Suspended for an hour from comp because of glitch

the glitch refrenced in this post just really screwed me over.

OW devs release a stable game challenge (impossible) (gone wrong) (99,9% fail)

You don’t get an hour’s suspension on your first offense.


had my internet dc on a volskya match yesterday, whats your point?

Maybe you did have this crash people are talking about, but two disconnections isn’t enough to get an hour. You need to leave a lot of games to even get past the 15 minute suspensions…


you leave a particularly high amount of games to know that? i don’t leave games by choice

Feel free to show evidence of this.

Feel free to test it yourself. Two matches will get you a couple of 15 minute suspensions, at best.

Nope, it is on you to prove it not me.

It’s not wrong tho you’ll never immediately get an hour ban if it’s your first time disconnecting in a season

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Demands proof, rejects an irrefutable way to get it.


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It sucks this happened to you, but it’s irrational to expect a video game to run 200% perfect every time, even if it involves you getting screwed over. It’s highly unlikely there’s an online game out that hasn’t glitched for someone at the worst moment. Being upset about it is understandable, expecting it to never happen isn’t.

This bug was here before the patch was released…

The hell is your point?
I’ve experienced this weeks back.


To confirm, did you encounter the crash that is being tracked in that topic sometime today? To be specific the behavior of the crash is the game client closes without any warning and no error messages but can be instantly reloaded.

Thanks for any input on this as I am tracking the frequency of this error to see if the problem is resolving.

yes i encountered that specific type of crash on 3/31/2021 at around 9 or 8 pm, it happened shortly after i joined team chat and has only happened while i was in group chat or team chat if that helps, may just be a coincidence though

Again, it isn’t on me to prove anything it is on you. I’m not risking my account cause you are lazy.

No game is completely stable right now lol. Even other giants like League of Legends, Fortnite, Valorant, Apex, etc. all have their fair share of crashes. Games are too complex right now to be 100% stable.

To get suspended for an hour you have to leave multiple games in a season anyway.

I started playing this season only 3 days ago so it has to be Counting the times my laptop overheated or my internet went out last season. Either way the hour is not the important part of the post, like I don’t care about the hour that is already over. I care about the fact I’m scared of playing comp because this keeps happening

A necessary evil because some people a creamy poo butter and drag everyone all down