg, 120-140-160.

Point being, she needs more consistent damage output.

It’s the same cooldown when Sombra manually recalls her Translocator.

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This is honestly better than increasing her damage since it does increase her overall damage output and utility without having to buff damage. :smile:

Despite not liking this change to her at first I think I find it quite fitting, it kind of balances a powerful ultimate, providing it with some sort of countermeasure. That being said I think she shouldn’t have to literally linger in the air for so long, the casting time should be decreased.

That record holder is still Bastion Ironclad. IIRC, it was nerfed within the same week. Except for console players, they had to grind through immortal Bastion for a month.

Within reason, nonetheless. Bastion Ironclad was absurdly broken when they added it to the game.


Ugh. But I think Symmetra was, what, two weeks? It wasn’t more than that, I’m pretty sure. Also, Ironclad Bastion, ugh. He would have probably been topping boards if he’d been allowed to live, because bunker builds would basically be unstoppable right now. Imagine that with Baptiste added in.

Now, we gotta do something with Bastion, but that’ll never happen. Personally, I think leaning hard on his transformation gimmick and making him a versatile DPS who transforms fluidly throughout a match is a good idea. Think how Transformers: Fall of Cybertron played and put that into Bastion.

it was a painful time

We have seen a lot of proposals to rework Bastion into a more fluid character instead of focusing him into staying on Sentry mode as long as possible. I personally like the one that make his tank form (properly nerfed down) a second at-will swap mode, and change his ultimate to a “Overclock mode” that boosts all his three base forms in different ways.

But let’s keep that discussion to the main Bastion thread.

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Unfortunately. The dev team is quite biased from what I can see, especially towards the ‘higher-skill’ heroes