Suspension for leaving a 2 vs 5 game

My first game S10 we had a leaver. Shortly after we got demolished on attack 2 others left leaving myself and a healer. Instead of wasting my time attempting to play an unwinable match i proceeded to leave as well. Come to find out i received a penalty/suspension and volitile SR loss for leaving a 2 vs. 5 game. I find this to be outrageous! Blizzard needs to model call of duty and not punish losing teams that had leavers. It is completly unfair.


Same thing just happened to my wife. Weirdly it showed that she was suspended in Unranked even though it was a Competitive game. This locked her out well after waiting the 2 minutes. SR hit, suspended from unranked and ranked, Blizzard y’all messed up on this one.

Pro Tip: I guess you are never allowed to leave a match in S10

Can you just make a Majority Vote Forfeit option already…


The developer update said you’d get a 15 minute penalty for leaving the first game. I dc’d from my first game and got a 20 hour suspension which is supposedly supposed to be for leaving 4. They made me want to return to the game and now I just want to delete this trash game and never play again.


Was that after the timer went up?

Same thing happened to me

Just happened to me. Left a competitive match after the timer and was suspended from Quick Play for 20 minutes. Could not queue up for another competitive match.

Season 10 off to a great start!

Red warning label wasnt even on the screen. It was well after the player left. We played the entire attack round 4vs5 and i left when we were down to 2 when defense started

Then I think it is a bug tbh. Should not be happening but everything is always wonky and full of bugs when a new season starts. I would personally refrain from Comp until it is fixed. A new season has never started without some issues.

There is always something every single time. It is atrocious at this point. I am sorry this has happened to you guys.

Same thing happened. Had a leaver and after waiting the for the penalty period to end, i left. I got suspended. WTF? why would i be suspended after leaving when the penalty timer ran out?

Why do they have to? They are doing what they want because we eat it up and say Please sir can I have some more.

And people clown me when I don’t leave…

Folks, never leave a game. I even believe it affects other things but… that might be conspiracy thoughts.