Regardless of the morality of smurfing, the point is that losing matches as a GM smurf in bronze is something completely unthinkable for mains of other heroes. Specially as a dps hero.
Its about time that the ‘‘Sym is a pubstomper’’ myth dies because nothing has ever pointed to that being true other that the assumption that ‘‘sentries autoaim = free win’’ that some people who havent played in silver or bronze make.
Sym has no agency over her own impact, she has no on demand burst, she has no survivability and her mistakes are extremely easy to punish. She is a team dependant taxibot that requires massive team pocketing and coordination to perform basic dps jobs.
Any perceived strength Symmetra has is exclusive to pro-play and completely untranslatable to the 99.8% of the playerbase where people wont pocket you and wont follow you for TP strat cheese.
She is not a pubstomper, and at this point its kind of a joke statement made by weirdos who think that since such Skillful Players™ such as themselves died to sentries a couple of times, bronze must be Symmetraland where she rules unopposed with an army of those 50m range 100000 hp and 6666666666 dps sentries.
I tihnk even this Necros guy lost a few matches inbetween plat and diamond so its not to far fetched even others can lose here or there some matches … this is just no excuse to do these runs in all honesty.
Symm might or might not have issues, i think people are overexegerating about her tbh. She is good as a Defence hero, especially on certain map tiles, but lacks to be useful on others and have sometimes issues at Attack when hitscans are a) anyway stronger then most other type of DPS heroes and b) she needs her team to take her utility and make use of it. I dont see an issue with being niche, much rather would i have liked to see her being a support. Just a honest opinion shrugs
Nope. At least I can’t. There might be an actual programmer who can, but I find that seperate object (buildings) don’t obey the rules the current Workshop can do.
She’s a good hero in term of design. I wouldn’t change her kit.
And instead of 175 hp and 50 armor you can just go with 100 hp+100 armor to make her a better anti diver but the same against stuff that should counter her.
What I would do to balance her is just power shifting her away from healing to armor. Armor is her thing and what made her different from other support who can also aoe heal.
healing to team members decreased to 14 per second down from 15
Repair pack now gives 70 healing + 25 temporary armor instead of 110 healing.
Shield bash now triggers inspire
That way you keep her viable and unique but she’s not as oppressive.
Up close she would still be able to stand well to divers but not as much against more bursty heroes she should be weak to anyways.
Overall the hero is more fine than most people think.
His 2 main problems are mobility and synergy.
If you bring Orisa back you take care of his synergy.
As for mobility. Reduce his casting time by half.
1 second just to get into turret and 0.5 seconds to get into recon it’s way too much.
Most dps and tanks would be able to deal around ~80 damage by that time of configuration.
Reducing the configurations to 0.5 seconds into turret and 0.25 into recon sounds fair to me…
Also give it the passive while transforming- its big body and the fact it can’t move or shoot during that transformation is already enough punishment… No need to get all the free damage and ult charge in configuration.
Its impossible for a hero whose intended range is also her suicide range to be anything near defensive. She flat out cant survive any engagement done on her by any half decent DPS (Or just any reaper lmao).
She was a strong Defense hero years ago, prerework. When she had higher HP, a personal shield, higher sentry coverage, the ability to boost her team’s point presence and an anti-mobility lock-on beam. Right now, she has zero agency over her own performance as a DPS because she has neither range, burst or survivability. Or above average damage, for that matter.
As long as generalists that excel at every map exist, ‘’‘’‘niche’‘’‘’ is just codeword for weak.
And even within her niche, she isnt allowed to be strong, either.
If being Niche was applied to other heroes as it is done with Symmetra, the entire player base will call for immediate buffs.
Widowmaker now requires 5 seconds between Maximum charge shots. She is now Niche to maps with long sight lines. Will her pick rate and winrate plummet? I am willing to wager a confident yes.