Swapping hero roles?

I’m wondering how i can swap a hero into a different category. I’m currently trying to see what problems would lie if you were to put bastion into the tank role, and what would have to be modified in order for him to be a bunker esque tank.

You can’t switch their position in the hero select, but you could probably make a Workshop script that acts like the “2 heroes of each role” limit, but considers Bastion to be a tank.

That may be subjective. Which means you should try to balance it yourself!

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saw this thought eh why not, hour later. Code is 636CM (does have a Workshop.codes link but cant post it due to rules)

a workshop tool that can not only change a heros role (outside the hero select pool cant change that). but also create new roles!

doesn’t support passives but support passive is for everybody soon, i cant remember DPS passive half the time and tank other than health is just a knockback Resistance.

though i still will add them (i think DPS is a speed boost on kill…) but i got to eat my food before it goes cold so i’ll do that later. if its done when you check it’ll be in the update log in the workshop.codes site for it.