Suspended in 2-2-2 because of the HUGE SR difference!

My account was suspended in 2-2-2 QP because Blizzard thinks it’s okay to put people together with SR’s that are 800-1100 SR apart. This was not the case before 2-2-2. I find these bot suspensions and SR gaps unfair.

I will get lower rated supports, tanks, or DPS that try to give me advice. When I ask them to heal instead of DPSing, they REPORT me. If I tell them, “Hey, can you heal me?” they REPORT me! If I ask tanks to make space, they REPORT me!

Since when is asking for proper role play or healing abusive chat?
If blizzard would just put people together with similar SR’s, this would happen much less. I find it’s the lower ranked players that get butt hurt, because the ones closer to my rank; I really don’t have to say anything.


I’m not sure of the sr difference in my games but a lot of my supports are complete noobs and don’t know how to heal or counter at all. Clearly misplaced way too high above their actual ranks.

And blizzard has a really trash report system basing it on quantity over accuracy is so unbelievably bad it never punishes people I report who go afk or feeding even though they obviously deserve it.


Your only hope is to submit a support ticket and when enough tickets have been filed by many different players with the same problem they may kick the team in the butt to fix these issues.

So it’s them not you right?


Did you say anything nasty when asking for heals or space? Even though there is a profanity filter you can still get reported for it.

I’m sure you ask them very nicely :neutral_face:


You can’t get suspended for abusive chat unless you do it a lot. You’re not going to get reported just for asking for heals.


I believe the reporting system is being abused. I used to buy loot boxes, toys, merchandise and support Blizzard. I will no longer give them a dime or support them in anything extra besides the price of the game itself, until they fix the reporting system. I was going to buy Classic WOW, but I will give my money to the COD franchise. The report system is a bot and not human, so there is no way to keep from abusing it presently.

No, I never cursed at them. The worst I’ve said is,“Wow! Come on guys!” “You know I was half health for 15 seconds, I guess I will farm health packets.” This is the absolute worst I’ve said, and it’s not something I say all the time.

I use my mic every game to call out enemy positions or combo ults, so I am on chat often. I play for hours and hours a day.

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Okay. I’ve witnessed a lot of others who do, or say things that should get them reported, but then come to the forums and whine when they are actually banned. It makes me default to suspicion when someone complains about the system for this kind of report. Some people were falsely reported, so I try not to jump to conclusions.

If you were falsely reported, then you need to go to Blizzard’s customer support. Usually more than once based on what I’ve heard from people who were legitimately given an unwarranted ban.

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dunno if new role que is to blame but i think it’s backfiring…

i think they used the old SR system with the 2-2-2 que and it’s doing all kinds of crazy shenanigans

made a topic earlier about the team being clearly so unbalanced it wasn’t even funny…

Was 2-2-2 realy needed? hell no… like i said, you just had to ask and weird comps where just fun to do from time to time (not our fault blizzard can’t balance their heroes… or create a decent synergy… just look at bastion bunker comp… never got fixed… sure bastion has a low pick rate but it’s still a damn anoying piece of trash to take out (especialy with 2-2-2)
did it brake the game? yup, in so many ways…

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I agree. I also didn’t start getting reported till 2-2-2 came out. 2-2-2 seems to be way more toxic. I once asked a Mercy for heals and she flat out said," FU!"

I’m getting constantly spammed with false reports for having a washed up border and playing the game, often tryharding and often just getting hard outclassed. The toxicity since 222 is way up.

My solution since last suspension was to make my account essentially ‘unbannable’ since they only whitelist high-profile streamers.

  1. Never join voice chat.
  2. Auto turn off text chat.

Its really disadvantageous and unfun, but 1. and 2. provide you with enough ‘plausible deniability’ against abusive chat. How could someone ever get reported for abusive chat if they literally toggled off all chat?

Thats the basic litmus-test to see if the automated report system coding is even sound. Its literally grade school logic: if chat=off, abusive_chat_reports = ignored.

The next step is to get ranked in the bottom 500 where the standard for ‘throwing’ is the lowest anywhere on the ladder. Remember according to Jayne, bronze players are handicapped/disabled and according to the community the bottom1% in this game are worse than bugged-out afk bots.

In the EULA it says 1-tricking, refusing to switch, and just playing poorly are unreportable and I take that strictly. I no longer report anyone for anything unless its to flag as a potential cheater or the odd tryhard smurfstack of griefers/spawncampers.

Duo qued with a friend, both of us were Diamond rank Supports. Our Dps were Silver and Gold. Tanks were platinum…… The biggest SR difference was minimally 1500SR, could have been more.

Wow, and I’ve moaned about getting Golds and Master players together in low Diamond.

That being said, it takes a lot of reports top get banned. Some soul searching might be in order before crying foul…


Exactly HOW are you asking ‘can you heal me?’

Anything you say is abusive. You hurt my feelings by saying I didn’t so my job.

Unfortunately the game attracts 12 year olds who don’t know what’s toxic and non toxic. Be like me a leave voice chat. If someone flames you, leave text chat and play.

Something is definitely missing.


I played ranked with master players, and im plat pleb… it was possible before in ranked so it could be in qp too, i dont cheak stats there.

Since anyone who plays seriously knows “Don’t chat ever!!”