Sylvia, Fanmade Hero


So what would you suggest as a new aim-intensive hero?

There was supposed to be showcases of hero concepts on here done by PyroPanda, but I think he has been too busy to work on it.

Edit: Wish I got this much feedback and attention for my concepts.

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Tank that protects allies with barriers he has to shoot moving at rapid speed like symmetras but smaller faster and extremely low cool down meaning to protect allies effectively he has to have great aim and timing and prediction

Whoa thanks. I want to work making games. Iā€™m already doing one to practice. Canā€™t wait to graduate!!

I would prefer to see a defense hero, we havenā€™t gotten any love toward defense, upvote this reply so Jeff can see. But overall this fanmade hero is pretty cool, iā€™ll give you that, nice job

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I think the new hero has potential. Are you going to make a 2d design/3d model of her?

Because if you donā€™t, imma go ahead and make my own rendition :smile:

Iā€™ve fastly seen the hero and i could say nice job.

Anyway, iā€™m a supporter that we need NATURE/AMBIENTALIST hero. Mei is not enough, she isnā€™t so ā€œnatureā€.
Letā€™s see this hero and Tara: they are very ā€œnatureā€ hero, we need more of them

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Very nicely done. Good details on the abilities, and this game could certainly use someone with a green thumb.

On that note, howā€™s about you give a few of my concepts a look?




Hahaha. Psych is just like the new hero Iā€™m making!!!

Lots of detail! Not sure about the Hemlock Dart though; it sounds like it just turns the shot into a powerful Ana dart. Vines could be nice for low-mobility Heroes. Healing Plant just seems to be a bit weak, due to low health AND a tight radius. Hemlock Crossbow does seem a little weak as well. As for the Ancient Oak, that is a REALLY long time to have where the enemy can still get out of the area or behind a barrier and not a powerful heal/protect. Toxins does seem fairly decent though for sustain and for locking down healers partially.

Overall, seems to be a bit of a weak Ana except for the Vines and Ancient Oak (even then, it isnā€™t that powerful). Vines and Toxin seem handy though.

And also, HOW THE HECK DID YOU GET THIS MUCH ATTENTION?!?! As a long-time reader and occasional poser of Hero concepts (and founder of the Hero Concept Lab), it is VERY rare to get this much attention.

Fantastic presentation! She sounds pretty fun!

Iā€™m kind of hoping the next character we get isnā€™t another support character since we have so many, but I really like the DOT poison effects and the vines that grow on walls. She could add a lot of utility to the team.

Np dear :stuck_out_tongue: I have another concept on the works

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Talk about coincidences.

By the way, I had to move the topic because the old one got edit-locked.

Mind giving it a post?