They really need to fix the AFK timer for Backfills. 2nd game today that I get kicked in a Backfill before I can even leave the spawn room. I never leave games except for the two today where I got kicked by the AFK timer for not being able to run out of the spawn room in less than 5 seconds. I’m getting kicked within seconds of the game even loading in.
The default developer afk timer was reasonable. then some parasitic dev made it unrealistic. plus you can spawn camp players into being ejected by the afk timer. mindless miscalculations equivalent to internal sabotage.
Just instalock Reinhardt and shoulder check out of spawn. I have never been kicked using this method.
Rein charge meta in action
My tactic has always been to pick one of my 2 comfort heroes from the role and just move. You can swap after your first death anyway if your choise didn’t work.
You get enough time to tab and look at both teamcomps, pick a character and start moving. Unless you’re afk or minimized your game to do something else.
That is a way…but really hard on spawn like New Queen Street
80% of the time if i get backfill on this map and i come back to my PC > i get kicked last second cause on my way are 3 damn corners
whoever design this path…why?
only way is to pick lucio or ball ugh
They need to add bouncy walls so that you can shoulder check out of spawn and each time you bounce you gain more speed, and then a jump pad once you are out so you can fly over the wall. That should fix the problem.
that sounds fun! like a new game mode even maybe hm… for event perhaps?
ah forget what are new game modes even …new events are skins now
Since I usually have between 5 and 7 seconds, I just spam spacebar and W and hope that I make it to the door post before the timer hits zero and I get a kick.
Never had this issue but window is a bit tight for sure.
On mine, if I have the sound on it goes:
ATHENA: "Welcome to…
“You have been removed for inactivity.”
Backfill still has no notification which is an ongoing bug and quite annoying.
Give all team members permanent speed boost inside of spawn.
Wow this proved a theory I had for those who argued with me when I said spawn camping should be removed, They are the ones that do this.
No one ever counter my statement on how they want to auto win.
That actually would work.
Team 4 is incapable of making the game more fun and balanced, so they can only punish players they think are causing the issue, because of course it can never be the fact that the game is trash and people feel like insta quitting matches.
Where can I download that cheat / hack ?
It takes a long time to load you into a map then, since it should give you around a minute before you’re kicked for inactivity…
Unlucky, does your game load all maps slowly if it’s the first time you get them that day?
Because if so, it could be a hardware or software issue on your system.
If only backfills load this slowly, then i don’t know.
Might need to see if fixing of gamefile integrity helps, if your harddrive has enough space on it to run properly and other stuff like that.
No, my maps load up within 5 seconds, but by the time I actually can pick a hero, the timer is already down to 5 seconds.
That is really weird… i hope this is looked into.
Maybe make a thread about this in bug reports? Explain in detail. Especially if you sit at the computer the whole time without minimizing your game.